Information for medical practitioners and healthcare workers
Legal obligations for all medical practitioners
All medical practitioners have obligations under the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021, including those who choose not to participate in voluntary assisted dying.
After the person dies—practical steps and legal obligations
Steps that need to be taken after the death of a person who accesses voluntary assisted dying.
Scope of practice for medical practitioners and other healthcare workers
Learn about the scope of practice and roles for medical practitioners and healthcare workers for voluntary assisted dying.
Talking to patients about voluntary assisted dying
Information for healthcare workers on responding to requests for information about voluntary assisted dying.
Conscientious objection
Learn about the obligations under the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021 that apply to healthcare workers who have a conscientious objection.
End of life care
Information for healthcare workers on palliative care and voluntary assisted dying.
Queensland Voluntary Assisted Dying Handbook
The Queensland Voluntary Assisted Dying Handbook is a valuable resource to assist healthcare workers, health services and others understand their roles and responsibilities.
Supporting ineligible people
Ways healthcare workers can provide support for people who wish to access voluntary assisted dying, but don't meet the eligibility criteria.
Voluntary Assisted Dying clinician series
Video series by clinicians in Australia talking about their experience working with voluntary assisted dying.