Car parking provisions
Directive number: QH-HSD-042:2014
Effective date: 1 July 2017
Review date: 1 July 2020
Supersedes: Version 1
On this page:
- Purpose
- Scope
- Principles
- Outcomes
- Mandatory requirements
- Related or governing legislation, policy and agreements
- Supporting documents
- Business area contact
- Review
- Approval and implementation
- Definitions of terms used in this directive
- Version control
The purpose of this Health Service Directive (this Directive) is to provide safe, accessible and affordable car parking at Queensland’s public hospitals for patients, their carers, visitors and hospital staff.
This Directive applies to all Hospital and Health Services (HHSs).
This Directive is guided by the following principles:
- Hospital car parks provide necessary support infrastructure for the provision of health services.
- Car parking supply is to be aligned with the efficient and safe operation of the hospital, considering access needs for patients, their carers and visitors, and hospital staff.
- Proposals for new hospital car park infrastructure should be supported through strategic planning and asset management planning.
- Car parking should be affordable and accessible for all patients, their carers and visitors.
- Car park operations are appropriately managed using robust financial processes and are self-sustaining to ensure public funds continue to be directed towards clinical services.
This Directive requires each HHS to develop the following for each hospital it administers:
- A local Staff Car Parking Policy that addresses car parking for staff where their safety is at an escalated risk (shifts completing or commencing between 6.00pm and 6.00am) and on-call staff where ready workplace access is required for emergency needs. The provision of general staff car parking is to consider the operational needs of the hospital and the clinical needs of patients and their carers and visitors.
- A local Hospital Car Park Strategy (the Strategy)* that seeks to achieve affordable and accessible car parking for patients, their carers, visitors, and hospital staff. The Strategy is to include a geographic car park plan and a local approach to patient, carer and visitor accessibility, staff parking locations, user safety, and any tariffs and concessions. The Strategy should also align with any HHS hospital master planning and service plans, considering both the short and long term car parking needs of the hospital.
- For hospitals with paid parking, a local Car Parking Concessions Policy and supporting local Car Parking Concessions Procedure for eligible patients and their carers.
*Not required for rural and remote sites with no need for additional car parking provision.
Mandatory requirements
In order to meet the Outcomes stated in this Directive:
- All hospitals are to have a local Staff Car Parking Policy that is generally aligned with the Health Service Directive Guideline Hospital Car Parking – Provision of Staff Parking by 31 December 2017;
- all hospitals are to have a local Strategy* in place, which will assist the HHS and Department of Health in determining the need for new car park infrastructure;
- hospitals with paid parking are to have a local Car Parking Concessions Policy and supporting Car Parking Concessions Procedure developed in adherence with the Health Service Directive Standard Hospital Car Parking – Patient and Carer Car Parking Concessions by 1 October 2017;
- the HHS must appropriately consult with relevant hospital employees, consumer groups and patients during the development of its local Strategy, Policies and Procedures; and
- the HHS must appropriately communicate the local Strategy, Policies and Procedure/s to patients, their carers, visitors and hospital staff to ensure information relating to hospital car parking is available to all users.
*Not required for rural and remote sites with no need for additional car parking provision.
Related or governing legislation, policy and agreements
Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011
Supporting documents
- Health Service Directive Standard – Hospital Car Parking – Patient and Carer Car Parking Concessions Standard # QH-HSDSTD-042-2:2017
- Health Service Directive Guideline – Hospital Car Parking – Provision of Staff Parking Guideline # QH-HSDGDL-042-1:2014
Business area contact
Infrastructure Strategy and Planning Branch, Strategy, Policy and Planning Division
This Health Service Directive will be reviewed at least every three years.
Date of last review: N/A
Supersedes: Hospital Car Parking Provision #QH-HSD-042:2014
Approval and implementation
Directive Custodian
Executive Director, Infrastructure Strategy and Planning Branch
Approval by Chief Executive
Director-General, Department of Health
Approval date: 29 June 2017
Issued under Section 47 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011.
Definitions of terms used in this directive
Term | Definition / explanation / details | Source |
Carers | A person providing unpaid care and support to family members and friends (who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged) who are patients. | |
Existing car parking infrastructure | A hospital car park that is in operation at the date this Health Service Directive takes effect. | N/A |
Hospital | Includes any premises providing medical or surgical treatment, and nursing care, for ill or injured persons | Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (Qld) |
New car parking infrastructure | Any hospital car park infrastructure that is existing car park infrastructure. This includes any major upgrade or modification to an existing car park (such as additional car parking levels or converting an at grade park to a multi-storey car park facility or transitioning a free car park to a paid parking regime). | N/A |
Patients | Any person accessing a hospital for clinical services. | N/A |
Staff | Any person employed at the hospital. | N/A |
Visitors | Any person visiting the hospital who is not a Patient, Carer or Staff. | N/A |
Version control
Version | Date | Prepared by | Comments |
0.01 | 24/04/2014 | Regulatory Instruments Unit | New Document |
0.02 | 15/06/2017 | Infrastructure Strategy and Planning Branch | Reviewed document includes new Patient and Carer Concessions Standard. |