Health Professionals
These days telehealth is much more than videoconferencing. Queensland Health supports a variety of functional and secure technology enabled models of care, including eConsult and Remote Patient Monitoring to meet the needs of clinicians and patients across the state. If you’d like to know more you can contact Clinical Excellence Queensland’s Telehealth Support Unit
What equipment do I need to do telehealth?
To participate in a telehealth appointment with Queensland Health, you’ll require a device such as a PC or laptop with the following:
- Reliable internet
- A webcam (integrated or plug-in)
- A microphone and speakers
- A smartphone / tablet
View the Telehealth equipment – a simple explainer (PDF 365 kB) for further details on equipment.
Is technical support available?
The Telehealth Service Desk is available from 7:45am-5:00pm, Monday to Friday, to support Queensland Health clinicians and patients having technical difficulties. They can be reached on 1800 066 888.
Is telehealth secure?
Queensland Health’s Cyber Security Group confirms our platform is secure for clinical communication, including connections with external parties such as General Practitioners and patients in their own homes.
Do I need specific credentialing to include telehealth in my scope of practice?
Within Queensland Health, telehealth is not a defined scope of clinical practice; it is a means for providing clinical services. As long as you have the appropriate credentialing and scope of clinical practice to deliver services in your Hospital and Health Service, you can deliver that same care using telehealth.
Is telehealth funded in Queensland?
Yes, there is funding available for a range of telehealth enabled clinical services provided and received in Queensland.
The funding for clinical services delivered via telehealth (videoconferencing) will differ depending on:
- the funding arrangements of the facility (i.e. activity based funded versus block funded);
- your private practice arrangements as a clinician;
- the compensability status of the patient (i.e. private or public patient); and
- the type of patient care (e.g. outpatient/inpatient/emergency presentation);
The Queensland Activity Based Funding model localisation provides payment and associated Queensland Weighted Activity Unit (QWAU) for both recipient-end and provider-end of public non-admitted patient telehealth service events by clinic type. The rate of payment and QWAU is equivalent to in-person service events. Price weights by clinic types are listed in the Queensland Health Funding Policy and Principles.
The Queensland Health Purchasing Incentive for Telehealth provides payment to Hospital and Health Services to incentives uptake of clinical telehealth services not currently funded within the ABF model. This includes payment for in-scope:
- Additional non-admitted telehealth service events for selected facilities and Hospital and Health Services;
- Emergency Department telehealth consultations;
- Admitted patient TeleHandover events; and
- eConsult consultations.
For more information contact
For clinicians with private practice arrangements, there are a range of new Telehealth (videoconference) Item numbers available from 1 January 2022. The new items build on the temporary telehealth items introduced as part of the COVID-19 response and consolidates the MBS telehealth items introduced from 2002 – 2011 into a single national MBS telehealth program.
As a GP, can I refer my patient to be specifically seen via telehealth?
The decision to see a patient via telehealth is ultimately up to the individual health provider assessing your referral, however you can request a telehealth appointment at the time of referral for consideration during the triage process.
Are there MBS items for GP telehealth?
Yes, there are a range of ongoing MBS telehealth arrangements for GPs.
View MBS Factsheet on ongoing MBS telehealth arrangements for GPs for further information.
Where can I find more information about GP telehealth?
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners maintains a comprehensive repository of resources for GP telehealth.
Why would I choose to do telehealth?
You can benefit from the peer support, professional development opportunities, and the reduced isolation telehealth offers, while delivering high-quality care from wherever you are.
Also, consumers can better access care wherever they live, and receive high-quality care closer to home, meaning less time away from their community, work, and school. The health system is more efficient, effective, and sustainable, by optimising physical capacity and workforce capability.
Can Registered Nurses and Allied Health Professionals do telehealth?
All registered health practitioners can use telehealth; however, if you work in private practice or primary care, you may be subject to additional requirements e.g. billing or employment arrangements. It is recommended you seek advice from your professional association, insurer, or your employer if you have further questions about the use of telehealth in your practice.