Protocol for administration of the patient travel subsidy scheme

Protocol number: QH-HSDPTL-050-1:2019

Effective date: 01 July 2023

Review date: 25 January 2026

Supersedes: Version 1.0

On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Scope
  3. Process for administering the scheme
  4. Supporting and related documents
  5. Definitions of terms for this protocol
  6. Approval and implementation
  7. Version control
  8. Appendix 1: PTSS minimum dataset

1. Purpose

This Protocol describes the mandatory steps for administering the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS).

2. Scope

This Protocol is mandatory and applies to all Hospital and Health Services (HHSs).

3. Process for administering the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme

3.1 Governance requirements

HHSs shall establish a governance framework for managing the Scheme to ensure consistent application across and within HHSs. At a minimum, local governance shall include:

  1. A single administrative point to provide oversight and central reporting of all PTSS activity across all hospitals and facilities in the HHS. This single administrative point will participate in statewide PTSS meetings and disseminate PTSS information within the HHS.
  2. A nominee of the HHS Chief Executive who is accountable for the PTSS and is the point of escalation for any issues that may arise.
  3. Active participation in statewide meetings and other forums pertaining to the Scheme.
  4. A mechanism for:
    • ensuring telehealth and other alternatives to travel are considered ahead of PTSS applications being processed
    • consultation and communication with clinical streams, and other relevant groups within the HHS
    • consultation with relevant professional and consumer groups, primary care clinicians, patients and carers, and treating facilities receiving patients funded through the Scheme
    • identifying and implementing process improvement and training across the HHS
    • establishing a list of specialist treatments not available at each facility in the HHS, for which patients can be automatically approved for PTSS, where eligibility criteria are met.

3.2 Scheme requirements


HHSs shall administer and implement the Scheme in accordance with the PTSS guideline, including the assessment of:

  • a patient’s eligibility for the Scheme
  • an approved patient’s eligibility for a mode of transport other than the most economical
  • an approved patient’s eligibility for an escort
  • an approved patient and their escort’s eligibility for accommodation.


HHSs shall pay the subsidies for approved patients and their escorts based on the subsidy amounts set out in the Guideline for the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme.

Goods and services tax (GST)

HHSs shall apply the GST rules/tax coding set out in the department’s Taxation Standards and the HHSs Financial Management Practice Manual (FMPM) when paying PTSS subsidies.

Concession cards

HHSs shall recognise the concession cards listed in the PTSS Guideline when assessing PTSS applications.

3.3 Administrative requirements

HHSs shall:

  • Maintain an IT solution to manage the application of PTSS through the statewide enterprise ICT system for PTSS, or an equivalent IT solution. The IT solution shall facilitate reporting, tracking and timely processing of payments.
  • Appropriately consult with relevant professional groups, patients and consumer groups during the development of the PTSS processes.
  • Establish and maintain communication pathways pertaining to the administration of the Scheme with relevant Primary Health Networks, consumer groups, patients and their carers, staff and other interested parties to ensure information is available to all users.
  • Establish a contemporary complaints management process that ensures patient appeals are assessed independently of the original assessment.

HHSs shall establish local work instructions for administering PTSS activity across all hospitals and facilities in the HHS. Individual hospitals and facilities may manage PTSS activity. When assessing applications and administering the Scheme, HHSs must not establish local rules or processes to circumvent the guideline or limit financial assistance to eligible patients e.g. applying additional eligibility criteria, cut-off periods for subsidies or applying mini-restrictions on when bookings can occur (especially for urgent bookings).

At a minimum, the HHS work instructions shall include:

Applications/travel referrals

HHSs shall establish a process for:

  1. Assessing the suitability of using Telehealth and/or other technology as an alternative to travel in collaboration with the HHS telehealth co-ordinator.
  2. Assessing PTSS forms and notifying patients of the outcome within five working days (where possible) of receipt of completed forms (to the HHS). Forms that are approved will include clinical approval i.e. signature or electronic approval, full name, title and date of approval.
  3. Ensuring patients are only approved for PTSS if eligible specialist services are not available at the patient’s local public hospital or public health facility as per the eligibility criteria.
  4. The timely assessment of applications for patients who have travelled or are due to travel to urgent appointments.
  5. Managing patients with chronic conditions required to travel regularly.
  6. Recording all travel referrals, whether approved or declined.
  7. Managing exceptions to the eligibility criteria for nearest specialist service, as set out in the PTSS Guideline.
  8. Managing retrospective applications in line with the eligibility criteria set out in the PTSS Guideline.
  9. Managing rejected applications, appeals and complaints by an officer with appropriate authority.
  10. Assessing a patient’s eligibility for PTSS once per specialty for as long as the referral is valid. An application is valid for 12 months, subject to review at any time, for example the ability to use Telehealth.
  11. Managing patients who are provided funding to support travel outside of the eligibility criteria. Patients shall be advised that funding is not being provided under PTSS, and HHSs shall record such activity separately to PTSS data as per codes listed in Section 3.5 General Ledger Accounts.

Travel referrals shall:

  • where possible, not be approved by the same clinician that has provided the patient’s referral. Patients who work at a HHS must not assess or approve their own applications.
  • be approved by an officer with appropriate clinical approval and financial delegations (in line with the HHS FMPM and the Financial Accountability Act 2009).

Where a patient’s permanent address is equal in distance to two Queensland public hospitals or public health facilities, the patient’s closest public hospital or public health facility will be considered as the one in their hospital and health service, and will be responsible for administering the application.


HHSs shall:

  • Provide the option to book eligible commercial travel for patients. If a facility does not have the ability to book travel for a patient, it must ensure another facility within the HHS can book the travel. Commercial travel shall be booked at the economy/government rate.
  • Establish a process for managing missed travel and accommodation bookings made by the HHS.
  • Establish a process for booking urgent or out-of-hours travel and/or accommodation, or for making changes to existing itineraries outside office hours.

Patients who book and pay for their commercial transport shall be subsidised at the economy/government rate (GST exclusive).


HHSs shall establish a process for:

  1. Ensuring payment of approved subsidies are made within 30 business days of all necessary documentation being submitted to the HHS.
  2. Payment of approved subsidies to the estate of deceased patients.
  3. Payment of accommodation for escorts where the patient is an inpatient.
  4. Calculating mileage subsidies from public hospital or public health facility closest to the patient’s permanent address, to the street address of the closest public treatment facility.
  5. Ensuring adequate evidence (e.g. tax invoices or Form C) is received to substantiate payment of commercial travel and accommodation subsidies.

The HHS in which the patient’s permanent place of residence is located shall be responsible for approving and paying approved subsidies.

The HHS work instructions shall be easily available to HHS staff and shall include provision for:

  • the requirements of each HHSs FMPM
  • record keeping
  • data collection and reporting.

Summarised information such as pamphlets, flyers, or posters regarding the Scheme shall be available at appropriate locations throughout Queensland Health facilities in a free and easily available manner. This may include hospital reception and information desks, hospital or ward foyers, welfare departments and any other relevant clinical and communal areas within the hospital.

3.4 Goods and services tax rules

The following applies where commercial travel and/or accommodation is used

  • If the HHS books travel and/or accommodation with the supplier, the GST amount is payable (e.g. $70 + GST)
  • If the patient books travel and/or accommodation directly via the supplier/provider, the subsidy paid to the patient is to be GST exclusive, and the patient is liable for any GST.

3.5 Reporting requirements

To facilitate reporting, monitoring and the timley processing of payments, the HHSs shall:

  • complete all financial recording and reporting in accordance with the requirements of each HHSs FMPM and complete PTSS activity reporting in accordance with the requirements detailed in Appendix 1.

To enable PTSS monthly reporting (activity and expenditure):

  • HHSs not utilising the PTSS enterprise IT solution shall submit their reports via email by the 10th working day of each month. Monthly submissions must be in the format provided by the department and only include data for subsidies paid in the calendar month of the report
  • HHSs utilising the PTSS enterprise IT solution shall ensure their data is cleansed by the 10th working day of each month, at which time the report will be extracted by the department.

3.6 General ledger accounts

HHSs shall ensure PTSS costs are allocated to the correct general ledger accounts listed in the following table:

PTSS general ledger accounts































HHSs shall not allocate non-PTSS patient travel activity to PTSS ledger accounts. Where HHSs approve travel assistance for patients or escorts outside of the PTSS criteria, the following non-PTSS general ledger accounts shall be used:

Non-PTSS General Ledger accounts













3.7 PTSS minimum dataset

HHSs not using the statewide ICT system for PTSS shall report against the dataset required by the department (as set out in Appendix 1).

4. Supporting and related documents

Authorising health service directive

5. Definition of terms

Term Definition / explanation / detailsSource
Chief Executive Chief Executive of the department (Director-General, Queensland Health) administering the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 Health Service Directive Standard - Management
Health service directive A health service directive issued by the chief executive to a HHS under s47 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011. A health service directive is a formal document that contains mandatory outcomes to be achieved by a HHS and may also contain required actions to be completed. Health Service Directive Standard - Management
Hospital and Health Service (HHS) The HHSs are statutory bodies and are the principal providers of public sector health services Health Service Directive Standard - Management
Protocol A protocol supports a health service directive to prescribe the mandatory steps to be taken by staff Protocol template
Telehealth A statewide videoconferencing service to help improve patient access to healthcare in their community. More information is provided at Telehealth

6. Approval and implementation

Protocol Custodian

Deputy Director-General, Corporate Services Division, Department of Health.

Approving Officer:

Director-General, Queensland Health

Approval date: 25 January 2024

Effective from: 1 July 2023

7. Version control

VersionDate Prepared byComments
v1.0 12/6/2019 KR, Business Partnerships and Improvement Branch, Corporate Services Division New Protocol
V2.025/01/2024Finance Branch, Corporate Services Division 

8. Appendix 1: PTSS minimum dataset

HHSs not using the statewide ICT system for PTSS shall report against the following dataset required by the department:

Patient Data ElementDefinitionFormat
TripID Enterprise IT solution identifier A unique identifier assigned by the enterprise IT solution  
UR Number (where available) Person (identifier) – patient identifier (ABM) A unique identifier assigned by an organisation, establishment or agency, used to uniquely identify a person in healthcare


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length: 12

Vendor Number Vendor number Number which uniquely identifies the vendor that supplies Queensland Health


Minimum character length 6

Maximum character length: 6

Patient Surname Person (name)–second given name The person’s second or least used identifying name within the family group or by which the person is uniquely socially identified


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 40

Given Name Person (name)–first given name The person’s first or most common identifying name within the family group or by which the person is uniquely socially identified


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 40

Date of Birth Person–date of birth The date of birth of an individual YYYY-MM-DD
Indigenous Status Person-Indigenous Status Whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin N
  • Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin
  • Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal origin
  • Both Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander origin
  • Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander origin
  • Not stated/unknown
Public Patient or Private Patient Identifier of patient type Data collection of patient type  
Concession Card Y/N    
Medicare Card Number Person-Medicare eligibility status An indicator of a person’s eligibility for Medicare at the time of an admitted patient episode or non-admitted patient occasion of service, as specified under the Commonwealth Health Insurance Act 1973


  • Eligible
  • Not eligible
  • Not stated/unknown
Application status Open or closed An indicator to show if trip is still open or closed  
Post code Suburb post code To identify suburb of residence

Minimum character length 4

Maximum character length: 4

Escort Surname Person (name)–second given name The person’s second or least used identifying name within the family group or by which the person is uniquely socially identified


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 40

Escort Given Name Person (name)–first given name The person’s first or most common identifying name within the family group or by which the person is uniquely socially identified


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 40

Date of Birth Person–date of birth The date of birth of an individual YYYY-MM-DD
Travel & Accommodation
Facility Name PTSS is calculated from Health facility name The approved name by which a facility is declared, licensed, notified in legislation, registered or locally recognised


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 250

Facility Name PTSS is calculated to Health facility name The approved name by which a facility is declared, licensed, notified in legislation, registered or locally recognised


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 250

Transport Mode  patient Type of travel approved The approved mode of transport


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 50

Transport Mode escort Type of travel approved The approved mode of transport


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 50

Transport cost patient (total cost & subsidised amount) Financial costs Numerical representation of costs


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 50

Transport cost escort (total cost & subsidised amount) Financial costs Numerical representation of costs


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 50

Accommodation type  commercial or private Patient approved accommondation type To indentify type of accommodation approved


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 50

Accommodation cost patient (total cost & subsidised amount) Financial costs Numerical representation of costs


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 50

Accommodation cost escort (total cost & subsidised amount) Financial cost Numerical representation of costs


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 50

Number of nights subsidised commercial Patient approved number of nights accommodation Numerical representation of approved nights of accommodation


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 50

Number of nights subsidised  private Patient approved number of nights accommodation Numerical representation of approved nights of accommodation


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 50

Number of nights unsubsidised – commercial & private Unsubsidise number of nights of accommodation - Patient Numerical representation of not approved nights of accommodation


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 50

Reason for travel (diagnostics, procedure, consultation) Medical reason for travel Reason required to understand why the patient needs to travel


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 250

Specialty Registered health professional-medical specialty The name of the specialty in which a medical practitioner is registered

N (2)

  • Anaesthesia
  • Cardiology
  • Cardio-thoracic surgery
  • Dermatology
  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • Diagnostic Ultrasound
  • Endocrinology
  • Gastroenterology and hepatology
  • General surgery
  • Gynaecological oncology
  • Geriatric medicine
  • Haematology
  • Immunology and allergy
  • Infectious diseases
  • Intensive care medicine
  • Internal medicine
  • Medical oncology
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Nuclear medicine
  • Obstetrics and gynaecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Organ transplant
  • Orthopaedic surgery
  • Otolaryngology
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Paediatrics and child health
  • Palliative medicine
  • Pathology
  • Plastic surgery
  • Psychiatry
  • Radiation oncology
  • Radiology
  • Rehabilitation medicine
  • Respiratory and sleep medicine
  • Rheumatology
  • Urology
  • Vascular surgery
Telehealth assessed Suitable / Unsuitable Is telehealth suitable Reason require to understand why telehealth is not a option


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 250

Date telehealth assessed Date assessed Date assessed YYYY-MM-DD
Date application submitted Date application submitted Date application submitted YYYY-MM-DD
Date application assessed Date application assessed Date application assessed YYYY-MM-DD
Application Rejected Application Rejected Reason why application was rejected


Minimum Character Length 1

Maximum Character Length 250

Application Approved Application Approved Application Approved YYYY-MM-DD
Date subsidy paid Date subsidy paid Date subsidy paid YYYY-MM-DD

Last updated: 12 February 2024