Commercial baiting operators

The Medicines and Poisons Act 2019 (the MPA) includes provisions for persons who intend to provide baiting services, using restricted schedule 7 (RS7) poisons, to landholders or other entities on a fee-for-service basis.

RS7 poisons for invasive animal control include fluoroacetic acid (1080) and para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP). A list of RS7 poisons can be found in Schedule 1 of the Medicines and Poisons (Poisons and Prohibited Substances) Regulation 2021.

Low-risk fluoroacetic acid baits (LRFAB) include fresh (meat, grain, fruit, vegetables) or manufactured shelf stable baits with a concentration of not greater than 0.5 grams of fluoroacetic acid (1080) per kilogram of bait (0.05%).

Strychnine is no longer available for invasive animal control. This is due to the scheduled expiry of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) permit PER14004 on the 30 June 2024.

Required authorities

Depending on the regulated activities undertaken a Commercial baiting operator (CBO) may require one or more of the following authorities:

  1. LRFAB manufacturing licence
  2. General approval
  3. S7 poison retail licence

1. LRFAB manufacturing licence

A manufacturing licence is required to buy fluoroacetic acid concentrate and use the concentrate to manufacture fresh low-risk fluoroacetic acid baits (LRFABs). This licence also authorises the CBO to supply (sell) fresh LRFABs, manufactured by the CBO, to rural landholders or entities who hold an authority (general approval, licence or approved person) to buy LRFABs.

A manufacturing licence does not authorise the supply of shelf stable manufactured baits (e.g. Doggone, De-K9 baits), fluoroacetic acid concentrate or other RS7 poisons used for invasive animal control.

Manufacturing licences incur a processing fee and annual licence fees (from 1-5 years), which can be found at Poisons substance authorities forms and fees.

2. General approval

A general approval is required to buy, possess, apply and dispose, of baits containing RS7 poisons, other than fluoroacetic acid concentrate. This includes:

  • fresh LRFABs,
  • shelf stable LRFABs or PAPP baits,
  • capsules for pest ejector devices and
  • PAPP putty used with foot hold traps.

3. S7 poison retail licence

Depending on the nature of services provided, a CBO may also apply for a retail licence if the CBO intends to supply (sell) RS7 poisons, registered by the APVMA to control invasive animals, to rural landholders or other entities.

Note: CBOs can only supply RS7 poisons to rural landholders or other entities who hold an authority under the MPA (general approval, licence or approved person) to buy RS7 poisons for invasive animal control.

Poisons regulation requirements for CBOs

CBOs also need to comply with the relevant provisions under the Poison Regulation for storage, transport and disposal of RS7 poisons. They must also  comply with the requirements of the APVMA approved product labels e.g. neighbour notification, signage and distance restrictions.

Competencies for CBOs and their employees

CBOs must ensure that they and each of their employees dealing (buy, possess, apply, supply, dispose) with RS7 poisons holds the competencies prescribed in the Departmental Standard - Competency requirements for authority holders dealing with poisons (PDF 338 kB).

Substance management plans (SMPs)

CBOs may be required to have an SMP if it is a condition of their licence or general approval. An SMP is a document that identifies and addresses the risks associated with the regulated activities and must demonstrate how those risks will be controlled.

SMPs must comply with the requirements of the Departmental Standard - Substance management plans for regulated poisons (PDF 283 kB).

CBO risk assessments

CBOs must undertake a risk assessment to ensure that the placement of the RS7 poison do not adversely impact on public health. The risk assessment must be documented prior to each baiting activity on any land and a copy of the risk assessment must be provided to the landholder.

Applying for a licence or general approval

Application forms and fees for CBO licences and general approvals can be found here Poisons substance authorities forms and fees.

Related information


Departmental standards


Queries about dealing with RS7 poisons for invasive animal control can be directed to the Environmental Hazards Unit by email at

Last updated: 5 July 2024