Expanding healthcare quality and patient safety reporting
Inform My Care
Queensland Health has developed a robust web system called Inform My Care. Inform My Care collects, transforms and reports a wide range of comparative data and information enabling every Queenslander the opportunity to review and compare public and private hospitals in one central location.
Inform My Care will also report public and private residential aged care facility information such as staffing information. The reporting of this information will improve consumer awareness of nursing staff available to provide care in these facilities and allow comparison of facilities.
What information will be reported?
Inform My Care includes a range of safety and quality information and general information about the services provided. Information published includes:
Public and Private Hospitals
General Information
- Hospital details e.g. address, phone number
- Services provided including maternity models of care and maternity and other clinical service offerings
- Patient experience (optional)
Safety and Quality Information
- Accreditation status
- Compliance with legislated midwife/nurse-to-patient ratios (public hospitals only)
- Hospital Acquired Complications rates
- Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia infection rates
- Maternity measures
- Surgery information including median length of stay, and wait times for elective surgical procedures (public hospitals only)
Public and Private Residential Aged Care Facilities
General Information
- Facility details e.g. address, phone number
Safety and Quality Information
- Actual Average Daily Resident Care Hours (DRCH)
- Compliance with legislated nurse-to-resident ratios (public RACFs only)
Anyone is able to view the published information and compare results with other Queensland facilities. Private residential aged care facilities have the option to opt-out of the data collection and publication each quarter (every three months).
A full list of indicators (PDF 491 kB) to be published initially and hospital peer groupings (PDF 762 kB) (to assist in comparing similar hospitals) can be found by clicking on the above links.
Further indicators will be added to the website in the future. Similar to the indicators selected for initial publication, future indicators will be identified and co-designed by consumers and clinicians.
When will the information be reported?
Inform My Care has been built and tested through a rigorous process. Inform My Care has both an outward facing part of the system to provide meaningful information about public and private hospitals and RACFs in one central location and an integrated secure data verification module, that will allow facility staff nominated by their Chief Executives to view, enter, check and approve their Services data, and add written comments to explain or provide further context to the information before it is published and becomes available to the public.
All organisations and their associated facilities have been onboarded to the web system in early 2021. Final testing and data validation is currently being undertaken on the Inform My Care website. The Inform My Care website is expected to go live in the near future.
Who can I contact further?
If you have any questions regarding the public facing web system, please email: Informmycare@health.qld.gov.au.