Our vision
A healthier system for a healthier Queensland
Queensland Health is committed to partnering across the health system to deliver accessible, equitable and sustainable healthcare for everyone.
What we heard from the community
We’ve spoken to thousands of people across Queensland, from our health workforce to care partners, the community and people who frequently access our system and services. We’ve heard about people’s experiences and thoughts on what they believe we can improve on now and into the future and very importantly, these conversations have shaped HEALTHQ32.
HEALTHQ32 setting the future direction
HEALTHQ32 sets the future direction for the health system and focuses on being adaptable, embedding innovative models of care and new technologies that improve patient care, and delivering services more efficiently.
HEALTHQ32 builds on the Queensland Health and Hospitals Plan. It looks at all parts of the system to support improvements and addresses priorities for collaboration across the continuum of care, including our Hospital and Health Services, ambulance services, primary healthcare providers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisations, community-based organisations, private and non-government organisations, and other providers.
Priorities for the next decade
Over the next decade, HEALTHQ32 will see the health system focus on:
- Optimising the delivery of safe, appropriate and timely hospital care
- Strengthening access to care in the community and closer to home
- Improving the health and wellbeing of Queenslanders.
We’ve engaged a broad and diverse cross-section of the population, through forums, workshops, kitchen tables and yarning circles. Read the HEALTHQ32 vision.