Data and analytics
Workforce data
- Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) - a wide range of data, statistics, analysis and reports on the health workforce
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) - statistics and reports
- Department of Health (Commonwealth) - Australia’s future health workforce reports
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - labour data tables
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - labour reports
- National health workforce data set - Department of Health (Commonwealth) - health workforce data tool, survey results, reports and factsheets
- Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) - workforce and activity reports
- Department of Employment (Commonwealth) - occupational skill shortages information
- Queensland Government Statistician’s Office - thematic maps
- Queensland Government Statistician’s Office - reports and data tables
- Department of Jobs and Small Business (Commonwealth) - labour market information portal
Data is sourced from the National Health Workforce Dataset (NHWDS). The NHWDS is a publicly available data base describing the Labour Force Survey results of all Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registered health practitioners in Australia. These clinicians can be employed in both public or private health service delivery locations.
- Medical workforce (PDF, 325kB)
- Nursing workforce (PDF, 325kB)
- Midwifery workforce (PDF, 323 kB)
- Oral health workforce (PDF, 324kB)
- Allied health workforce (including oral health) (PDF, 324kB)
- Department of Education and Training (Commonwealth) - data cubes
- Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) - statistics
- National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) - VET sector data
- Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand - student statistics tables, trend reports, and snapshot data
- Medical Training Review Panel Publications (MTRP) - medical education and training in Australia (up to 2018)
- Allied health clinical placement activity data and workforce indicators - Queensland Health - (restricted access)
- Working for Queensland 2020 survey results – Queensland Government - sector-wide report and data
Health and service data
- System performance reporting (SPR) platform - Queensland Health - an interactive tool for health service performance information, workforce, and infographic reporting for hospital and health services - (restricted access)
- Clinical, hospital and patient data and statistics for Hospital and Health Services - Queensland Health
- Australian atlas of healthcare variation - Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare - an interactive tool which identifies and explores the variation of the use of health care in Australia
- Healthmap - Healthcare Direct Australia - provides global and local monitoring on diseases and health related information using a wide range of data sets
- Healthy community indicators - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - interactive and comparable information and statistics on Australia's health and wellbeing
- Global health observatory - The World Health Organisation - health related statistics and data repository
- InfoBank – Queensland Health - statistical reporting dashboards on activity, hospital, population, etc - (restricted access)
- Indigenous Eye Health Unit (IEHU) - Melbourne University - calculator for the delivery of eye health services across Australia
- Australia's oral health tracker - Australian Dental Association - information card on the oral health of Australian's
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - wide range of health and welfare data collections
- Ageing and Aged Care (Commonwealth) - research and statistics
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) - aged care data
- Health resources - Department of Health (Commonwealth) - data sources, reports, programs, initiatives, health conditions
Other data sets and tools
- Create a regional profile- Queensland Statistician's Office - generate a statistical report using demographic, social, economical data
- Interactive maps of statistical data- Australian Bureau of Statistics - geography, population, socio-economic, access
- Workforce data and planning - Victoria Health
- Allied health workforce reports - Victoria Health
- Open data - NSW Health
- Health statistics - SA Health
- Data and statistics - WA Health
- Data and links - Tasmania Health
- Health data - NT Health