About pest management
From 27 September 2021, the Medicines and Poisons Act 2019 (MPA) and the subordinate legislation, the Medicines and Poisons (Pest Management Activities) Regulation 2021 (Pest Management Regulation) has replaced the Pest Management Act 2001 (the Pest Management Act) and Pest Management Regulation 2003.
The Pest Management Regulation regulates pest management activities and gives effect to the Act’s objectives.
Key policy objectives of the Pest Management Regulation include:
- protecting the public from the health risks associated with inappropriate access to, and use of, pesticides and fumigants
- adopting a contemporary approach to regulating pesticides and fumigants in Queensland that introduces a more responsive and outcomes-focused regulatory framework
- streamlining the regulatory controls governing pesticides and fumigants to reduce the associated regulatory costs for industry, consumers and government
- improving security controls in the use and storage of pesticides and fumigants to prevent diversion for unlawful purposes.
Transitional arrangements
Licences granted under the Pest Management Act prior to commencement of the MPA will continue until the term expires or are surrendered/cancelled. Applications submitted under the repealed Pest Management Act and not granted before the commencement of the MPA, will be assessed under the MPA.
Pest management licences under the Pest Management Act will transition as closely as possible to the new licences under the MPA. Pest management technicians may apply to amend their licence to include additional endorsements. Authority holders will have up to 26 September 2022 to comply with new obligations where required, under the MPA. Find out more by reading the Transitional arrangements fact sheet (PDF 253 kB).
Related information
- Departmental standard – Competency requirements for licensed technicians undertaking pest management activities with pesticides and fumigants (PDF 326 kB)
- Seeking pest management services (PDF 246 kB) this document provides guidance when seeking a pest management technician.
- A guide to what a Pest Management Technician needs to know (PDF 654 kB)
Environmental Hazards Unit: environmentalhazards@health.qld.gov.au