Research and resources
Managing workforce and service demand
- Closing the Gap - National Indigenous Australians Agency (Commonwealth) - report
- 2019 Close the Gap: our choices, our voices - Australian Human Rights Commission - report
- 2018 Close the Gap: 10 year review - Australian Human Rights Commission - report
- Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander workforce and population - Australian Indigenous HealthinforNet – search for resource, articles, programs, reports, campaigns, audiovisual
- Department of Health Disability Service Plan 2022-24 - Commitment to achieving access to high-quality health care that meets the needs of people with disability and supports them to lead healthy and active lives.
- National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2017-2023 - National Indigenous Australians Agency - framework to guide mental health policy and practice (PDF, 3.56MB)
- Going Rural Health - University Department of Rural Health Melbourne University - Student and supervisor information for rural placements and careers
- Outreach Diary - Check Up - search for outreach health services in Queensland
- My Community Directory - search for health and community information and services
- Doctor Connect - information, support, services, and resources for clinicians working in rural and remote Australia
- Check Up - offering programs and initiatives, and partnering with health providers and communities
- Insight - Regional Australia Institute - search and compare regional infrastructure, economic, resource, demographic data and information
- Health Workforce Queensland - a range of resources, support programs, education and training, recruitment of health professionals
- Rural Workforce Agency Network (RWAN) - a range of evidence-based materials including factsheets, research, and data on the rural workforce
- National Rural Health Commissioner (Commonwealth) - assisting government to better target interventions in regional, rural and remote sector
- Healthdirect Australia - delivering and managing a wide range of telehealth and digital services across Australia on behalf of governments
- ABS urban and rural definition - Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) - section of state (SOS) structure and identifiers
- The health of Queenslanders 2018 - Queensland Health - a chief health officer report (PDF,3.15MB)
- Queensland Hospital and Health Service profiles - Queensland Health - part of the 2018 CHO report
- Australia's health 2020 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - 16th report on Australia's health
- Australia's welfare 2021 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - 14th report on Australia's wellbeing
- Mental health services in Australia - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - mental health needs and services scan and report
- Workforce reports - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - a list of the latest health workforce reports
- Workforce resources - Department of Health (Commonwealth) - publications, research, incentives, training
- Growing the NDIS market and workforce 2019 - Department of Social Services - key priorities for effective NDIS and workforce growth (PDF, 881kB)
- Medicine in Australia: Balancing employment and life (MABEL) - publications, research and survey data for a range of issues relating to medical workforce
- Queensland Science Capability Directory - provides information on the State's research centres, institutes, facilities, research hospitals, precincts, laboratories and other research organisations.
- The Queensland Genomics Health Alliance - Investigating how genomics can improve health outcomes for Queenslanders
- Geriatric services register- Queensland Health - interactive Queensland map identifying services in selected areas
- Artificial Intelligence Roadmap - CSIRO Data 61 - strategies to develop AI capability to boost productivity including Australian healthcare
Governance for health service delivery
- Health Professional Compliance - Department of Health (Commonwealth) - health professionals complying with Medicare obligations and responsibilities
- Health Portfolio Acts, and subordinate legislation - Queensland Health - a list of legislation administered by Queensland Health
- Legislation for specific industries or health topics - Queensland Health - links to specific health related legislation
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) - registered practitioners register, national boards, professional standards
- Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care - national standards, accreditation, priorities, guidelines
- Audit tools for quality service standards - Queensland Health - audit tools for Queensland hospital and health services
- Royal commission into aged care quality and safety - Department of Health (Commonwealth) - interim report (final Nov 2020)
- Clinical guidelines and procedures - Queensland Health - links to information on medicines, diseases, clinical pathways, patient safety, etc
- Clinical pathways - Queensland Health - standardised, evidence-based management plans
- Clinical practice - Queensland Health - information, guidelines and reference materials designed for clinicians
- Clinical guidelines for mental health - Queensland Health - frameworks, guidelines, and best practice documents
- Advanced nursing practice - guidelines for the Australian context - Department of Health (Commonwealth)
- Primary Clinical Care Manual - principal clinical reference and policy document for health professionals in Queensland rural and remote settings
- Chronic Conditions Manual - a collection of prevention and management guides promoting consistency of practice
- Medicines, drugs and therapies - NPS MedicineWise – latest news, evidence on medicines and medical tests, peer reviewed journals on drugs and therapies
- COVID-19 resources- Queensland Health - search for the latest information for clinicians
- Medicare - Information and resources for health professionals
- Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Online - a list of the Medicare services subsidised by the Australian government
- The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) - Prescribing information and resources for health professionals
- Primary Health Networks - including state and territory maps and metropolitan areas
- Primary Health Network (PHN) Locator - Interactive search
- Hospital and Health Service (HHS) maps - 16 Queensland HHS and additional links about the services and facilities
- Modified Monash Model - Department of Health - a geographical classification system in Australia using population data
- Map of remoteness - Australian Bureau of Statistics - the Australia statistical geography standard (ASGS) remoteness structure
Optimising workforce and services
- Models of care - Queensland Health - a list of service delivery and workforce models of care
- Australia's Future Health Workforce (AFHW) Reports - Department of Health (Commonwealth) - overview of specific health workforces
- Telehealth portal - Queensland Health - safe and secure way to videoconference with health professionals and consumers
- Emergency department – models of care review 2018 - Queensland Health - literature review, analysis and report (PDF, 837kB)
- Emergency department- future roles and design- Queensland Health - literature review, analysis and report (PDF 5.45MB)
- Allied health rural and remote sub-acute framework - Queensland Health - developing sub-acute capability
- Business planning framework: a tool for nursing and midwifery workload management (BPF) - Queensland Health - balancing service demand and workforce supply (PDF, 1.65MB)
- Business planning framework (BPF): addenda - Queensland Health - additional BPF nursing and midwifery resources for emergency department, and other specialty services including maternity, mental health, paediatric, perioperative, and primary and community health, and for rural and remote settings (restricted access)
- Cost benefit analysis of nurse practitioner models of care - Department of Health (Commonwealth) - 2018 KPMG report
- Clinical Services Capability Framework (CSCF) - Queensland Health - service capability levels for acute and subacute services in public and licensed private hospitals in Queensland
- Service delivery models - Queensland Health - a list of service delivery models
- Advance Queensland - A Queensland government initiative to invest in innovation to drive a stronger Queensland economy
- Integrated care innovation fund - Investing in partnerships between the hospital and health services and primary health networks
- Grants Connect - Commonwealth - links to information about the Commonwealth's allocation of funding to research programs
- Practice incentive program - Department of Health (Commonwealth) - Quality improvement incentive guidance
Resource library
- Clinical knowledge network - huge range of evidence-based information and links for decision making and health research, including databases, clinical guidelines, medicines, journals, calculators, etc (subscription required)
- ScienceDirect - search peer reviewed journals, articles, book chapters for scientific, technical and medical research
- PubMed - Biomedical and life sciences literature
- Wiley Online Library - free access to peer reviewed journal articles
- Catalogue of resources - Clinical Excellence Division (Queensland Health) provides a range of useful resources for clinicians and consumers
- Queensland Health publications - a link to search Queensland Health publications
- Rural and Remote Health - peer reviewed published articles about rural health
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) - (HEALTH information) diverse scientific and national research
- Deloitte - Global and national impact reports. Working with the health sector to plan, innovate, reform, and grow
- Grattan Institute - reports and opinions on a range of topics including health and health workforce
- Clinical Innovation: NSW - a database of health related innovative initiatives and programs in NSW Health