Residential Aged Care Visitor Direction (No. 2)
Understanding this Direction
Information to help you understand what this Direction means for residents of aged care facilities, family members and visitors.
Effective from: 5pm AEST 13 May 2022
Posted: 13 May 2022
Direction from Chief Health Officer in accordance with emergency powers arising from the declared public health emergency
Public Health Act 2005 (Qld)
Section 362B
On 29 January 2020, under the Public Health Act 2005, the Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services made an order declaring a public health emergency in relation to coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The public health emergency area specified in the order is for ‘all of Queensland’. Its duration has been extended by regulation to 24 June 2022 and may be further extended.
Further to this declaration, l, Dr John Gerrard, Chief Health Officer, reasonably believe it is necessary to give the following directions pursuant to s362B of the Public Health Act 2005 to assist in containing, or to respond to, the spread of COVID-19 within the community.
This Public Health Direction revokes the Residential Aged Care Visitor Direction made on 12 March 2022.
The requirements set out in this Public Health Direction only apply while it is in force (until the end of the declared public health emergency, unless earlier revoked or replaced).
The Commonwealth is responsible for regulating and funding aged care under the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth). The requirements set out in this Public Health Direction are intended to operate in addition to any existing requirements under the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth), including related subordinate legislation.
To the extent of any inconsistency between this Public Health Direction and a requirement under the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth), the Act applies or prevails.
Separately from the requirements under Public Health Directions, under sections 362G and 362H of the Public Health Act 2005, an emergency officer (public health) can require a facility or person to comply with additional directions if the emergency officer believes it is reasonably necessary to assist in containing, or to respond to, the spread of COVID-19 in the community.
This Public Health Direction may be referred to as the Residential Aged Care Visitor Direction (No. 2).
The Residential Aged Care Visitor Direction made on 12 March 2022 is revoked and replaced from of this Public Health Direction and is replaced by this Direction.
This Direction applies from the time of publication until the end of the declared public health emergency, unless it is revoked or replaced.
This Direction applies to a person who is seeking to enter and remain in a residential aged care facility as a visitor for the purpose of visiting or providing support to a resident of that residential aged care facility, or to provide products or services on a voluntary basis, as part of their role with an organisation other than the residential aged care facility.
Note: a person who is an employee, a student undertaking placement, or a volunteer engaged directly by a residential aged care facility is not considered a visitor who is subject to the requirements of this direction but is considered either a residential aged care worker or a worker in healthcare who is required to comply with the Workers in a healthcare setting (COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements) Direction (No. 4) or its successors.
A person is not permitted to enter or remain at a residential aged care facility as a visitor if the person:
has symptoms consistent with COVID-19; or
is awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test unless the test was for a surveillance testing obligation under a Public Health Direction or Protocol approved by the Chief Health Officer; or
is not permitted to enter and remain in a vulnerable or high risk setting under the:
Management of Diagnosed Cases of COVID-19 and Close Contacts Direction or its successors; or
Requirements for International Arrivals Direction or its successors.
Note: A person awaiting COVID-19 test results as part of a surveillance testing obligation must still comply with the requirements in paragraph 10 (a) and (c). For example, a person awaiting results of a routine COVID-19 test required under a direction must not enter, or remain on, the premises of a residential aged care facility if they have symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
Paragraph 10 does not apply:
where the visitor is attending at the residential aged care facility, with the permission of the operator, for the purpose of an end of life visit for a resident of the residential aged care facility and has an exemption under Part 4 for the end of life visit; and
where paragraph 10(c)(i) applies, the person complies with the conditions of entry prescribed in the Management of Diagnosed Cases of COVID-19 and Close Contacts Direction or its successors in addition to any requirements prescribed under this Direction; and where paragraph 10(c)(ii) applies, the person complies with the conditions of entry prescribed in the Requirements for International Arrivals Direction or its successors in addition to any requirements prescribed under this Direction.
Restrictions on entry for unvaccinated visitors
In addition to paragraph 10, a person who is unvaccinated, must not enter or remain in a residential aged care facility as a visitor unless the person is:
under 16 years of age; or
unable to receive a COVID-19 vaccine because of a recognised medical contraindication and has evidence of a recognised medical contraindication; or
a COVID-19 vaccine trial participant, and receipt of a Therapeutic Goods Administration approved vaccine would impact the validity of the trial. As this exemption is temporary, the medical certificate must not have expired.
entering the premises for an end of life visit for a resident of the residential aged care facility; or
Note: Please note that an exemption is not needed for an unvaccinated person entering into a residential aged care facility for an end-of-life visit.
entering the premises to provide support to a resident in an emergency situation; or
maintaining continuity of care to a resident of a residential aged care facility, including advocacy services, that cannot be delivered by electronic or non-contact means.
Note: A carer or support person who is not fully vaccinated can attend a residential aged care facility to provide essential care, caring responsibilities or to fulfil other advocacy roles to a resident of the aged care facility, provided that they comply with the risk mitigation measures put in place by the facility. For example a visitor providing support for a resident to eat their meals.
Note: All unvaccinated persons who are permitted to enter the facility must follow the risk mitigation measures put in place by the facility. For example, this may require wearing a single use-surgical face mask, safely physically distancing from others or having a COVID-19 test within 24 hours of entering the facility.
Obligation on operators
The operator must take all reasonable steps to ensure that a person does not enter or remain on the premises of the residential aged care facility if the person is prohibited from doing so under this Direction.
The operator must take all reasonable steps to ensure that a person who is permitted to enter and remain in a residential aged care facility as a visitor, for the duration of their visit, complies with any conditions or restrictions required by:
this Direction; and
any other public health direction.
Nothing in this Direction is to be taken to prevent a resident of a residential aged care facility from entering or remaining upon the premises of the residential aged care facility.
Public Health Measures - visitors and volunteers
A visitor to a residential aged care facility must:
to the extent reasonably practicable, practise physical distancing and limit their contact with other persons at the facility; and
comply with any or all of the following requirements:
face mask requirements in another public health direction;
additional personal protective equipment requirements;
any other additional visitor restrictions implemented by the operator of the residential aged care facility to effectively manage an outbreak.
COVID-19 Response - Residents
The operator must take reasonable steps to develop and document appropriate processes to ensure residents and their unique needs can be immediately identified in a COVID-19 event.
Example: This may include requirements for residents to wear identification if appropriate, and to ensure residents’ personal preferences and needs are documented appropriately, for example by keeping a hard copy of each resident’s relevant records securely stored in the facility, including current medications list, personal care requirements and preferences, and their advance care planning documents and directions.
The operator may permit a resident to leave the facility for any purpose.
Note – Residents who form part of a familial group (for example, couples, siblings) or close friends should be permitted to leave the facility together. A resident who leaves a residential aged care facility must comply with other public health directions.
Collection of information
The operator must make all reasonable efforts to electronically collect contact information about all visitors, to a residential aged care facility at the time of entry, by either:
requesting visitors use the Check In Qld app; or
registering visitors through the Business Profile mode of the Check In Qld app.
Example – a person may be unable to use the Check in Qld app due to age, disability, language barriers or does not possess the technology or own a mobile phone. The residential aged care facility must register the visitor through the Business Profile mode. Alternatively, another person may provide contact information on their behalf under paragraph 23.
Despite paragraph 19 an operator is not required to request a visitor’s contact information under paragraph 19 if:
the visitor is entering a residential aged care facility in an emergency; or
the visitor is or appears to be younger than 16 years old; or
it is not reasonable to request contact information based on compassionate grounds or a risk to a person’s safety.
or the visitor is otherwise permitted to enter as an unvaccinated person under paragraph 12.
An operator must make all reasonable efforts to clearly display the Check In Qld app QR code at each entry to the residential aged care facility that is used by visitors.
A person who is permitted to enter a residential aged care facility as a visitor must at the time of entry provide their contact information to the operator by:
using the Check In Qld App; or
providing their contact details to the operator of the business to be registered using the Business Profile mode of the Check In Qld app; or
if another method of collection is being used under paragraph 25 using that method.
If a visitor is unable to provide contact information because of age, disability or an inability to speak or comprehend the language used by the Check In Qld App or the other method of collection, another person may provide contact information on the visitor’s behalf.
Despite paragraph 22, a person who is permitted to enter a residential aged care facility under this Direction as a visitor, is not required to provide their contact information to the operator if:
the visitor is entering a residential aged care facility in an emergency; or
the visitor is under the age of 16 years old; or
it is not reasonable for a visitor to provide contact information based on compassionate grounds or a risk to a person’s safety.
Example – a support person arriving at the facility to respond to an emergency situation relating to a resident is not required to provide their contact information on entry to the facility.
Collection of contact information using another method due to temporary circumstances
If an operator cannot electronically collect contact information for visitors to the facility at the time of entry because it is not possible to use the Check In Qld app due to unexpected circumstances or because the facility is located in a place that does not have mobile internet data connection, the operator must collect and keep contact information using another method.
Example – another electronic method such as a spreadsheet or another method such as a paper-based form
Note - unexpected circumstances may include temporary issues with failure of an internet service or breakdown in the Check In Qld app.
If contact information is collected using ‘another method’ under paragraph 25, the operator must:
use best endeavours to transfer any non-electronic information to an electronic system within 24 hours of collecting the information; and
Example - an electronic method such as a spreadsheet
comply with the requirements for collection and storage; and
if requested, provide the information collected under paragraph 25 and the electronic information under paragraph 26(a) to a public health officer within a stated time.
Requirements for visitors
A visitor aged 16 years or older who enters or remains at a residential aged care facility must, prior to entry, provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination or evidence of recognised medical contraindication or of being a COVID-19 vaccine trial participant, unless the person is permitted to enter as an unvaccinated person under paragraph 12.
If a visitor is unable to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination or evidence of a recognised medical contraindication or of being a COVID-19 vaccine trial participant because of age, disability or an inability to speak or comprehend the language or technology used when requesting the proof or evidence, another person may provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination or medical contraindication or evidence of being a COVID-19 vaccine trial participant on the person’s behalf.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination or medical contraindication
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination or evidence of medical contraindication or of being a COVID-19 vaccine trial participant (printed or electronic) includes:
written confirmation of COVID-19 vaccination provided to the person as part of the vaccination process, such as a record of vaccine card; or
vaccination information displayed on the Check in Qld app; or
a COVID-19 digital certificate or printed vaccination certificate from the Australian Immunisation Register; or
an online or printed immunisation history statement for COVID-19 vaccination, including confirmation of a medical contraindication; or
Note: A person’s immunisation history statement can be obtained from the Australian Government using myGov, the Medicare mobile app or by calling the Australian Immunisation Register and requesting a statement to be posted.
Note: If a person is unable to receive a COVID-19 vaccine because of a recognised medical contraindication, they must provide evidence of a medical contraindication. Upon provision of evidence of a recognised medical contraindication or of being a COVID-19 vaccine trial participant, a person will be treated as if they are fully vaccinated.
evidence of being a COVID-19 vaccine trial participant;
an International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate:
in a printed or electronic form from the Department of Home Affairs that confirms completion of a Digital Passenger Declaration and vaccination against COVID-19 overseas; or
through Medicare online account through myGov or the Express Plus Medicare mobile app; or
an official record of vaccination provided to the person when vaccinated against COVID-19 overseas.
Requirements for operators in relation to visitors
An operator must, make all reasonable efforts to confirm that the visitor entering and remaining on their premises is fully vaccinated by requesting and sighting proof of COVID-19 vaccination or evidence of recognised medical contraindication or of being a COVID-19 vaccine trial participant (printed or electronic).
An operator is not required to request a visitor’s proof of COVID-19 vaccination or evidence of recognised medical contraindication or of being a COVID-19 vaccine trial participant (printed or electronic) under paragraph 30 if:
the visitor is or appears to be younger than 16 years old; or
Note: Whilst a visitor who is 5 years or older is eligible to be fully vaccinated, proof of COVID-19 vaccination is only required for a visitor who is 16 years or older.
the visitor enters in an emergency; or
it is not reasonable to collect proof of COVID-19 vaccination due to a risk to the safety of staff and other visitors.
The Queensland Chief Health Officer, a Deputy Chief Health Officer or their delegate may grant an exemption from all or part of this Direction, with or without conditions, in writing, to an individual or class of individuals who does not meet the requirements prescribed in paragraph 10 to enter and remain in a residential aged care facility as a visitor for an end of life visit or in other exceptional circumstances.
An exemption granted under paragraph 32 may be given on conditions, and if so, the person given the exemption must comply with all conditions imposed.
If a visitor enters a facility under paragraph 32, the operator must take reasonable steps to manage the person’s visit in accordance with the conditions imposed by the Chief Health Officer, Deputy Chief Health Officer or delegate under the exemption.
Example: An operator may need to ensure the resident being visited is in a single room, the visitor wears appropriate personal protective equipment, is escorted to and from the room, and avoids common areas and contact with other residents, visitors and staff.
An emergency officer (public health) can require the operator of a residential aged care facility to comply with additional directions if the emergency officer believes the direction is reasonably necessary to assist in containing, or to respond to, the spread of COVID-19 within the community.
Definitions used in this Direction are in Schedule 1.
A person to whom the direction applies commits an offence if the person fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with the direction.
Section 362D of the Public Health Act 2005 provides:
Failure to comply with public health directions
A person to whom a public health direction applies must comply with the direction unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
Maximum penalty—100 penalty units or 6 months imprisonment.
Dr John Gerrard
Chief Health Officer
13 May 2022
Published on the Queensland Health website at 5pm AEST
For the purposes of these directions:
Australia means the Commonwealth of Australia and includes the external territories of Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Coral Sea Islands and Heard and McDonald Islands but excludes the Australian Antarctic Territory.
Business Profile mode means the ability for businesses to electronically register by entering customer contact details via ‘Check In Qld Business Profile mode’ listed in the profile section of the app.
Check In Qld app means the app developed by the Queensland Government for contact tracing purposes which, when used by a person, provides the Queensland Government with the person’s contact information and details of the person’s attendance at a residential aged care facility.
Note – Each person should check in individually using the Check In Qld app or have a person in their group or the facility or service check in on their behalf.
Contact information means the information collected by the Check in Qld app or, if another collection method is permitted under this Direction, the name, phone number, email address, and the date and time of attendance of visitors.
COVID-19 digital certificate means an electronic certificate outlining a person’s vaccination status for the COVID-19 vaccine.
COVID-19 PCR test means for a person:
12 months of age or over, an oropharyngeal and deep nasal swab of a person who is 12 months of age or over, for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test approved for use in Australia by the Therapeutic Goods Administration to detect whether a person has the COVID-19 virus.
under 12 months of age, a saliva swab for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test approved for use in Australia by the Therapeutic Goods Administration to detect whether a person has the COVID-19 virus.
Note: A COVID-19 PCR test does not include a self-test
COVID-19 RAT means a Rapid Antigen Test approved for use in Australia by the Therapeutic Goods Administration to detect whether the person has the COVID-19 virus.
COVID-19 test means a COVID-19 PCR test or a COVID-19 RAT approved for use in Australia by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
COVID-19 vaccine means a COVID-19 vaccine approved for use in Australia by the Therapeutic Goods Administration or endorsed by WHO-COVAX and the vaccine was obtained overseas.
COVID-19 vaccination requirements has the same meaning as in the Workers in a healthcare setting (COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements) Direction (No. 4) or its successors.
COVID-19 vaccine trial means a medical trial for a COVID-19 vaccine under either the Clinical Trial Notification or Clinical Trial Approval schemes regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
COVID-19 vaccine trial participant means a person who:
is an active participant in a COVID-19 vaccine trial; and
provides a medical certificate or letter from a medical practitioner, registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Queensland) associated with the COVID-19 vaccine trial confirming that:
the person is participating in a Phase 3 or 4 COVID-19 vaccine trial; and
the person has received at least one active dose of the COVID-19 vaccine being trialled.
Eligible health professionals means any of the following:
fellows of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (as defined by the Health Insurance Act 1973 Cth); or
fellows of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (as defined by the Health Insurance Act 1973 Cth); or
on Medicare’s Vocation Register of General Practitioners (as defined by the Health Insurance Act 1973 Cth); or
practice registrar on an approved 3GA training placement; or
paediatrician; or
public health physician; or
infectious diseases physician; or
clinical immunologist.
Emergency officer (public health) means an emergency officer appointed under the Public Health Act 2005.
Note: Emergency officers appointed under the Public Health Act 2005 include public health officers and police.
Emergency services means a:
member of the Queensland Police Service, National Security, Border Patrol or the Australian Defence Force who, in the performance of official duties, is responding to an emergency, providing an emergency service, undertaking a time critical legislated regulatory or compliance function;
a member of the Queensland Ambulance Service, an officer of St John Ambulance Australia, or aeromedical services crew, such as RACQ Lifeflight crew, Royal Flying Doctor Service or CareFlight who, in the performance of official duties, is responding to an emergency, providing an emergency service;
a member of the Rural Fire Service, State Emergency Services and Fire and Rescue Service personnel who, in the performance of official duties, is responding to an emergency, providing an emergency service, undertaking a time critical legislated regulatory or compliance function;
a disaster management responder who, in the performance of official duties, is responding to an emergency, providing an emergency service; or
a union official responding to an emergent need.
End-of-life visit means a visit by a person for the purposes of end-of-life support for a resident.
Evidence of a recognised medical contraindication means the person has a current:
COVID-19 vaccine medical exemption recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register, or
Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) immunisation medical exemptions form completed and signed by an eligible health professional for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Notes: some medical contraindications are temporary and therefore the record or completed form may only be valid for a period of time.
A current completed and signed AIR immunisation medical exemption form is valid in printed or digital form.
Face mask means a flat surgical mask, P2/N95 mask or a cloth mask with three layers that covers the nose and mouth (but does not include a face shield) or other type of face mask required to be worn by a person to comply with any personal protective equipment guidelines and/or COVID safe plans for a facility or service.
Note – a scarf or bandana is not a face mask.
Fully vaccinated means a person who is 16 years of age or older has received the prescribed number of doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Immunisation history statement means a statement that displays all the immunisations a person has had that are on the Australian Immunisation Register.
Note: further information can be found on
International arrival has the same meaning as under the Requirements for International Arrivals Directions or its successors.
International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate means a secure record of vaccinations for people travelling internationally that meets agreed international travel standards.
Note: further information can be found on:
Medical contraindication means a person has a current:
COVID-19 vaccine medical exemption recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register or
Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) immunisation medical exemptions form completed and signed by an eligible health professional for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Notes: some medical contraindications are temporary and therefore the record or completed form may only be valid for a period of time.
A current completed and signed AIR immunisation medical exemption form is valid in printed or digital form.
Operator means a person who owns, controls or operates a residential aged care facility and includes the Health Service Chief Executive of a Queensland Health residential aged care facility.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) means the relevant personal protective equipment referred to in Queensland Health’s Residential Aged Care Facility and Disability Accommodation PPE Guidance.
Physical distancing includes remaining at least 1.5 metres away from other persons where possible.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination means evidence provided as outlined in Part 3 that verifies a person is fully vaccinated against COVID-19
Note: a person who provides evidence of a recognised medical contraindication or is a COVID-19 vaccine trial participant is treated as if they are fully vaccinated.
Public health officer includes an emergency officer (general), a contact tracing officer or an authorised person under section 377 of the Public Health Act 2005.
Queensland Health residential aged care facility means the following Queensland Health facilities and for a multi-purpose health service, means the aged care portion in which accommodation, and personal or nursing care or both, are provided to a person in respect of whom a residential care subsidy or a flexible care subsidy is payable under the Aged Care Act 1997 of the Commonwealth, or funding is provided under the Commonwealth Government National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program or Multi-Purpose Services Program:
Hospital and Health Service | Facility |
Cairns and Hinterland | Babinda Multi-purpose Health Service |
Mossman Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Central Queensland | Baralaba Hospital Multi-purpose Health Service |
Blackwater Hospital Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Eventide Home Rockhampton | |
Mount Morgan Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Moura Multi-purpose Health Service | |
North Rockhampton Nursing Centre | |
Springsure Hospital Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Theodore Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Woorabinda Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Central West | Alpha and Jericho Multi-purpose Health Service |
Barcaldine Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Winton Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Darling Downs | Dr E A F McDonald Nursing Home |
Forest View Residential Care Facility | |
Inglewood Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Karingal Nursing Home | |
Millmerran Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Milton House | |
Mt Lofty Nursing Home | |
Texas Multi-purpose Health Service | |
The Oaks Residential Aged Care Facility | |
Mackay | Clermont Multi-purpose Health Service |
Collinsville Hospital | |
Metro North | Gannet House |
Cooinda House | |
Metro South | Redland Residential Care Facility |
North West | Cloncurry Hospital |
McKinlay Shire Multi-purpose Health Service | |
South West | Augathella Multi-purpose Health Service |
Cunnamulla Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Dirranbandi Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Injune Multi-purpose Service | |
Mitchell Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Mungindi Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Quilpie Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Surat Multi-purpose Service | |
Waroona Multipurpose Centre | |
Westhaven Nursing Home | |
Sunshine Coast | Glenbrook |
Torres and Cape | Cooktown Multi-purpose Health Service |
Weipa Hospital Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Townsville | Eventide Charters Towers |
Parklands Residential Aged Care Facility | |
Hughenden Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Richmond Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Wide Bay | Biggenden Hospital Multi-purpose Health Service |
Childers Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Eidsvold Hospital Multi-purpose Health Service | |
Mundubbera Multi-purpose Health Service |
Residential Aged Care Facility and Disability Accommodation PPE Guidance means the Queensland Health document Pandemic Response Guidance: Personal protective equipment in Residential Aged Care and Disability accommodation services [Personal protective equipment in Residential Aged Care and Disability accommodation services ], or its successor.
Residential aged care facility means a facility, including a Queensland Health residential aged care facility, at which accommodation, and personal care or nursing care or both, are provided to a person in respect of whom a residential care subsidy or a flexible care subsidy is payable under the Aged Care Act 1997 of the Commonwealth, or funding is provided under the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program.
Residential aged care worker has the same meaning as in the Workers in a healthcare setting (COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements) Direction (No. 4) or its successors.
Resident of a residential aged care facility means a person who ordinarily resides at the facility.
Requirements for collection and storage means:
securely storing contact information and not using it for any other purpose, other than for contact tracing; and
deleting the information after not less than 30 days and not more than 56 days.
Student has the same meaning as in the Workers in a healthcare setting (COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements) Direction (No. 4) or its successors.
Support person means a family member, friend or carer that is visiting the residential aged care facility on behalf of, or to support, a resident or a prospective resident of the facility.
Surveillance testing obligation means a requirement under a Public Health Direction or Protocol approved by the Chief Health Officer for a person to be routinely tested for COVID-19, who does not have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and is not required to self-isolate while awaiting a test result unless there is another lawful reason for them to isolate.
Symptoms consistent with COVID-19 means fever or history of fever, symptoms of acute respiratory infection (cough, shortness of breath, sore throat), loss of smell, loss of taste, runny nose, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting or fatigue.
Unvaccinated means the person has not received the prescribed number of doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Visitor means a person who is entering the residential aged care facility for the purpose of collecting, visiting or providing support to a resident of the residential aged care facility, or a person who enters the residential aged care facility to provide products or services on a voluntary basis, as part of their role with an organisation other than the residential aged care facility but does not include:
a resident of a residential aged care facility;
a residential aged care worker or a worker in healthcare at the residential aged care facility, whether paid or not;
a contractor who is providing goods or services that are necessary for the effective operation of the residential aged care facility, whether the goods are provided for consideration or on a voluntary basis;
a contractor providing construction, repair, or maintenance services on an unscheduled or intermittent basis;
emergency services staff;
a person undertaking a legislated, regulatory, or compliance function;
union official undertaking official duties in response to an emergent need;
a person, permitted by the operator, to maintain continuity of care for a patient that cannot be delivered by electronic or non-contact means.
Note: a person who is engaged directly by the residential aged care facility for unpaid services is not considered a visitor for the purposes of this Direction but is considered either a residential aged care worker or a worker in healthcare who is required to comply with the Workers in a healthcare setting (COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements) Direction (No. 4) or its successors.
Volunteer has the same meaning as in the Workers in a healthcare setting (COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements) Direction (No. 4) or its successors.
Vulnerable or high risk setting has the same meaning as in the Management of Diagnosed Cases of COVID-19 and Close Contacts Direction or its successors.
Worker in healthcare has the same meaning as in the Workers in a healthcare setting (COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements) Direction (No. 4) or its successors.