Advice on Queensland Health’s Governance Framework

The overarching governance framework for the delivery of publicly funded health services is provided by the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011. The Act establishes a devolved governance model for Queensland’s public health system where:

  • the Department of Health is responsible for the overall management of the system; and
  • 16 independent Hospital and Health Services, through their Boards, are responsible for the delivery of public sector health services.

Expert panel

In 2019, the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services sought advice regarding Queensland Health’s governance framework from an expert panel comprising:

  • Mr Jim McGowan AM, a former Queensland Government Director-General
  • Professor Anne Tiernan, a leading authority on public sector governance
  • Dr Pradeep Philip, a former Secretary of the Victorian Department of Health.

The panel was asked to consider whether the powers, roles and responsibilities within the health system are appropriately distributed to support achievement of the objectives of the Hospital and Health Boards Act, and to ensure that Hospital and Health Boards are empowered to, and accountable for, implementing Queensland Government policies and priorities.


The panel’s Advice on Queensland Health’s Governance Framework (PDF 986KB) makes 28 recommendations covering a broad range of areas including system governance, human resource management and industrial relations, capital planning and delivery, service planning, procurement and information sharing.


Implementation of the panel’s recommendations will occur over the next 12 to 18 months and will be overseen by the Transformation Team within the Office of the Director-General, under the Rapid Results Program.

For information on what the prescribed employers arrangements mean see this list of frequently asked questions (PDF 93.6KB).

All other queries can be directed to the Transformation Team at

Last updated: 18 December 2020