Superseded - Interstate Exposure Venues Direction (No. 3)
This direction has been superseded on 5 November 2021. See the current Interstate Exposure Venues Direction (No. 4).
Effective from: 9.30am AEST 7 September 2021
Posted: 7 September 2021
Superseded on: 5 November 2021
Direction from Chief Health Officer in accordance with emergency powers arising from the declared public health emergency
Public Health Act 2005 (Qld)
Section 362B
On 29 January 2020, under the Public Health Act 2005, the Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services made an order declaring a public health emergency in relation to coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The public health emergency area specified in the order is for ‘all of Queensland’. Its duration has been extended by regulation to 26 December 2021 and may be further extended.
Further to this declaration, l, Dr Jeannette Young, Chief Health Officer, reasonably believe it is necessary to give the following direction pursuant to the powers under s 362B of the Public Health Act 2005 to assist in containing, or to respond to, the spread of COVID-19 within the community.
A person entering Queensland must comply with any relevant requirements of other Public Health Directions while the person is in Queensland. A person entering Queensland who has been overseas in the 14 days prior to arriving in Queensland must comply with the entry and quarantine requirements under the Quarantine for International Arrivals Direction or its successor. If there are declared COVID-19 hotspots, a person entering Queensland who has been in a declared COVID-19 hotspot in the 14 days prior to entering Queensland must comply with the requirements under the Border Restrictions Direction or its successor.
Separately from the requirements under Public Health Directions, under sections 362G and 362H of the Public Health Act 2005, a person may be given a direction by an emergency officer (public health) to stay at or in a particular place for up to 14 days if the emergency officer believes it is reasonably necessary to assist in containing, or to respond to, the spread of COVID-19 in the community.
This Public Health Direction may be referred to as the Interstate Exposure Venues Direction (No. 3).
The Interstate Exposure Venues Direction (No.2) made on 18 May 2021 is revoked from the time of publication of this Direction.
This Direction applies from the time of publication until the end of the declared public health emergency, unless revoked or replaced.
The purpose of this Part is to require individuals who enter Queensland and have been to an interstate exposure venue during the exposure period to quarantine in order to limit the spread of COVID-19.
A person who enters Queensland and has been to an interstate exposure venue during the exposure period must quarantine at nominated premises in accordance with the requirements in paragraphs 6 to 9.
Requirements for quarantine
A person who has been to an interstate exposure venue during the exposure period must quarantine, unless:
more than 14 days has passed since the person was at the interstate exposure venue; or
otherwise directed by an emergency officer (public health).
A person required to quarantine under this part must comply with the following quarantine requirements:
for a person arriving before an identified date, the person must quarantine at nominated premises, such as the person’s residence or other accommodation, from their date of arrival in Queensland until 14 days have passed since the person was at the interstate exposure venue; or
for a person arriving after an identified date, the person must quarantine at government-nominated accommodation for 14 days commencing on the date of the person’s arrival in Queensland; or
as otherwise directed by an emergency officer (public health).
A person who has been to an interstate exposure venue required to quarantine under this part or by a direction of an emergency officer (public health) will be quarantined for a further period of 14 days from the end of the quarantine period if the person is not tested for COVID-19 when requested to do so by an emergency officer (public health).
A person who has been to an interstate exposure venue must:
travel to the nominated premises in the manner instructed by an emergency officer (public health), or if not instructed by an emergency officer (public health), by the most direct practical route and means to the place; and
Note: nominated premises may be the person’s home or government-nominated accommodation.
not leave the nominated premises for a 14-day period, except:
for the purposes of obtaining essential medical care at a hospital; or
to avoid injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm; or
Example – escaping a risk of harm related to sexual or domestic and family violence
in the event of an emergency situation; or
as otherwise required or permitted under a direction given to the person by an emergency officer (public health); and
provide a negative COVID-19 test result prior to being able to leave quarantine for any reason other than:
to avoid immediate injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm; or
an emergency situation; or
as otherwise required or permitted under a direction given to the person by an emergency officer (public health); and
if directed to quarantine at government-nominated accommodation, not open the door to the nominated premises, except when:
leaving the nominated premises for a permitted purpose under paragraph 9(b); or
allowing a person to enter a nominated premises for a permitted purpose under paragraph 9(i); or
permitted by a quarantine facility worker to collect any food, laundry, medical supplies or other items left at the door of their nominated premises; or
permitted by a quarantine facility worker to place any laundry, rubbish or other items directly outside the door of their nominated premises for collection; and
for a person directed to quarantine at government-nominated accommodation, must not:
physically interact with other guests from another nominated premises on a balcony of the nominated premises; or
Note: a quarantined person should maintain physical distancing from other guests on other balconies at government-nominated accommodation
accept or exchange items with other guests between balconies at government-nominated accommodation; or
enter any balcony other than a balcony of the person’s nominated premises.
wear a surgical mask whenever:
directed to do so by an emergency officer (public health); and
when leaving quarantine as permitted under paragraph 9(b); and
when the door to a nominated premises within government-nominated accommodation is open as permitted under paragraph 9(d), unless:
it is not practicable because of the emergency situation or the need to avoid immediate injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm; or
permitted under a direction given to the person by an emergency officer (public health); and
ensure any travel when permitted to leave and return to the nominated premises during quarantine under paragraph 9(b)(i) must be by ambulance service; and
ensure any travel to leave and return to the nominated premises under paragraph 9(b)(ii),(iii) or (iv) is by:
ambulance service; or
a transport provider endorsed by a government authority and with a Transport Plan in the form approved by the Chief Health Officer; or
an emergency services vehicle in emergency or serious situations as permitted or allowed under a direction given to the person by an emergency officer (public health); or
for a person not quarantining at government-nominated accommodation, private transport; or
as otherwise required, permitted or allowed under a direction given to the person by an emergency officer (public health); and
not permit any other person to enter the nominated premises unless that other person:
resides in the nominated premises for the purpose of complying with this direction; or
is required or permitted under a direction given to the person by an emergency officer (public health) to perform a COVID-19 test; or
for government-nominated accommodation, is required or permitted under a direction given to the person by an emergency officer (public health) in an emergency situation and contact details of the other person are recorded; or
Example: an emergency medical situation where it is not practicable to transport the quarantined person to a hospital.
for a residence, is required to enter in an emergency situation; and
Note: a nominated premises includes the balcony of a government-nominated hotel room. A quarantined person must not permit any person to enter their balcony unless they are permitted by paragraph 9(i) above.
A requirement of this Direction to wear a surgical mask does not apply to:
a child under the age of 12 years; or
a person with a physical or mental health illness or condition, or disability, which makes wearing a mask unsuitable.
Examples: persons who have obstructed breathing, a serious skin condition on their face, an intellectual disability, a mental health illness, or who have experienced trauma.
This part applies to a person who has been directed to quarantine at government-nominated accommodation under Part 1.
Before a person required to quarantine under Part 1 ends their quarantine period and may leave their government-nominated accommodation, they must in the form approved by the Chief Health Officer:
declare whether they have symptoms consistent with COVID-19; and
Note: if a quarantined person is experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, they should remain in their nominated premises and contact the venue health manager at their government-nominated accommodation.
undertake to present for a COVID-19 test:
2 or 3 days after leaving government-nominated accommodation; or
if they cannot, due to circumstances beyond their control, present for a COVID-19 test 2 or 3 days after leaving quarantine, present for a test as soon as practicable after leaving a government-nominated accommodation; and
Note: 2 or 3 days after a person’s release from quarantine at government-nominated accommodation will be day 16 or 17 after the commencement of the person’s quarantine period.
undertake to contact 134 COVID if they develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19 in Queensland within 14 days of leaving quarantine; and
undertake to present for a COVID-19 test if they develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19 in Queensland within 14 days of leaving quarantine; and
undertake to act on any advice provided by Queensland Health by means of text message or other correspondence after their release from quarantine; and
provide accurate and valid contact details; and
declare that the information provided in the form is true and correct to the best of their knowledge.
If a person mentioned in paragraph 12 is a minor, a parent, guardian or responsible adult must make each of the declarations required by paragraph 12 on behalf of the minor in the form approved by the Chief Health Officer.
A person who refuses to complete the form mentioned in paragraph 12 when requested will be quarantined for a further period of 14 days from the end of the quarantine period.
If a parent, guardian or responsible adult refuses to complete the form mentioned in paragraph 12 when requested to on behalf of a minor, the minor will be quarantined for a further period of 14 days from the end of the minor’s quarantine period.
A person who has completed a further 14 days of quarantine under paragraph 8 is not required to complete the form mentioned in paragraph 12.
If a person mentioned in paragraph 12 develops symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within 14 days after leaving quarantine they must:
contact 134 COVID; and
be tested for COVID-19 and isolate until a negative test result is received and they are symptom-free.
On leaving government-nominated accommodation, a person who undertakes to present for a COVID-19 test as specified in paragraph 12 (b) must:
have no or minimal contact with the Queensland community;
not attend any type of work;
not enter residential aged care facilities, shared disability accommodation services or a hospital;
Note: See paragraph 19 for instances where entry to a hospital is permitted.
collect and maintain written records of persons they may come into close contact with; and
provide the records mentioned in sub-paragraph (d) to an emergency officer (public health) or a contact tracing officer if requested
Despite paragraph 18 (c), a person may enter a hospital:
to obtain essential medical care; or
as a parent, guardian or responsible adult to accompany minor obtaining essential medical care; or
as a support person to a person obtaining essential medical care; or
Example: A person may require support from a disability support worker or person who has provided long-term informal support, such as a family member or friend.
to present for a COVID-19 test; or
as otherwise required or permitted under a direction given to the person by an emergency officer (public health).
until a negative COVID-19 test result is received.
The post-quarantine requirements specified in Part 1B and 1C will take effect at 1.00am on 7 September 2021.
A person who has been to an interstate exposure venue during the exposure period, who is already present in Queensland when the interstate exposure venue is published, must quarantine at a nominated premises, such as the person’s residence or other accommodation, until 14 days have passed since the person was at the interstate exposure venue, unless:
more than 14 days has passed since the person was at the interstate exposure venue; or
otherwise directed by an emergency officer (public health).
A person who has been to an interstate exposure venue required to quarantine under this part must:
immediately contact Queensland Health; and
immediately travel by private transport directly to their home or place of accommodation or other suitable premises to quarantine at until further instructions are provided by Queensland Health or a direction is given by an emergency officer (public health) under section 362G or 362H of the Public Health Act 2005.
The Chief Health Officer, Deputy Chief Health Officer or their delegate may give a person or class of persons an exemption from a requirement of this Direction if other extreme exceptional circumstances exist.
An exemption may be given on conditions and if so, the person given the exemption must comply with the conditions.
Definitions used in this Direction are in Schedule 1.
A person to whom the direction applies commits an offence if the person fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with the direction.
Section 362D of the Public Health Act 2005 provides:
Failure to comply with public health directions
- A person to whom a public health direction applies must comply with the direction unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
- Maximum penalty—100 penalty units or 6 months imprisonment.
Dr Jeannette Young
Chief Health Officer
7 September 2021
Published on the Queensland Health website at 9.30am.
Schedule 1 – Definitions
For the purposes of this Public Health Direction:
Emergency officer (public health) means an emergency officer appointed under the Public Health Act 2005.
Note: Emergency officers appointed under the Public Health Act 2005 include public health officers and police.
Government-nominated accommodation means a hotel or other accommodation premises at which the person is directed to quarantine by an emergency officer (public health).
Hospital means:
a hospital, as defined in schedule 2 to the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011; or
a private health facility, as defined in section 8 of the Private Health Facilities Act 1999; or
a multi-purpose service, as defined in section 104 of the Subsidy Principles 2014 made under section 96-1 of the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth).
Identified date means a particular time and date identified by Queensland’s Chief Health Officer and published on the Queensland Health website
Interstate exposure venue means a place that is:
identified by the relevant government authority for a State or Territory or safe travel zone country as a venue where a person who was present at that venue during an exposure period is required to quarantine, isolate or be tested for COVID-19 and isolate until they receive a negative result or for another period due to potential exposure to COVID-19; and
published on the Queensland Health website.
Note: an interstate exposure venue includes all venues identified by a relevant government authority including venues identified as either close contact venues or casual contact venues. These venues are published on the Queensland Health contact tracing website:
Nominated premises means:
a person’s allocated room within government-nominated accommodation as directed by an emergency officer (public health); or
another premises as directed by an emergency officer (public health), such as the person’s residence or other accommodation.
Note: A person may be required to pay a fee for quarantine under chapter 8, part 7AA (Fees for quarantine during COVID-19 emergency) of the Public Health Act 2005.
Private transport means:
a private vehicle; or
if travel by (a) is not available, a taxi with a protective shield between driver and passenger or a taxi van that allows for physical distancing between the driver and passengers; or
if travel by (a) and (b) is not available, a taxi or ride share sitting in the back seat on the passenger side.
Residential aged care facility means a facility at which accommodation, and personal care or nursing care or both, are provided to a person in respect of whom a residential care subsidy or a flexible care subsidy is payable under the Aged Care Act 1997 of the Commonwealth, or funding is provided under the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program.
Safe travel zone country has the same meaning as in the Quarantine for International Arrivals Direction, or its successors.
Shared disability accommodation service means a service, including the forensic disability service under the Forensic Disability Act 2011, where:
four or more people with disability reside with people who are not members of their family; and
the residents share enclosed common living areas within the facility whether inside or outside, and
the residents are provided with disability supports within the facility.
Surgical mask means a single use, surgical mask with a minimum level 1 barrier protection level under the Australian Standard (AS 4381:2015) that covers the nose and mouth.
Symptoms consistent with COVID-19 means fever or history of fever, symptoms of acute respiratory infection (cough, shortness of breath, sore throat), loss of smell, loss of taste, runny nose, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting or fatigue.