Queensland Health Privacy Charter
Queensland Health collects and handles personal information to provide health and well-being services for Queenslanders and to administer our other functions, such as employee management, health sector research and public policy development.
We collect and manage personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (QLD), including the National Privacy Principles (NPPs). The NPPs set limits on how we collect, use, manage and disclose personal information. We also apply the confidentiality rules in Part 7 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 which limits when it is permitted to disclose information from which a person who is receiving (or has received) a health service can be identified.
Foundational principles
We build trust of the community by making information about privacy at Queensland Health easy to find and understand.
Our decisions involving personal information are lawful, fair and reflect the values and expectations of the community we serve.
We know what personal information we hold and keep it safe throughout its lifecycle.
Privacy by Design is supported for all Initiatives involving personal information, privacy impact assessments are conducted, and our privacy posture is regularly reviewed.
We apply privacy rigour to decisions about data use and availability.
We keep pace with changes to privacy law and best-practice developments worldwide.
Queensland Health has a privacy culture that adheres to best practice in personal information handling and reflects community expectations while supporting statutory compliance.
- Queensland Health is a trusted custodian of personal information.
- Information about privacy at Queensland Health is easy to find and understand.
- Queensland Health staff are trained in privacy and understand its importance.
- Privacy impact assessments inform and enhance innovations and data driven projects.
- Privacy is an essential touch point across all Queensland Health services and initiatives.
- Compliance with privacy law and related obligations is proactive, not reactive and preventive, not remedial.
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Charter sets out the foundational principles, mission and visions for the Queensland Health Privacy Policy.