Education and development
- Strategic human resources competency framework- Public Service Commission - guiding leadership development across Queensland public health sector
- Capability and leadership framework- Public Service Commission - giving the workforce skills and confidence to lead and manage
- Workforce capability success profile- Public Service Commission - framework of knowledge sets and behaviour indicators for leader and manager roles
- Leadership competencies for Queensland- Public Service Commission - action-based framework to empower leadership at all levels
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Framework 2010-2033- Queensland Health - building cultural capability within Queensland Health (PDF, 3.84MB)
Clinical education and training
- Clinical placements in Queensland Health - information on the contractual arrangements for clinical placement
- Allied Health Clinical Placements - information for Hospital and Health Services
Health workforce general
- AHPRA - search for approved programs of study for registration
- The Good Universities Guide - search for postgraduate study
- My Health Career - search for university scholarships
- Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) - search for a course or browse an area of study
- VET- search for skills assessment, courses and professional support
- Mater Education- search for courses
- Queensland Health workforce - search for training and development
- Search for rural and remote courses and workshops - CRANAPlus
- Graduate diploma of rural generalist practice - James Cook University
Queensland Health specific
- Search: professional development and leadership programs
- Training and development for rural and remote
- Cunningham Centre- search for educational and training activities
- iLearn - login or register for educational programs and material
- Training pathways and programs
- Rural generalist pathway
- Specialty training programs
- Medical specialist fellowships - search for medical specialties and organisations in Australia
- Rural doctors upskilling program
- Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) - continuing development
- Northern Queensland Regional Training Hubs - training pathways, clinical supervision, and support in rural and regional Queensland
Nursing and midwifery
- Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM) - training programs
- NHMRC - postgraduate research based scholarships scheme information, application and process
Allied health
- Rural and remote allied health professionals
- Allied health rural generalist program
- Clinical education and training - Allied Health Professions' Office of Queensland
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce
- Indigenous scholarships portal - search for scholarships
Mental health, alcohol and other drugs
- Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning
- Rural and remote mental health programs
- Better access initiative - education and training
- Insight - Centre for alcohol and other drug training and workforce development
- Dovetail - Youth alcohol and drug training and workforce development
- Mental health scholarship scheme - Queensland Health - information, application, process
- Queensland Government - search for health industry scholarships
- Support for Rural Specialists in Australia (SRSA) - grants
- Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) - scholarships and grants (subscription required)
- Allied Health Professions’ Office of Queensland - guide for 2022 funding to support research, and development
- NSW: Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) - resources to facilitate and support education and training across the NSW health system
- VIC: The Centre for Mental Health Workforce Learning and Development