Disclosure log 2014-15
The Department of Health is required to maintain a disclosure log in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009. Should you have any difficulty with downloading documents on this page or have any queries regarding the disclosure log, please contact us.
1 July 2014–30 June 2015
DOHDL number | Date of application | Scope of application | Name of applicant | Outcome of application |
DOH-DL 14/15-001 | 03/07/2014 | Documents relating to: (1) Water Fluoridation Revised scope: Emails and documents (other than internal emails and quarterly reports) for the period 3 April 2014 to 2 July 2014, with the exception of the documents listed below to be considered for the period 18 April 2013 to 2 July 2014:
| Fluoride Action Network Australia Inc. | 337 pages – full release |
DOH-DL 14/15-002 | 04/07/2014 | The total number of times and dates where hospitals have been escalated to a “level 3” consistent with Local Ambulance Service Network Escalation. This includes specific times and dates where this occurs in every hospital in the following Local Ambulance Service Network: Gold Coast, Metro South, Metro North and Sunshine Coast. Date range: 1 January 2014 – 30 June 2014. | 5 page - full release DOH-DL 14/15-002 | |
DOH-DL 14/15-003 | 04/07/2014 | The number of assaults on members of the Queensland Ambulance Service. | United Voice Queensland | 1 page - full release DOH-DL 14/15-003 |
DOH-DL 14/15-004 | 14/07/2014 | Documents produced since July 2008 (i.e. in the last 5 years) that are studies or reports, policy discussions, consultation reports or documents representing consultation processes, data analyses, ministerial briefs or guidelines relating to: 1. The identified problem of the poor physical health of people with mental illness. 2. The adverse effects of psychiatric medications, including antipsychotics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines and mood stabilisers, on the physical health of people with mental health illness (e.g. obesity, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia etc.) 3. The monitoring and/or treatment by doctors or health services of the physical health of people with mental illness including the physical adverse effects of psychiatric medications (e.g. through measurement of blood glucose/lipids/cholesterol, blood pressure, weight and waist circumference, electrocardiogram, etc.);
4. Any reconsideration of the risk-benefit ratio of antipsychotics or concerns about prescribing rates of antipsychotics due to their particular serious physical side effects. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-005 | 18/07/2014 | 1. For each Queensland public hospital with maternity ward, please supply all SAC1 reports lodged for maternity wards in the 2013 calendar year. 2. For each Queensland public hospital with maternity ward, please supply all SAC2 reports lodged for maternity wards in the 2013 calendar year. I ask for the reports, however, as recorded on the Queensland Health clinical incidents reporting information system (PRIME C1) database. | Nine Network | 29 pages - partial release DOH-DL 14/15-005 |
DOH-DL 14/15-006 | 28/07/2014 | All documents relating to:
| Queensland Nurses Union | 262 pages - full release |
DOH-DL 14/15-007 | 23/07/2014 | Any documents relating to ambulance callouts to police stations since January 1, 2012. Please only include executive summaries of any reports captured. I would expect the date, location, reasons for the call-out and the outcome of the call-out would be included. If CCTV is captured, please remove exempt material – i.e. pixelate and obscure faces and numberplates. Revised scope: Documents relating to ambulance callouts for assault related injuries at Wacol Prisons from 1 July 2013 - 16 October 2014. | Seven Network | 9 pages - full release 9 pages - partial release DOH-DL 14/15-007 |
DOH-DL 14/15-008 | 12/08/2014 | Any and all documents relating to allocation of contracts and sub-contracts to build the Sunshine Coast Public Hospital but not limited to communications between the Deparment of Health and:
Date range: 24 March 2014 – 12 August 2014. Revised Scope: Documents related to contracts to do work on the site of the Sunshine Coast Public Hospital (awarding in this context is undertaken by Lend Lease and not the Department). | CFMEU Construction and General Division, Queensland Northern Territory Divisional Branch | 110 pages - full release 23 pages - partial release DOH-DL 14/15-008 |
DOH-DL 14/15-009 | 12/08/2014 | Office of the Minister for Health
Date range: 24 March 2014 – 12 August 2014. | CFMEU Construction and General Division, Queensland Northern Territory Divisional Branch | 17 pages - full release 1 page - partial release DOH-DL 14/15-009 |
DOH-DL 14/15-010 | 21/07/2014 | All documents relating to analysis of the impact on the Queensland Health budget of the 2014-15 Federal Budget. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-011 | 04/08/2014 | Documents showing the number of cases or requests from Qld Police Service to John Tonge Centre awaiting analysis (i.e. backlog of scientific work for criminal investigations) as at present, and June 30 2014, June 30 2013, June 30 2012, respectively. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-012 | 12/08/2014 | Office of the Minister for Health Documents produced since 01/03/2012 containing all communications between the Minister and/or Ministerial office and the agency about the closure and/or proposed closure and the impact of any such closure of the Barrett Centre including documents subsequent to the closure. I am particularly interested in any information relating to warnings and/or forecasts and/or predictions about the possible impact on the health and/or safety of Barrett Centre clients from the closure and/or proposed closure of the Barrett Centre. Revised scope: All letters and emails sent by Queensland Health staff and other clinical staff to the Office of the Minister for Health regarding the closure and/or proposed closure of the Barrett Centre for Mental Health. | ABC Network | 52 pages - full release (Irrelevant information such as work telephone numbers and personal information has been removed). DOH-DL 14/15-012 |
DOH-DL 14/15-013 | 25/08/2014 | Documents held by the Queensland Ambulance Service regarding the following:
| Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-014 | 26/08/2014 | The number of shifts that were unable to be filled for any reason in the following Local Ambulance Service Networks – Gold Coast, Metro North, Metro South, Sunshine Coast and Ipswich in each of the following months – January 2014, February 2014, March 2014, April 2014, May 2014, June 2014, July 2014, August 2014. Date range: January – August 2014. | United Voice Queensland | 87 pages - full release |
DOH-DL 14/15-015 | 03/09/2014 | Briefing Notes, Terms of Reference, Governance, members of the Taskforce and/or Council, agenda, minutes and letters, regarding:
Date range: 1 July 2012 – 3 September 2014. Revised Scope: Documents regarding: Type of documents: | Office of the Leader of the Opposition | 180 pages - full release |
DOH-DL 14/15-016 | 03/09/2014 | Briefing notes, letters, emails, contracts, sales documents and valuations, regarding the sale and/or potential sale of any land associated with and/or used by the Brisbane Dental Hospital. Date range: 1 July 2012 – 2 September 2014. | Office of the Leader of the Opposition | 380 pages - full release |
DOH-DL 14/15-017 | 10/09/2014 | (1) All documents relating to the development and costings of the television and other related media campaigns, including but not limited to online and newspaper advertisements, regarding the changes to award conditions for Queensland Health staff, in particular but not limited to nurses; (2) All documents relating to the development and costings of correspondence and emails sent to Nurses and Midwives directly regarding the changes to award conditions for Queensland Health staff; (3) All documents relating to the planning and scheduling of the television and other related media campaigns, including but not limited to online and newspaper advertisements. Date range: 1 January 2014 – 10 September 2014. | Queensland Nurses Union | 255 pages - full release 8 pages - partial release DOH-DL 14/15-017 |
DOH-DL 14/15-018 | 10/09/2014 | Office of the Minister for Health (1) All documents relating to the development and costings of the television and other related media campaigns, including but not limited to online and newspaper advertisements, regarding the changes to award conditions for Queensland Health staff, in particular but not limited to nurses; (2) All documents relating to the development and costings of correspondence and emails sent to Nurses and Midwives directly regarding the changes to award conditions for Queensland Health staff; (3) All documents relating to the planning and scheduling of the television and other related media campaigns, including but not limited to online and newspaper advertisements. Date range: 1 January 2014 – 10 September 2014. | Queensland Nurses Union | 7 pages - full release |
DOH-DL 14/15-019 | 19/09/2014 | Information produced in the past 12 months about the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital:
Date range: September 2013 - September 2014. Revised scope: Within the period 19 September 2013 – 19 September 2014 with regards to the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, the following documents:
| ABC Network | 54 pages - full release |
DOH-DL 14/15-020 | 24/09/2014 | Number of pregnancy terminations that were conducted involving a foetus with a gestation period of 20 or more weeks. Date range: 1 January 2013 – 31 December 2013. | NSW Government Official | 2 pages - partial release DOH-DL 14/15-020 |
DOH-DL 14/15-021 | 10/10/2014 | Code 1 and Code 2a, 50th and 90th response percentiles per month from September 2013 to September 2014 (inclusive) for each LASN. The annual response percentiles for Code 1 and 2a from 2009 to 2014 inclusive. | United Voice Queensland | 2 pages - full release DOH-DL 14/15-021 |
DOH-DL 14/15-022 | 21/10/2014 | All documents relating to the proposed Wynnum Health Precinct. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-023 | 21/10/2014 | Information produced in the last 12 months relating to asylum seekers being treated in public and/or private hospitals in Queensland, as follows:
Date range: 01/09/2013 - 01/10/2014. Revised scope: Information produced in the last 12 months relating to asylum seekers being treated in public and/or private hospitals in Queensland, as follows: Details of any legal discussion/advice on who is responsible in the first instance for care, whether a guardian should be appointed and who that guardian should be in relation to asylum seekers needing medical attention generally. Any correspondence between the Federal Government and or Immigration Minister Scott Morrison and Queensland Health and/or its employees and/or Health Minister Lawrence Springborg relating to the admission and health care of asylum seekers to Queensland hospitals and health care services. In particular, any advice/correspondence warning against public comment or making public any information in relation to asylum seeking treatment / health services in Queensland hospitals and or health care services. Date range: 01/09/2013 - 01/10/2014. | ABC Network | 84 pages - full release 2 pages - partial release DOH-DL 14/15-023 |
DOH-DL 14/15-024 | 10/10/2014 | Documents relating to written representation offers and submissions for the provision of prevocational medical accreditation services for the State of Queensland. Date range: 01/11/2013 - 31/07/2014. | Postgraduate Medical Education Council QLD (PMCQ) | 15 pages - full release 10 pages - partial release (Documentation relating to subcontractors or referee letters has been removed as out of scope) DOH-DL 14/15-024 |
DOH-DL 14/15-025 | 27/10/2014 | Any reports including investigation or incident reports, ministerial/executive briefings and attachments, and correspondence, such as letters and emails, relating to:
Date range: 01/01/2013 - 27/10/2014. Revised scope: Any reports including investigation or incident reports, ministerial/executive briefings and attachments, and correspondence, such as letters and emails, relating to:
Date range: 01/01/2013 - 27/10/2014. | Seven Network | 70 pages - full release 4 pages - partial release 20 pages - post application (irrelevant information such as mobile telephone numbers has been removed) DOH-DL 14/15-025 |
DOH-DL 14/15-026 | 30/10/2014 | Documents including briefings and attachments, reports, correspondence such as letters and emails and photos and CCTV involving:
Date range: 01/01/2006 - 30/10/2014. | Seven Network | No documents found. |
DOH-DL 14/15-027 | 03/11/2014 | Any incident and investigation reports, ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, photos and CCTV relating to the Ebola threat in Queensland, including outbreaks and prevention measures/strategies. Date range: 01/08/2014 - 03/11/2014. | Seven Network | 24 pages - full release 6 pages - partial release (Irrelevant information such as mobile telephone numbers has been removed) DOH-DL 14/15-027 |
DOH-DL 14/15-028 | 03/11/2014 | Office of the Minister for Health Any and all documents and correspondence regarding the proposed community health precinct in Wynnum. Date range: 01/03/2012 - 03/11/2014. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-029 | 25/09/2014 | Documents created or obtained by the Department regarding an incident that occurred on 5 September, 2014 at around 10pm on the Mitchell Highway near Charleville. The incident involved a vehicle coming off the road and its cargo subsequently exploded. Date range: 05/09/2014 - 25/09/2014. | Interested party | 26 pages - full release (Identifying information, telephone numbers, email addresses and duplicate information have been removed as irrelevant information) DOH-DL 14/15-029 |
DOH-DL 14/15-030 | 07/11/2014 | The review of the performance expectations set out under the National Emergency Access Targets (NEAT) in 2014-15, as agreed by members of the AHMAC CEOs in late 2013; the findings of the Queensland Clinical Senate in relation to a review of NEAT, and a subsequent paper prepared by Queensland in relation to NEAT for the AHMAC. | The Australian | 6 pages - full release (Irrelevant information has been removed from each page) DOH-DL 14/15-030 |
DOH-DL 14/15-031 | 31/10/2014 | Documents relating to Hansen's Disease in Queensland. | A researcher | 22 pages - full release DOH-DL 14/15-031 |
DOH-DL 14/15-032 | 15/12/2014 | Statistics relating to patients admitted to public hospitals in Queensland for drug overdoses. Information required:
Date range: 2012, 2013, 2014. Revised scope: Statistics relating to patients admitted to public hospitals in Queensland for illicit drug overdoses in 2012, 2013 and 2014. In addition to the number of illicit drug overdose patients, please provide a breakdown of the ages of patients, gender of patients, type of illicit drugs that led to the overdose (confirmed or suspected) and the hospitals at which they first presented). | The Courier-Mail | 6 pages - full release (the symbol '<5' has been used to indicate statistics for those hospitals with less than five cases) DOH-DL 14/15-032 |
DOH-DL 14/15-033 | 15/12/2014 | All QAS documents related to code 1 and 2 incidents in the Metro North and Metro South regions of Brisbane, between November 1 and November 30 2014, where the Queensland Ambulance Service did not meet the recommended response timeframes. Date range: 01/11/2014 - 30/11/2014. | The Courier-Mail | No documents found. |
DOH-DL 14/15-034 | 15/12/2014 | Office of the Minister for Health Documents (including papers, briefing notes, internal memos, submissions, reports, correspondence, emails) relating to the opening of the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital received by the Minister's Office, along with any correspondence between the Minister's Office and members of hospital management or the hospital board regarding its readiness to open, issues regarding the scheduled opening date or issues with completing works/milestones on time. Date range: 01/06/2014 - 15/12/2014. | The Courier-Mail | Nil documents. |
DOH-DL 14/15-035 | 15/12/2014 | Documents (including papers, briefing notes, internal memos, submissions, reports - including those to and from the hospital board, correspondence, emails) relating to the opening of the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital, including any reports/updates provided regarding its readiness to open, issues regarding the scheduled opening date or issues with completing works/milestones on time. Date range: 01/06/2014 -15/12/2014. | Application transferred. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-036 | 23/12/2014 | Procurement and engagement processes of Queensland Health for aeromedical and medical repatriation services particularly in respect of procurement and engagement of aeromedical and medical repatriation services provided by the Careflight Group (including entities). Date range: 01/01/2010 - 23/12/2014. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-037 | 23/12/2014 | The cost of (and amount paid for) services that have been purchased by Queensland Health from the Careflight Group (including entities) for any services or works, including aeromedical and medical repatriation services including in the context of the absence of any competition or competitive tendering processes in respect of procurement and engagement of aeromedical and medical repatriation services provided by the Careflight Group. Date range: 01/01/2010 - 23/12/2014. | Decision made. The processing charges were not paid within required timeframe. Documents available upon payment of the processing charges of $536.00. Please contact Privacy and Right to Information Unit on (07) 3234 1735 or email RTI-Privacy@health.qld.gov.au if you wish to access this document. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-038 | 23/12/2014 | Concurrent employment, secondment, engagement or contracting of the services of senior officers of Queensland Government Departments (including Queensland Health) with any of the entities in the Careflight Group. Date range: 01/01/2010 - 23/12/2014. Revised Scope: Concurrent employment, secondment, engagement or contracting of the services of senior officers or persons in senior management positions of Queensland Government Departments or entities (including Queensland Health and particularly within the Retrieval Services Queensland Unit) with any of the entities in the Careflight Group from which such senior officers have received any benefit (whether financial or otherwise); and without limiting the generality of the above, in particular: whether any person engaged in the role of Medical Director of Retrieval Services Queensland (or equivalent position) in the last 5 years has ever been concurrently employed, engaged or otherwise associated (for financial or other benefit) with any entities within the Careflight Group. Date range: 01/01/2010 - 23/12/2014. | Decision made. The processing charges were not paid within required timeframe. Documents available upon payment of the processing charges of $241.20. Please contact Privacy and Right to Information Unit on (07) 3234 1735 or email RTI-Privacy@health.qld.gov.au if you wish to access this document. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-039 | 23/12/2014 | Whether any person engaged in the role of Medical Director of Retrieval Services Queensland (or equivalent position) in the last five years has ever been employed, engaged or otherwise associated (for financial or other benefit) with any entities within the Careflight Group. Date range: 01/01/2010 - 23/12/2014. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-040 | 23/12/2014 | Whether any person engaged in the role of Medical Director of Queensland Ambulance Service (or equivalent position) in the last five years has ever been employed, engaged or otherwise associated (for financial or other benefit) with any entities within the Careflight Group. Date range: 01/01/2010 - 23/12/2014. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-041 | 23/12/2014 | Whether any person engaged in a senior management position within Queensland Health (and particularly within the Retrieval Services Queensland Unit) in the last five years has ever been employed, seconded, engaged or otherwise associated (for financial or other benefit) with any entities within the Careflight Group. Date range: 01/01/2010 - 23/12/2014. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-042 | 23/12/2014 | Email exchanges and/or discussions in the period from 17 to 19 September 2014 between representatives of Queensland Health and the Mater Private Hospital making reference to entities within the Careflight Group and/or in relation to tasking air ambulance services for interstate transfers. Date range: 17/09/2014 - 19/09/2014. Revised scope: Date range: 17/09/2013 - 19/09/2013. | Medical Rescue Holdings Pty Ltd | No documents found. |
DOH-DL 14/15-043 | 23/12/2014 | The leasing of the Bombardier Challenger 604 VH-URR twin engine jet aircraft from an entity within the Careflight Group (including entities) to the Queensland Government and any tendering or due diligence processes associated with assessing of and/or entering into the lease arrangements in respect of the Bombardier Challenger 604 VH-URR twin engine jet aircraft. | Deemed access decision. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-044 | 23/12/2014 | The $300 million from funding by the Queensland Government over the next 10 years to the Careflight Group (including entities) and, in particular, the due diligence, investigation and cost-benefit processes associated with and giving rise to the Queensland Government deciding to commit to that funding including in the context of there being no competition or competitive tendering processes in respect of procurement and engagement of aeromedical and medical repatriation services provided by the Careflight Group, this being contrary to current practices in such other Australian jurisdictions (such as NSW and Victoria, the governments of which in recent years conducted comprehensive reviews of practices in relation to procurement and engagement of aeromedical and medical repatriation services provided to government departments and entitites - and which resulted in the provision of such services to government entities being open to competition and competitive tendering). The subject matter includes any consideration, research and/or opinion and/or findings in respect of opening up the provision of aeromedical and medical repatriation services to government departments and entities (including Queensland Health) to competition and competitive tendering. Date range: 01/01/2012 - 23/12/2014. | Medical Rescue Holdings Pty Ltd | No documents found. |
DOH-DL 14/15-045 | 27/01/2015 | 1. Workforce profile for the Department of Health and all HHSs 2. Workforce profile for Nursing skill mix 3. Affected position spreadsheets or other documents that contain information outlining all roles / positions (full time, part time and casual) that have been or are to be affected the the restructure / redesign / re-establishment of the Department and HHSs and can often be found attached to a "Implementation Plans of the HHS, Business Case for Change, Activity Management Plans and/or Organisational Restructure" or other similar document. The document/s woudl include, but not be exclusive to, data about roles / positions that: 4. Voluntary Separation Packages - A quarterly breakdown of the total number of 'voluntary separation packages' from 1 January 2011 - 31 December 2014 for all categories of the workforce. | Queensland Nurses Union | 155 pages - full release (Personal particulars of employees such as their names and mobile telephone numbers have been removed as irrelevant information) DOH-DL 14/15-045 |
DOH-DL 14/15-046 | 21/01/2015 | All documents (including electronic documents) containing policies, protocols and procedures that were in effect as at November 2006 which related to the circumstances of and indications for the administration of anti-thrombotic medication in patients presenting with a stroke in public hospitals operated by Queensland Health. | Shine Lawyers on behalf of a member of the public | No documents found. |
DOH-DL 14/15-047 | 27/11/2014 | Documents concerning the following: 1. The total number of collisions involving Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) vehicles in: 2. The total number of paramedics injured during accidents involving QAS vehicles in: 3. For each of the accidents involving QAS vehicles where paramedics were injured in the 2013-14 financial year, please supply the incident report for each in the 2013-14 financial year, including date, location, description of damage, where the vehicle was under 'lights and sirens', and injuries (if any) to paramedics. | Nine Network | 43 pages - full access 85 pages - partial access DOH-DL 14/15-047 |
DOH-DL 14/15-048 | 02/02/2015 | Office of the Minister for Health All internal communication between members of the Newman Government Health Ministry and Assistant Ministry's department relating to the Ministry's relationship/ interaction / communication with the Queensland AIDS Council (previously known as the Queensland Association for Healthy Communities). In particular communication from: Date range: March 2012 - January 2015. | The Star Observer | No documents found. |
DOH-DL 14/15-049 | 12/02/2015 | Documents relating to the opening of the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital held by the department, including briefing papers, reports or correspondence re the hospital's readiness to open, issues regarding the scheduled opening date or issues with completing works / milestones on time. Date range: 1 June 2014 - 12 February 2015. | The Courier-Mail | 119 pages - full release |
DOH-DL 14/15-050 | 23/02/2015 | Documents relating to: (i) research and / or analysis of the effect of water fluoridation on dental health since December 1, 2008; | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-051 | 04/03/2015 | All correspondence including emails between the Queensland Health Minister's office, Queensland Health media and the Office of the Ambulance Commissioner (including his deputies and media officers) that relates to reporting of escalations at Queensland hospitals (ie: when delays are affecting the arrival and unloading of ambulances at hospital Emergency Departments). This includes any arrangements for or discussion about the reporting of ambulance ramping. All correspondence that describes the way escalations are to be reported - particularly on social media and especially on twitter. Date range: 10 February 2015 - 4 March 2015. | Queensland Parliamentary Opposition | 2 pages - full release (Information such as mobile telephone numbers, direct phone lines and direct email addresses has been removed) DOH-DL 14/15-051 |
DOH-DL 14/15-052 | 09/03/2015 | Number of pregnancy terminations that were conducted involving a foetus with a gestation period of 20 or more weeks. Date range: 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2014. | NSW Government Official | 2 pages - partial release DOH-DL 14/15-052 |
DOH-DL 14/15-053 | 09/03/2015 | Office of the Minister for Health All inward and outward email exchanges (and any attachments) between the Minister or staff employed within the Office and the Minister and staff within the Office of the Premier (including any volunteers or secondments). Date range: 1 March 2015 - 9 March 2015. | Office of the Leader of the Opposition | 160 pages - full release 2 pages - partial release (Irrelevant information such as cabinet material, incoming government briefs, mobile telephone numbers and direct lines and other personal information was excluded from the documents) DOH-DL 14/15-053 |
DOH-DL 14/15-054 | 01/04/2015 | Details of persons who have contracted the Q-Fever Virus as a result of working in the agricultural industry and/or with or around agricultural by products such as biological animal waste. All documents including but not limited to photographs, reports, file notes and letters anytime prior to 20 March 2015. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-055 | 27/03/2015 | Office of the Minister for Health All correspondence between the Minister and the Federal Health Minister since the election. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-056 | 15/05/2015 | All communications from January 2015 including, but not limited to, reports, surveys, advice, emails, analysis, and assessment prepared by Queensland Health in relation to the state government's decision in January 2015 to allow Mount Isa Mines to continue operating under special legislation, namely the Mount Isa Mines Limited Agreement Act 1985 (Qld), rather than complying with the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 1997 (Qld) by the end of 2016, as was previously the case. All communications from June 2011 - January 2012 including, but not limited to, reports, surveys, advice, emails, letters, documents, analysis, and assessment prepared by Queensland Health in relation to the state government's decision in December 2011 to require Mount Isa Mines to comply with the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 1997 (Qld) by the end of 2016. Any statistics, reports, letters, advice, analysis, and/or assessment on blood lead levels in Mount Isa children, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, for the period 2005-2015. Statistics, reports, letters, advice, analysis, and assessment of asthma rates in Mount Isa for the period 2005-2015, and any statistics regarding asthma rates for the same period in other parts of Queensland. Statistics, reports, letters, advice, analysis, and/or assessment on the rates of dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia in Mount Isa children for the period 2005-2015, and any statistics on the rates of dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia for the same period in other parts of Queensland. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-057 | 25/05/2015 | Tender documents that were provided to QAS by the winning supplier for supply of power assisted stretchers with loading and locking devices to the Queensland Ambulance Service. Date range: 25 June 2014 - 24 July 2014. | Lawyers on behalf of Ferno Australia | 101 pages - full release 83 pages - partial release DOH-DL 14/15-057 |
DOH-DL 14/15-058 | 27/05/2015 | Documents regarding any directive or request from then Minister for Health Lawrence Springborg to the Director-General or the bureaucracy, to discover which, and how many, employees were members of a union. Date range: April 2012 - February 2015. | ABC Network | No documents found. |
DOH-DL 14/15-059 | 01/06/2015 | The PRIME CI reports lodged in relation to the LCCH. Issues Register held by the Health Infrastructure Branch re LCCH. Date range: 20 November 2014 - 01 June 2015. | ABC Network | 9 pages - full release |
DOH-DL 14/15-060 | 01/06/2015 | Any information including documents, reports, emails, briefing notes relating to safety audits conducted at the LCCH prior to its opening, including those by external sources. Date range: 29 November 2014 - 01 June 2015. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-061 | 18/05/2015 | The total costs of legal services provided by law firm Minter Ellison on behalf of Queensland Health (including all Hospital and Health Services) pertaining to employee related industrial relation matters only (not patient/client related services) for the financial year 2013-2014. Also the cost of monies paid to Queensland Health employees who have taken successful legal action against Queensland Health for the financial year 2013-2014. This would include both court ordered rulings in favour of employees and confidential settlements agreed to prior to civil action being finalised. Date range: 01 July 2013 - 30 June 2014. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-062 | 04/06/2015 | Documents containing information about the Royal Flying Doctor Service: (a) Any audit and/or other report or advice in relation to any internal fraud issues and/or problems and/or failures at the RFDS produced by, or provided to, the RFDS in the last 10 years. Date range: 01 January 2007 - 31 March 2012. | ABC Network | No documents found. |
DOH-DL 14/15-063 | 15/06/2015 | Request for Queensland Ambulance Service information as follows:
Date range: 01 January 2014 - 15 June 2015. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-064 | 15/06/2015 | Documents, containing information, produced in the last 20 years in relation to the Buranda Car Park and deaths and attempted suicides of patients at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. Specifically, information about: (a) Incidences of (i) suicide and (ii) attempted suicide each year and details of any such incident at the Buranda car park. Including information about the (iii) mental state and/or stability and (iv) the suspected mental state and/or stability of individuals involved in those incidences. (b) Recommendations in relation to improved safety and/or other measures to stop and/or decrease incidences of attempted suicide or actual suicide including any warnings that failure to act could lead to possible or actual loss of life. (c) Details, including all communications, about why any such recommendations have or have not been implemented. (d) Communications with any external parties in relation to measures to stop and/or decrease incidences of attempted suicide or actual suicide. (e) Any budgetary or other constraints that have stopped and/or hindered the implementation of safety measures. Date range: 01 January 1995 - 08 June 2015. | Application withdrawn. | |
DOH-DL 14/15-065 | 08/06/2015 | The submissions, written or otherwise, lodged as part of the current review into the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital to examine the building and operational commissioning processes carried out in late 2014 from:
NB: This relates to the current review underway. | ABC Network | No documents found. |
DOH-DL 14/15-066 | 26/06/2015 | QHealth spending on temporary agency services for the duration of this contact, being for Provision of Agency Nursing Services:
Date range: 01 January 2014 - 25 June 2015. | Recruitment Agency | No documents found. |