Keeping connected
What's New
Managing workforce agility in the Queensland public sector - Queensland Government
Mental health and the workplace - Committee for Economic Development Australia (CEDA)
Palliative and end-of-life care strategy (and Queensland Health palliative care specialist workforce plan) - Queensland Government
Allied health workforce plan 2022-2026 - Queensland Government
Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 - Department of Business, Employment and Training (DESBIT)
Jobs and skills summit - September 2022: outcomes - Australian Government
Working for health 2022-2030 action plan - World Health Organisation
2021 Census find Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander older population continues to grow - Australian Bureau of Statistics
Australia's Health 2022 - Australian Bureau of Statistics
The Queensland Health and hospitals plan - Queensland Health
Australia's population by country of birth - Australian Bureau of Statistics
Balancing act: the new equation in hybrid working - PWC
Meeting the aged care workforce challenge - Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA)
Fixing the temporary skilled migration: a better deal for Australia - Grattan Institute
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce strategic framework and implementation plan - Department of Health (Commonwealth)
Unleashing the potential: an open and equitable health system - Queensland Health
Queensland women's strategy 2022-27 - Queensland Government
Climate change 2022: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability - IPCC
2022 Global health care outlook: Are we finally seeing the lon-promised transformation? - Deloitte
National medical workforce strategy 2021-2031 - Department of Health (Commonwealth)
Palliative Care Australia roadmap 2022-2027 - Palliative Care Australia
2021 Intergenerational report - The Treasury (Commonwealth)
Where next for healthcare - PWC - How living with COVID-19 will impact Australia's health sector
The future of health - Deloitte - How innovation will blur traditional health care boundaries
Unfinished business: practical policies for better care at home - Grattan Institute
The national children's mental health and wellbeing strategy - National Mental Health Commission
Vibe is a regular newsletter highlighting the latest reports, peer-reviewed articles, case studies, relevant events, and other items of interest impacting the health workforce. |
Engagement and connection
- Health Consumers Queensland - consumer and community engagement framework (PDF, 1.12MB)
- A guide to engaging multicultural communities and consumers
- Communicating effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (PDF 340kB)
- Experienced based codesign tool kit - bringing health workforce and consumers together for improved experiences
- Professional associations - contact and search for skills assessment, courses and professional support
- Queensland Primary Health Networks - links and resources to the primary health networks across Queensland
- Statewide Clinical Networks - formally recognised groups to engage with and improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare
- Queensland Clinical Senate - represents clinicians across the health system and provides strategic advise and leadership
- Queensland Rural Medical Family Network (QRMFN) - supporting rural medical spouses, partners, families - funded through Health Workforce Queensland
- Health Council communiques - Commonwealth Health Council - meeting communiques and announcements
- Horizon scanning - Queensland Health - articles, reports, news on trends, themes and new developments impacting health planning (restricted access)
- Healthcare Australia - news about health workforce
- The Conversation - articles on health workforce
- NurseClick - Australian College of Nursing - blog on nursing practice, policy developments, professional issues
- Australian Digital Health Agency - blogs on digital health technology
- #BigRural - Twitter blog
- Mabel Matters Newsletter - University of Melbourne - newsletter about doctors and relevant research, data, news, survey results
- Partyline - National Rural Health Alliance - a newsletter for rural and remote communities
- CEDA labour market tracking - a COVID-19 series - Recovery: coming back better
- WHO newsroom - World Health Organisation - latest news reports
Medical conferences - Medical Journal Australia - a calendar of conferences and medical events in Australia and New Zealand
Dental conferences - Australian Dental Association - a calendar of oral health related conferences in Australia
Nursing and midwifery conferences - Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation - a calendar of events in Australia
Nursing and midwifery events - Nurses for Nurses Network - combining nursing CPD and world travel
Allied health events - Allied Health Support - a calendar of events in Australia
Events | Social Media | Contact us | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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