Approved training providers for Use Licence Exemption

Under the Radiation Safety Act 1999, a person must not use a radiation source unless the person is allowed to use it under a use licence. However, the Act also provides that in certain circumstances, use licences are not required.

One of these circumstances is when a trainee is undergoing certain training at an educational institution or other entity that has been approved by the chief executive and whose approval has been published on the department’s website. In this circumstance, the trainee must be in the presence and under the personal supervision of a person who is licensed to use the radiation source.

For an educational institution or other entity to be approved, the chief executive will need to be satisfied that:

(a) the training requires students to undertake practical and theoretical training to complete the course of study

(b) the practical training provided by the educational institution or entity is of an acceptable standard

(c) the theoretical training provided by the educational institution or entity is of an acceptable standard; and

(d) the educational institution or entity assesses –

  1. the practical competency of students on completion of the practical training; and
  2. the theoretical components of the training provided in the course of study.

Approved training providers for intending cosmetic laser users

Note: ‘cosmetic purposes’ means one or more of the following:

  • hair reduction
  • skin rejuvenation (including superficial pigmentation adjustment)
  • superficial capillary reduction
  • tattoo removal

A person who is undergoing practical training in Queensland is not required to hold a licence to use a laser apparatus for cosmetic purposes while they are completing one of the following training courses conducted by the below specified educational institution or other entity (training provider):

Training Provider Details1

Approved Training Details1

Qualification Awarded

Name of Provider

Name of Training

Scope of Training

Description of Training

Torrens University Australia Ltd Bachelor of Health Science (Aesthetics) Hair removal

Skin rejuvenation

Superficial capillary reduction
Provision of theoretical and practical training at Torrens University campus, Bowen Terrace, Fortitude Valley.

Bachelor of Health Science (Aesthetics)
Queensland Cosmetic Laser Operator Statement of Competency.

Eraza Laser College Pty Ltd Advanced Laser Tattoo Removal Practices Tattoo removal Provision of theoretical and practical training at suite 4/23 Nind Street, Southport

Certificate of Proficiency – Advanced Laser Tattoo Removal Practices (ELC330)

Made up of:

  • Laser and intense pulsed light safety (ED268)
  • Laser Tattoo Removal Fundamentals (ELC315)
  • Infection control for cosmetic laser procedures (ELC316)
  • Laser practices (ELC328)

1.Approved under s83(1)(b) of the Radiation Safety Regulation 2021

For more details on these approvals, refer to Notice of Approval - Training (PDF 1271 kB).

1.The trainee must be in the presence and under the personal supervision of a person who is licensed to use the radiation source.
2. All other persons who intend to undergo practical training in Queensland, other than the training cited above, are required to hold an appropriate ‘trainee’ licence issued under the Act.

Information for training providers

To determine whether or not the training and the training provider should be approved, the chief executive may consider:

  • the type of training provider and its governance arrangements
  • details of the theoretical training provided
  • details of how the practical training is offered
  • how competency is measured
  • the ability, experience and competency of the licensed trainers and assessors
  • how trainers or assessors measure their own performance as well as that of the trainees
  • how trainers or assessors deal with a non-performer; and
  • how frequently the training provider re-assesses its training.

The approval will be reviewed at specified intervals. At the time of review, the training provider will be expected to provide details of any changes in the information submitted to support the initial application.

Information to be submitted – cosmetic laser use training

It is expected that any training relating to the provision of cosmetic services using laser apparatus would cover information, as applicable, about:

  • the apparatus itself and the associated radiation risks and hazards
  • how to ascertain the optimal operating settings of the apparatus for each individual client, and how to assess the results for each client
  • the safety measures in place to minimise the risks to both the clients and the apparatus operator
  • the tools that may be used to minimise the risks to the client (e.g. use of a skin melanin meter), and
  • how to recognise an incident and what to do if an incident occurs.

The information to be submitted by the training provider to enable an assessment is described here: Information for Training Providers (PDF 218 kB).

Last updated: 4 December 2024