Provision of staff parking guideline
Guideline number: QH-HSDGDL-042-1:2014
Effective date: 1 July 2017
Review date: 1 July 2020
Supersedes: Version 1
- Policy statement
- Purpose
- Scope
- Objectives
- Requirements
- Application
- Administrative requirements
- Supporting and related documents
- Definitions of terms used in the guideline
- Approval and implementation
- Version control
Policy statement
Queensland Health is committed to offering, where possible, equitable access to car parking for the convenience of staff. Where car parking fees apply, consideration should be given to providing staff fair and affordable car parking fees in Queensland Health owned car park infrastructure.
Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) should follow this Guideline when developing and reviewing its local Hospital Car Park Strategy for each hospital it administers.
Hospital and Health Services should follow this Guideline when developing and reviewing its local Staff Car Parking Policy for each hospital it administers.
This Guideline applies to all HHSs
Local hospital staff car parking arrangements are to be consistent with, and advance the following objectives:
- As a priority, car parking is provided to staff where their safety is at an escalated risk. For example, providing access to appropriately lit and located car parking for staff completing or commencing shifts between 6.00pm and 6.00am (i.e. evening and night shifts);
- Staff car parking is provided to meet operational requirements such as provision of car parking for on-call and recalled staff where ready workplace access is required for emergency needs;
- General staff car parking manages the operational needs of the hospital and the clinical needs of patients, their carers and visitors.
- Operational protocols and fee structures are set at each hospital to ensure that car parking is financially self-sustaining*, with all new car parks considering the staff requirements listed above.
*Where commercially operated, subject to contract and legal obligations, requirements and negotiations.
The local Hospital Car Park Strategy and local Staff Car Parking Policy should consider the following factors to effectively respond to local requirements at each hospital, its patient needs, and the surrounding community:
- Access to public transport, cycling facilities and other alternative methods of transport and opportunities to improve access to these;
- Carpooling options and other arrangements to reduce car parking demand;
- Opportunities to change hospital operational arrangements that impact on car parking demand such as staggered shift change over times and scheduling of outpatient appointments;
- Arrangements for staff who require multiple same day access to parking to support clinical service delivery (e.g. staff using personal vehicles for home visits);
- The local environment surrounding the facility, including safety considerations for patients, their carers, visitors, and staff;
- Security arrangements available (e.g. security escorts, alarm systems, lighting and proximity to hospital and ward entrances/exits);
- Opportunities to implement parking arrangements in surrounding streets in conjunction with the local council to support hospital car parking arrangements (e.g. provision of shuttle bus services); and
- Staff recruitment, retention and satisfaction.
New hospital car parks
Where a new hospital car park is proposed, hospital car park proposals should:
- Consider staff requirements in line with the objectives outlined in this guideline; and
- Where relevant, set fair and affordable maximum tariffs for staff as part of the funding and financial modelling during the planning phases for the new car park.
This Guideline applies to:
- All hospital car parking facilities; and
- All proposals for new car parking infrastructure, including upgrades or modifications to existing car parking infrastructure.
Administrative requirements
Each HHS should:
1. Develop a local Staff Parking Policy for each hospital it administers. The local Staff Car Parking Policy should be consistent with the intent of this Guideline.
In developing the above, the HHS should appropriately consult with hospital employees and/or employee representatives, for example, through the local Hospital and Health Service Consultative Forum.
The Staff Parking Policy and any associated procedures should be available on the HHS’s intranet.
Where hospitals operate paid parking facilities The Staff Parking Policy and/or any procedures should consider:
- Mechanisms for staff car park payments, which may be through salary deductions for passes which are charged irrespective of use, or alternatively on a pay per entry mechanism. Where a staff pass scheme is implemented, Hospital and Health Services should develop guidelines which include:
- An explanation of the process under which the Hospital and Health Service will allocate and issue staff passes. This should address initial distribution (allocation for at risk staff, ballot, prioritisation based on role, etc.); ongoing allocation as passes become available; and regular reviews of allocations to ensure consistency with the principles for allocation;
- Provisions for free, subsidised or discounted car parking for certain staff cohorts such as:
- staff where their safety is at an escalated risk;
- fleet vehicles;
- maintenance contractors, vehicles using the loading dock, ambulances and other emergency services vehicles;
- Frequency and mechanism for amendments to car parking fees e.g. annual CPI review, or enable more frequent changes to improve car park operation management; and
- Impact of any change on current car park operator contractual arrangements in place.
Supporting and related documents
Authorising Health Service Directive: Hospital Car Parking Provisions #QH-HSD-042:2014
Definitions of terms used in this guideline
Refer to the Hospital Car Parking Provisions Health Service Directive for details.
Approval and implementation
Guideline Custodian
Chief Health Infrastructure Officer, Infrastructure Strategy and Planning Branch
Approval by Chief Executive
Director-General, Department of Health
Approval date: 29 June 2017
Effective from: 1 July 2017
Issued under section 47 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011.
Version control
Version | Date | Prepared by | Comments |
0.01 | 24/04/2014 | Regulatory Instruments Unit | New Document |
0.02 | 15/06/2017 | Infrastructure Strategy and Planning Branch | Review has included clearly separating staff parking provisions from patient and carer concession considerations |