Disclosure log 2013-14

1 July 2013-30 June 2014

The Department of Health is required to maintain a disclosure log in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009. Should you have any difficulty with downloading documents on this page or have any queries regarding the disclosure log, please contact us.

DOHDL number

Date of application

Scope of application Name of applicant Outcome of application
DOH-DL 13/14-001 05/07/2013

Figures on the number of students treated by the Queensland Health School Dental Program for the last 5 years including treatments given (broken down by state and regions).

Revised scope:Note:  Relevant data available for three years only (from 2010/11 financial year on).

Date range:  2008 - 2013.

Apex Dental Laboratory 7 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-001
DOH-DL 13/14-002 05/07/2013

Documents about any sale or disposal of government-owned buildings and/or land without tender and any advice, analysis or other information about the need, requirement or desirability of using a tender process for such sale or disposal.

Date range:  June 2012 - June 2013.

Revised scope:Briefing notes about any sale or disposal of government-owned buildings and/or land without tender and any advice, analysis or other information about the need, requirement or desirability of using a tender process for such sale or disposal.

Date range:  June 2012 - June 2013.

Seven Network 11 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-002
DOH-DL 13/14-003 05/08/2013

Figures relating to the total cost of accommodating long-stay patients with disabilities in Queensland Hospital and Health Service (HHS) facilities for the 2012/13, 2011/12, 2010/11 financial years.

Data should include:
- How many long term patients are in HHS facilities (by facility and HHS);
- the cost for each unit (brain injury, spinal, etc).

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-004 31/07/2013 Details of allegations relating to items lost, stolen, vandalised or otherwise damaged at Queensland Health since 1 January 2011. The Courier-Mail Documents not collected.
Information published on the Queensland Health internet site (Transparency page).
DOH-DL 13/14-005 06/08/2013

Documents about BreastScreen Queensland and restructures from January 2012 to August 2013, including:

1. Correspondence about the details surrounding the resignation of BreastScreen boss Jennifer Muller;
2. Correspondence about how the restructure is now working, the matters raised by the hospital boards in relation to breast screening and BreastScreen;
3. Details about the number of screens undertaken in the 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 financial years; and
4. Correspondence about breast screening which refers to either Scott Thompson, The Sunday Mail and/or Renee Viellaris.

The Courier-Mail

80 pages - full release
1 page - partial release
(mobile telephone numbers removed as irrelevant information)
DOH-DL 13/14-005

DOH-DL 13/14-006 20/08/2013

Office of the Minister for Health

All documents, including emails, briefing notes, hot issues briefs and submissions, but excluding media reports, about BreastScreen Queensland and restructures from January 2012 to August 2013, including but not limited to:

1. Correspondence about the details surrounding the resignation of BreastScreen boss Jennifer Muller;
2. Correspondence about how the restructure is now working, the matters raised by the hospital boards in relation to breast screening and BreastScreen;
3. Details about the number of screens undertaken in the 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 financial years; and
4. Correspondence about breast screening which also refers to either Scott Thompson, The Sunday Mail and/or Renee Viellaris.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-007 16/08/2013

Data in respect of each public hospital in Queensland for the most recent financial year available (eg 2012-2013):

1. % patient falls requiring intervention
2. % patients developing pressure injuries whilst in hospital
3. % unplanned readmission to hospital within 28 days
4. % unplanned return to theatre
5. % medication safety errors
6. Hospital Standarised Mortality Ratio.

Revised scope:
Data in respect of each public hospital in Queensland for the most recent financial year available (eg 2012-2013):

1. % patient falls requiring intervention
2. % patients developing pressure injuries whilst in hospital
3. % unplanned readmission to hospital within 28 days
4. % unplanned return to theatre
5. Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio.

HospitalMate 49 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-007
DOH-DL 13/14-008 11/09/2013 Documents since December 1, 2012, including reports, memos, audits, reviews, executive summaries, ministerial briefing notes and emails, relating to healthcare on Palm Island, primarily those provided by the Joyce Palmer Hospital.  Please include all documents between the Joyce Palmer Clinic, the Townsville Hospital and Health Service, Queensland Health and the Minister for Health.   Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-009 16/09/2013

All briefing notes that have been provided to the Office of the Minister between 26 August 2013 and 16 September 2013.

Revised scope:Scope narrowed to exclude:

  • Briefs that would have parliamentary privilege
  • Legislation based briefs
  • Information already in the public domain
  • Patient identifiable information
  • Overseas travel documents
  • Health Minister speaking notes/events
  • Appointments of staff to tribunal or fellowship roles
  • All attachments
  • Staff work mobile telephone numbers and direct phone lines.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition 63 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-009
DOH-DL 13/14-010 01/10/2013

A list of all land and property sold by Queensland Health and its subsidiary agencies in the 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 financial years, including sale price, land size and location.

A list of land scheduled to be sold by Queensland Health and its subsidiary agencies in the 2013-14 financial year, including land size and location.  If sold already this financial year, please include price.

Nine Network 2 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-010
DOH-DL 13/14-011 08/10/2013

Radiology tender responses and contracts awarded in 2010 for Logan, Redland and Redcliffe Hospitals.

Radiology SA 425 pages - full release
133 pages - partial release
DOH-DL 13/14-011
DOH-DL 13/14-011-001
DOH-DL 13/14-012 05/11/2013

All documents (letters, emails, briefing notes) regarding and/or relating to Phebra.

Date range:  1 January 2013 - 5 November 2013.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-013 29/10/2013

Documents produced in the last two years containing information including details of reportable events defined as unforeseen events which cause serious harm or death.

Date range:  October 2012 - October 2013.

Revised scope:

  1. A report outlining number of reportable events per Queensland Health facility (drilled down by numbers only, not event type)
  2. Emergency Department Patient Experience Survey 2013
  3. Sentinel event data

Date range:  Calendar years 2012, 2013.

Seven Network 103 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-013
DOH-DL 13/14-014 29/10/2013

Statistical data for Specialist Outpatients for all Queensland public hospitals for:

- average and maximum waiting time in days for Category 1, 2 and 3 patients for "initial service events" for both surgical and non-surgical matters for each of the 21 specialist outpatient clinics (broken down by each outpatient clinic).

Date range:  Quarter ending June 30, 2013.

Revised scope:
Excludes Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service.

Nine Network 36 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-014
DOH-DL 13/14-015 21/11/2013

Information concerning payouts or ex-gratia payments to former patients of surgeon Dr Jayant Patel paid regardless of any finding guilty against him to include:

- total number of patients of Dr Patel who have received compensation or ex-gratia payments
- total value of these payouts
- the projected "net incurred cost" to the Queensland Government of all compensation or ex-gratia payments as at June 30, 2013.

Nine Network 1 page - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-015
DOH-DL 13/14-016 14/11/2013

All correspondence, including email, facsimile or other electronic communication, memorandum, briefing notes and file notes regarding Belmont Private Hospital as follows:

  1. All Sentinel Event Reports and all Sentinel Event Notifications (Form 0113A)
  2. All review and/or Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Reports and Forms (Form 0113B)
  3. All Patient Identification and Diagnostic data and Adverse Outcome data (Form 0113) and Adverse Outcome Data Reports
  4. All correspondence relating to the Clinical Services Capability Framework, including but not exclusive to breaches or possible breaches of the Clinical Services Capability Framework
  5. All correspondence relating to any inquiry and/or report of breach or possible breach of legislation and/or regulations and/or Standards and/or License requirements and/or conditions
  6. All correspondence relating to complaints, responses to complaints and subsequent internal/external reports arising from those complaints.

Date range:  1 January 2003 - 12 November 2013.

Queensland Nurses Union 23 pages - full release
10 pages - partial release
DOH-DL 13/14-016
DOH-DL 13/14-017 26/11/2013

A review and/or report and/or document, potentially authored by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) regarding pathology services in Queensland.

Date range:  1 April 2012 - 26 November 2013.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-018 26/11/2013

Pest Management in Queensland - Statewide Report and any work procedures, manuals, guidelines (including but not limited to A Guide to What Pest Management Technicians in Queensland Need to Know) outlining the responsibilities and obligations of a licenced pest management technician under the Pest Management Act 2001.

Revised scope:Guidelines or manuals that were provided to, or were accessible to pest management technicians (for the period October 2007 to December 2009).

Lawyers 41 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-018
DOH-DL 13/14-019 12/12/2013

Documents held by the Department of Health (DoH) regarding:

  • Review of Hospital and Health Service (HHS) Performance
  • Mid-point review of the HHSs
  • Activity Management Plans
  • Advice to the Minister regarding Ancillary Boards
  • Commitments to funding allocations for the HHSs by the DoH
  • Number of nurses employed on 457 Visas
  • Number of graduate nurses currently employed per facility and documents regarding future planning
  • FTE Reduction/disestablishment/establishment
  • EOIs for voluntary redundancies
  • Organisational restructure

Date range:  1 July 2011 - 10 December 2013.

Revised scope:Documents held by the Department of Health relating to:

  • Number of Graduate Nurse positions
  • Number of nurses on s457 visas
  • Reduction/disestablishment/establishment of FTEs
  • EOIs for voluntary redundancies/redundancies offered/and taken/redeployment of DoH staff
  • Organisational restructure - documents showing number of positions existing both prior to and after the DoH restructure

Date range:  1 July 2011 - 10 December 2013.

Queensland Nurses Union 9 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-019
DOH-DL 13/14-020 23/12/2013

Neonatal data as follows:

1.  For 2012, summary Perinatal Data, Public & Private Acute Maternity Hospitals, Queensland by percentage for each hospital with:
(a) Babies admitted to NICU;
(b) Mothers Receiving Pain Relief During Childbirth;
(c) Breastfeed "at some stage"; and
(d) Mothers with 3rd or 4th Degree Tear.

2.  For 2012, Mothers by Method of Birth, Public & Private Acute Maternity Hospitals, Queensland by percentage for each hospital with:
(a) Vaginal Non-Instrumental Spontaneous;
(b) Vaginal Non-Instrumental Induced;
(c) Forceps;
(d) Vacuum; and
(e) Caesarian.

3.  For 2012, Average Length of Stay for Liveborn Babies Discharge Home, Public & Private Acute Maternity Hospitals for each hospital, Queensland.  Average length of stay (days).

4.  For 2012, Neonatal Death Rate, Public & Private Acture Maternity Hospitals for each hospital.  Liveborn who die within 28 days of birth, rate per 1000 births.

5.  For 2012, Neonatal Cots as at June 2012, Public & Private Acute Maternity Hospitals for each hospital.  Please show:
(a) Neonatal Cots - Level 2 (SCN);
(b) Neonatal Cots - Level 3 (NICU); and
(c) Total Neonatal Cots.

Nine Network 5 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-020
DOH-DL 13/14-021 06/01/2014

Office of the Minister for Health

All documents in and out of the Health Minister's Office regarding:

  1. Water fluoridation
  2. Tooth decay data/information in any format
  3. Any re-assessment of NHMRC Public Statement and NHMRC support for fluoridation (particularly invitations to participate in NHMRC meetings about fluoridation) - one such meeting was held in June 2013 - and invitations to participate in a new proposed NHMRC Fluoridation Advisory Committee and any requests asking for financial or in kind assistance for any new NHMRC Fluoridation Advisory Committee.

Date range:  29 November 2012 - 6 January 2014.

Fluoride Action Network Australia 226 pages - full release
74 pages - partial release
DOH-DL 13/14-021
DOH-DL 13/14-022 17/12/2013

Documents produced in the last 12 months containing information about the extent of waiting lists for endoscopies and colonoscopies and any information about patients developing or dying from bowel cancer while waiting for procedures.

Date range:  December 2012 - December 2013.

Revised scope:Documents produced in the last 12 months containing information about the extent of waiting lists for endoscopies and colonoscopies, including results of the statewide snapshot of endoscopy waiting lists conducted in February 2014.

Any information about patients developing or dying from bowel cancer while waiting for procedures.

Date range:  December 2012 - February 2014.

Seven Network 2 pages – full release
DOH-DL 13/14-022
DOH-DL 13/14-023 20/01/2014

Documents concerning:

  1. Locking of Acute Mental Health Inpatient Units in Queensland Hospital and Health Services;
  2. Changes to adult acute inpatient facilities;
  3. Practice Guidelines pursuant to section 309A and 493A of the Mental Health Act 2000;
  4. Concerns about involuntary treatment order consumers absenting themselves without permission;
  5. Costs associated with the locking of Acute Mental Health Inpatient Units in Queensland Hospital and Health Services.

Date range:  1 June 2013 - 17 January 2014.

Revised scope:

Practice Guidelines pursuant to section 309A and 493A of the Mental Health Act 2000;

Directives issued to the Department of Health and all HHSs by Dr Michael Cleary regarding the subjects listed in clause 6 of our Application;

Local work instructions and/or procedures regarding the Practice Guidelines and Directives discussed above;

Risk Management Protocols and Assessments relating to locked Mental Health Units;

Costs associated with the locking of Acute Mental Health Inpatients Units in the Department and HHSs;

Budgets regarding additional staffing, capital works, renovations, air locks, fencing and other spending as a result of the implementation of the Practice Guidelines and Directives discussed above; and

Incident reports, including WHS reports, regarding staff, inpatients and visitors at risk as a result of locking of Acute Mental Health Inpatients Units in the Department and HHSs.

Queensland Nurses Union 137 pages - full release
18 pages - partial release
DOH-DL 13/14-023
DOH-DL 13/14-024 28/01/2014

Briefing notes prepared for the Director-General or the Office of the Minister for Health regarding grant funding to organisations, including but not limited to non-government organisations and not-for-profit organisations.

Date range:  1 July 2013 - 28 January 2014.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-025 24/01/2014

Documents relating to Service Agreements between Mater Health Services Brisbane Ltd and the Department of Health (DoH), including amendments to Service Agreements.

Documents reflecting reporting requirements between Mater Health Services Brisbane Ltd and the DoH.

Documents relating to Performance monitoring of Mater Health Services Brisbane Ltd.

Performance Dashboard Reports.

Date range:  1 July 2012 - 22 January 2014.

Queensland Nurses Union 401 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-025
DOH-DL 13/14-026 10/02/2014

Office of the Minister for Health

All correspondence between officers of the Office of the Minister for Health, including the Minister for Health and any person from the Australian Medical Association of Queensland (AMAQ), either from the work email or their private email address.

Date range:  1 July 2013 - 10 February 2014.

Revised scope:All correspondence to and from officers of the Office of the Minister for Health, including the Minister, as follows:

  • any document with an email address ending in .amaq, particularly to/from Christian Rowan
  • any documents to/from Christian Rowan at an account other than an amaq account (eg bigpond, gmail, hotmail).

Date range:  1 July 2013 - 10 February 2014.

Office of the Leader of the Opposition 136 pages - full release
(irrelevant information such as mobile telephone numbers and car registration details have been removed)
DOH-DL 13/14-026
DOH-DL 13/14-027 26/02/2014

All documents relating to an incident that occurred on 5 September 2013 at Brisbane during which school children and other people were evacuated and provided with emergency care.

Date range:  4 September 2013 - 21 February 2014.

Lawyers on behalf of SIMS Metal Management 28 pages - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-027
DOH-DL 13/14-028 11/03/2014

All documents regarding, referencing or relating to Lonergan Research.

Date range:  1 November 2013 - 11 March 2014.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-029 13/02/2014

All documents associated with the Queensland payroll project. Specifically, the original business case, original project plan, proposals, all project and steering committee reports, all emails between parties - every document associated with the project of any nature.

Date range:  July 2003 - June 2013.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-030 02/04/2014 Workplace Investigation documents.   Contains personal information only. Not suitable for disclosure log.
DOH-DL 13/14-031 31/03/2014

All departmental or ministerial briefing notes regarding or referring to:

(a) the right to private practice and the Auditor-General's investigation into Senior Medical Officers; and
(b) the ongoing negotiations between Queensland Health and Senior Medical Officers regarding their working conditions, pay and other issues.

Date range:  1 January 2013 - 31 March 2014.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-032 02/04/2014

1.  The total number of instances of Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) call outs to incidents where children have been locked in vehicles in the 2011, 2012 and 2013 calendar years.

2.  For those in 2013, please provide the incident report for the call outs concerning each case of a child locked in a vehicle.

3.  Please provide on DVD a copy of at least five 000 calls for assistance received by QAS concerning a child locked in a car.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-033 15/04/2014 The number of pregnancy terminations involving a foetus with a gestation period of 20 or more weeks from 01/01/12 to 31/12/12 for all QH hospitals. NSW Government Official 1 page - full release
1 page - partial release
DOH-DL 13/14-033
DOH-DL 13/14-034 24/04/2014

i)    All proposals for the approval of a Queensland pharmacists vaccinating trial, (including earlier versions not accepted or approved), sent to Qld Health by Prof Lisa Nissen, QUT, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and Qld Branch, the PSA, Terry White Management (Chemists) representatives, Terry White or Kos Sclavos.

ii)  Any other communications between any one or more of Prof Lisa Nissen, QUT, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and Qld Branch, the PSA, Terry White Management (Chemists) representatives, Terry White or Kos Sclavos and Qld Health concerning the approval of a pharmacists vaccinating trial or the proposed research of the pharmacist vaccinating trial.

iii) Any documents and other communications between Queensland Health any one or more of Prof Lisa Nissen, QUT, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and Qld Branch, the PSA, Terry White Management (Chemists) representatives, Terry White or Kos Sclavos and Qld Health concerning the approval granted by Qld Health regarding the pharmacists vaccinating trial.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-035 30/04/2014

Documents in relation to:

a) the Auditor General's reports on private practice issues in public hospitals; and

b) any information about senior medical officer conduct and possible misuse or inappropriate use of facilities and/or allowances and/or possible failures in claims relating to, and/or obligations in relation to hours worked provided to the agency or obtained by the agency since the Auditor General's reports.

Revised scope:The following documents regarding the Auditor General's reports on private practice issues in public hospitals:

  • the System Support Services Action Plan; and the
  • End Project Report.
ABC Network 29 pages - full release
1 page - partial release
DOH-DL 13/14-035
DOH-DL 13/14-036 05/05/2014

Documents in relation to:

  1. Errors or mistakes involving doctors or nurses which have adversely affected patients;
  2. Alleged misconduct involving hospital staff;
  3. Patient deaths while waiting for treatment in either emergency department or in ambulances;
  4. Any incidents which have potentially compromised patient safety.

Date range:  1 July 2013 - 7 May 2014.

Revised Scope:

1. Documents regarding ED deaths (plus ambulance deaths outside ED) that have been recorded in the Clinical incident reporting system.

2. A search of the Office of the DG in relation to Ministerial Briefing Notes and attachments (or ministerial briefings) relating to:

- Errors or mistakes involving doctors or nurses which have adversely affected patients;
- Alleged misconduct involving hospital staff;
- Patient deaths while waiting for treatment in either the emergency department or in ambulances outside the emergency department; or
- Any incidents which have potentially compromised patient safety.

Seven Network 12 pages - full release
3 pages - partial release
(Irrelevant information such as mobile telephone numbers has been removed)
DOH-DL 13/14-036
DOH-DL 13/14-037 02/04/2014

Office of the Minister for Health

Documents held regarding:

  • Review of Hospital and Health Service (HHS) Performance
  • Mid-point review of the HHSs
  • Activity Management Plans
  • Advice to the Minister regarding Ancilliary Boards
  • Commitments to funding allocations for the HHSs by the DoH
  • Number of nurses employed on 457 Visas
  • Number of graduate nurses currently employed per facility and documents regarding future planning
  • FTE Reduction/disestablishment/establishment
  • EOIs for voluntary redundancies
  • Organisational restructure.

Date range:  1 July 2011 - 10 December 2013.

Revised scope:All briefing notes/correspondence into the Minister's Office regarding:

  • Review of Hospital and Health Service (HHS) Performance
  • Mid-point review of the HHSs
  • Activity Management Plans
  • Advice to the Minister regarding Ancilliary Boards
  • Commitments to funding allocations for the HHSs by the DoH
  • Number of nurses employed on 457 Visas
  • Number of graduate nurses currently employed per facility and documents regarding future planning
  • FTE reduction/disestablishment/establishment
  • EOIs for voluntary redundancies
  • Organisational restructure.
Queensland Nurses Union 337 pages - full release
13 pages - partial release
(irrelevant information such as mobile telephone numbers has been removed)
DOH-DL 13/14-037
DOH-DL 13/14-038 07/05/2014

Office of the Minister for Health

Documents in relation to:

  1. Errors or mistakes involving doctors or nurses which have adversely affected patients;
  2. Alleged misconduct involving hospital staff;
  3. Patient deaths while waiting for treatment in either emergency department or in ambulances;
  4. Any incidents which have potentially compromised patient safety.

Date range:  1 July 2013 - 7 May 2014.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-039 28/05/2014

Briefing notes and reports which have stemmed from the review into the Regional Community Association of Moreton Bay, as outlined by the Minister for Health in his answer to a Parliamentary Question on Notice, Number 166 of 2014.

Date range:  1 January 2013 - 28 May 2014.

Office of the Leader of the Opposition 22 pages - full release
(irrelevant information such as direct/mobile telephone numbers has been removed)
DOH-DL 13/14-039
DOH-DL 13/14-040 04/06/2014

Information, produced in the last 12 months, about the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital:

1. Any progress or similar reports and/or updates in relation to the hospital's completion and whether it will open on its completion and/or opening date and on budget.

2. Any progress or similar reports in relation ot process towards, or completion of, work and/or installation or construction of:
(a) emergency care facilities
(b) medical equipment
(c) computer systems
(d) minor works and capital works
(e) staffing.

3. The performance of consultants used to assist or manage the hospital project and any complaints and/or concerns about the performance of consultants including achievement of goals.

4. Any concerns and/or issues and/or problems with the new hospital raised as part of consultations with doctors and/or nurses and/or other medical professionals in relation to the new hospital. Minutes of any regular meetings between building construction managers and health professionals.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-041 05/06/2014

Information, produced in the past twelve months, about the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital. Specifically, documents containing information about:

  1. The proposed budget for the fitout, including the percentage and volume of fitout to total budget.
  2. The project budget breakdown between ICT, medical and furniture fitout, including percentage and volume.
  3. The consultants in charge of the design of the hospital fitout, how they were chosen and the brief they were given.
  4. The structure and identity of consultants associated with the ICT, associated value of contracts and the most recent progress report in relation to their work.
  5. Any issues in relation to budget shortfall for medical equipment and measures taken in response to such shortfalls.
  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-042 05/06/2014

Information produced in response to the Federal Government's decision to terminate the National partnership programs and agreements as part of the recent Federal Budget and how this will impact on the operation of Queensland's Hospital and Health Services. Specifically, documents containing:

  1. Any information detailing and underpinning and supporting claims that various hospital, ambulance and dental waiting lists have been reduced since the LNP was elected as detailed in Treasurer Tim Nicholls' budget speech, Budget Paper No. 1, 2014-2015, pg 9.
  2. Any modelling and/or analysis and/or other information received by the State Government detailing when and where the National partnership programs and agreements relating to health will be terminated.
  3. Any modelling and/or similar reports and/or updates showing the expected impact from the changes to National partnership programs and agreements in the Commonwealth budget on Queensland's Hospital and Health Services and the scope of such impacts including timing.
  4. Any modelling and/or similar reports detailing what impact the changes to National partnership programs and agreements to waiting lists for a) category one patients waiting more than 30 days for surgery; b) category two patients waiting more than 90 days for surgery; c) the average ambulance dispatch time between jobs; d) the waiting list for dental patients.
  5. Any modelling and/or similar reports and/or suggestions on options in response to the impact of the termination of the National partnership programs and agreements on Queensland's Hospital and Health Services.

Revised Scope:Identified key documents in relation to the National Partnership Programs and Agreements:

  1. Briefing package on the Commonwealth Budget
  2. PowerPoint presentations about budget/Commonwealth funding
  3. Spreadsheets around key budget measures and impacts for the Department / Hospital and Health Services.
ABC Network 72 pages - full access
2 pages - partial access
DOH-DL 13/14-042
DOH-DL 13/14-043 06/06/2014 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate per LASN for the months of January 2014, February 2014, March 2014, April 2014 and May 2014. United Voice

31 pages - full release (irrelevant information removed)
DOH-DL 13/14-043

DOH-DL 13/14-044 06/06/2014 Total number of approved workcover claims as a result of manual handling and occupational violence for the months of January 2014, February 2014, March 2014, April 2014 and May 2014 within the Queensland Ambulance Service. United Voice 1 page - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-044
DOH-DL 13/14-045 12/06/2014

Submissions done by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) in regards to the Queensland Mental Health Act Review since the review commenced in 2013.

Date range:  1 May 2013 - 12 June 2014.

Citizens Committee on Human Rights Inc. No documents located.
DOH-DL 13/14-046 12/06/2014

All documents recording any communications between the Premier, Queensland Health, and any other parties regarding the location of the Sunshine Coast Private University Hospital and Health Service and the decision to co-locate the Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital and Health Service on the Kawana Health precinct with the Sunshine Coast Public University Hospital.

Date range:  1 March 2012 - present.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-047 12/06/2014

Office of the Minister for Health

All documents recording any communications between the Premier, Queensland Health, and any other parties regarding the location of the Sunshine Coast Private University Hospital and Health Service and the decision to co-locate the Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital and Health Service on the Kawana Health precinct with the Sunshine Coast Public University Hospital.

Date range:  1 March 2012 - present.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 13/14-048 17/06/2014

Documents containing information about:

(a) the number of malpractice suits and/or legal action made against the Rockhampton Hospital in relation to the poor, failed or negligent treatment, and their value

(b) the number of successful, unsuccessful and/or pending legal actions in relation to poor, failed or negligent treatment at the Rockhampton Hospital, and their value.

Date range:  1 July 2011 - current date.

Revised scope:Non-medical indemnity personal injury claims (claim count and total cost)

Medical indemnity claims (claim count and total cost)

ABC Network

1 page - full release
DOH-DL 13/14-048

DOH-DL 13/14-049 17/06/2014

Reported bites by venomous snakes in Queensland from 1992 to present.

The total number of bites, number of bites per year, suburb location of bite, bite circumstance (if in the bush or privately owned snake), species of snake per bite, if hospitalised time in hospital, number of bites that required antivenom plus the species, suburb, date, circumstance (wild or captive) and if the patient was the owner of the snake or a member of the public.

Date range:  1 July 1992 - 17 June 2014.

Revised scope:Number of presentations to Queensland emergency departments where the principal diagnosis code was snake bite with envenomation, by month and year for the period 1 January 2008 to 31 May 2014, and the percentage of these presentations which resulted in an admission to the hospital.

Member of the Public

16 pages – full release
DOH-DL 13/14-049

DOH-DL 13/14-050 14/05/2014
  1. A list of all public hospitals, or any other public institutions or facilities which offer ophthalmology services in Queensland;
  2. The respective numbers of ophthalmologists in such hospitals or institutions in Maryborough, Hervey Bay, Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Gladstone and Mackay.

Date range:  Calendar years - 2006, 2010, 2014.

  Application withdrawn.

DOH-DL 13/14-051


Complete copy of all records held by Queensland Health in respect of the investigation in relation to an outbreak of salmonella following supply of foodstuffs to various Melbourne Cup day celebrations.

Date range:  5 November 2013 - 11 March 2014

Carter Newell Lawyers 271 pages - full release
12 pages - partial release
(irrelevant information such as mobile telephone numbers and patient information has been removed)

Contains information of relevance to the applicant only. Documents can be requested using the contact details below.

The Department of Health is required to maintain a disclosure log in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009. Should you have any difficulty with downloading documents on this page or have any queries regarding the disclosure log, please contact the Privacy and Right to Information Unit, Department of Health (contact details below).

Privacy and Right to Information Unit
Department of Health
GPO Box 48
Brisbane  QLD  4001
(07) 3082 0546 (within Australia)
+61 7 3082 0546 (International)

Last updated: 27 February 2015