Prescribing approvals
Prescribing approvals authorise a prescriber to prescribe restricted medicines in circumstances stated in the approval.
Restricted medicines are listed in Part 1 of Schedule of the Medicines and Poisons (Medicines) Regulation 2021 (MPMR). They include:
- approved opioids for the Queensland Opioid Treatment Program (QOTP)
- amfetamines and methylphenidate (psychostimulants)
- other restricted medicines also listed in Appendix D of the Poisons Standard.
Some classes of medical prescribers, specialist oral medicine dentists or nurse practitioners, do not require a prescribing approval if they are authorised to prescribe that particular restricted medicine as specified in the relevant schedules (4, 6 or 7) of the MPMR. For example, a prescribing approval is not required for continuing treatment with restricted medicines in hospitals or prisons.
Apply for a prescribing approval
Queensland Opioid Treatment Program (QOTP) prescribing approvals
To apply to be a prescriber under the QOTP, you will need to:
- undertake the required prescriber training
- complete and submit the application form to
Amfetamine and methylphenidate (psychostimulant) prescribing approvals
- Application form – prescribing approval (psychostimulants) – initial/amendment/renewal (PDF 267 kB)
- Factsheet - Prescribing psychostimulants (PDF 195 kB)
Other restricted medicines prescribing approvals
These application forms include application guidelines for other restricted medicines (e.g. clozapine, isotretinoin, thalidomide) prescribing approvals.
- Initial application – prescribing approval (restricted medicines) (PDF 552 kB)
- Renewal application – prescribing approval (restricted medicines) (PDF 276 kB)
- Amendment application – prescribing approval (restricted medicines) (PDF 365 kB)
Applications for all non-QOTP prescribing approvals can be submitted to