Department of Health policy framework
The Policy Framework outlines the types of policy documents (e.g. policy, standard, guideline) governing the Department of Health. The framework applies to divisions and business units making policy documents applicable to the department.
Under the framework, the Policy Management Policy and Policy Management Standard:
- specify the governance of policy documents
- promote a consistent and rigorous approach to policy development and approval, implementation.
Compliance with the framework is mandatory for Department of Health divisions and commercialised business units.
Policies and standards developed under the framework may be adapted for use by HHSs to support best practice and business continuity.
Note: The framework excludes Information and Communications Technology and Human Resource policies. Refer to the Policy Management Policy for further information.
Types of policy documents
- Policy: sets out the department's intent to achieve a particular outcome.
- Standard: specifies the minimum actions required to comply with a policy and identifies responsibilities for staff.
- Guideline: provides advice on best practice and is intended to be a supporting document to a policy or standard. They cannot be stand-alone documents within the framework.
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