Queensland Newborn Bloodspot Screening (NBS) Strategic Framework
Queensland Newborn Bloodspot Screening (NBS) Strategic Framework
The Queensland NBS Strategic Framework (PDF 600 kB) provides the strategic directions for NBS policy and guideline development, governance, quality, monitoring and evaluation to support NBS program delivery. The Framework was developed in consultation with a broad range of NBS stakeholders and consideration of the direction from the Newborn Bloodspot Screening National Policy Framework.
The Framework is intended to be a document for all Queensland NBS stakeholders in both public and private health settings.
NBS is a population screening program provided at no cost to participants that aims to detect a number of rare but serious conditions in neonates. Early diagnosis of these conditions allows for early intervention which can improve morbidity and mortality, resulting in better outcomes for babies and their families, as well as reduce treatment costs to the health system and society as a whole.
Vision for NBS in Queensland
NBS in Queensland enables the best possible outcomes for babies and families, regardless of their individual circumstances, by ensuring all components of a population screening program are in place and optimised.