Department of Health Disability Service Plan 2022-2024
The Department of Health Disability Service Plan 2022-2024 identifies seven health priority areas supported by 34 individual actions that will deliver improved health access and outcomes for people with disability across the two years of the plan.
Download the:
- Department of Health Disability Service Plan 2022-2024 (PDF 877 kB)
- Department of Health Disability Service Plan 2022-2024 placemat (PDF 246 kB)
- Department of Health Disability Service Plan 2022-2024 - Easy Read version (PDF 4308 kB)
Our inclusion commitment
Queensland Health is committed to improving healthcare for Queenslanders with disability and establishing health equity for people with disability in access to services and health outcomes.
Human rights commitment
Queensland Health is committed to respecting, protecting and promoting the human rights of people with disability in their interaction with the health system.
Health priority areas and actions
People with disability, including First Nations peoples, those from culturally and linguistically diverse communities and LGBTIQ+, are represented in the Queensland Health workforce, and they have meaningful contribution to the design and delivery of health services.
- Ongoing engagement to provide strategic and operational policy advice to improve outcomes for people with disability
- Strategies to increase employment of people with disability, including First Nations peoples with disability
- Culturally appropriate resources inclusive of First Nations peoples with disability
- Support access for refugees with disability
Improving capability
Healthcare staff are trained and resourced to provide inclusive and appropriate healthcare to people with disability.
- Training, resources and support for Queensland Health staff in areas including disability awareness and appropriate mental health assessment
- Workforce training in oral healthcare for people with intellectual disability
- Disability seminars for health professionals with key stakeholders, including people with disability
- Julian's Key Health Passport implementation
Note: training and resources around domestic and family violence and abuse and restrictive practices are included in Safety, rights and respect.
Health services and information are provided in a way that is accessible to people with disability.
- Review and policy development for accessibility of built assets
- Accessible information and communications
- Inclusion of relevant language services for people with disability
- Support to access assistive technology
Note: strategies to improve access to oral health services for people with intellectual disability are included in improved service delivery.
Safety, rights and respect
People with disability are safe and respected in their experience of the healthcare system and their human rights are upheld.
- Develop policy and practice strategies to minimise the use of restrictive practices and increase safety in healthcare settings
- Domestic and Family Violence training and resources for Queensland Health include people with disability
Disaster preparedness
Health disaster preparedness and management plans are inclusive of people with disability.
- Inclusion of disability considerations in health disaster management
Evidence, research and data
The Department of Health actively supports research and data collection that will improve the healthcare of people with disability.
- Research project to improve preventative healthcare for people with intellectual disability
- Improve Queensland Health data collection around the experience of patients with disability
- Inclusive data-based planning
- Support national initiatives to strengthen disability data collection in health system
Improved service delivery
The quality of healthcare for people with disability is improved. Models of care that better support people with disability are explored and co-designed.
- Reducing unnecessary hospital stays through focused efforts to discharge long-stay patients
- Ongoing improvements to Telehealth
- Oral health initiatives for people with intellectual disability
- New Centre for Excellence to respond to the mental health needs of people living with intellectual or developmental disability
- Co-design a model of service to support improved mental health, alcohol and other drug responses for people with intellectual or developmental disability and other neurodevelopmental disorders
- Boost the capacity of the Deafness and Mental Health State-wide Consultation Liaison Service
Monitoring and reporting
Implementation of the Disability Service Plan will be monitored and reported on annually. The reporting will be coordinated by the Disability and Multicultural Health Unit.
Updates on implementation progress will be shared with the Health Disability Interface Advisory Group and other key stakeholders throughout the life of the plan.
Policy drivers
Primary policy drivers for this Disability Service Plan are: