Health Contact Centre

The Health Contact Centre (HCC) is a virtual healthcare provider that delivers confidential health assessment, advice and information services to Queenslanders, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The HCC is a core part of the Queensland Health system and actively responds to changing health priorities.

  • Our staff provide these services 24 hours a day and 7 days week to ensure Queenslanders have access to virtual care any time they need it.


    People in Queensland who call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) are provided with symptom assessment, home treatment advice, referral, information, disease management and crisis intervention by Registered Nurses. Over 60% of calls are received in the afterhours period and around 75% of consumers are recommended a non-emergency level of care.

    13 HEALTH Webtest

    An additional web-based testing option for Queenslanders at risk of sexually transmissible infections when they are unlikely or unable to attend a health service.

    More information about Online chlamydia and gonorrhoea test requests

    Child Health

    Information and advice for families about care and health of children aged 0–5 years. This includes support with new babies, feeding, nutrition advice, growth and development, sleep and settling, toddler behaviour and parenting.

    Children's health, parenting and pregnancy

    Vaccination enquiries

    Information and advice about immunisations, making a decision to vaccinate, the likelihood of reactions, and methods to deal with anxiety about needles.

    Benefits of immunisation

    Termination of Pregnancy Act

    Information is provided regarding termination healthcare options including the termination procedures available, information and route of access to appropriate referral pathways and support to overcome any barriers to access. If more immediate clinical support is required we will transfer to a Tele-Triage Registered Nurse.

    Termination of pregnancy (abortion) in Queensland

  • Queenslanders can pursue pathways to better health when accessing these services that empower them to make better lifestyle choices.


    Evidence-based, tailored smoking cessation interventions, support and information for Queenslanders interested in quitting smoking via 13 QUIT (13 78 48).

    Get help from Quitline

    Way to Wellness

    Patients are referred to the Way to Wellness program by healthcare professionals with a goal to empower them to improve their overall health, wellbeing and modifiable risk factors leading into surgery.

    The program offers comprehensive risk screening, brief advice, goal and action planning, and patients are connected with evidence-based lifestyle modification programs.

    Self Management of Chronic Conditions

    People with chronic disease are provided with structured evidence-based secondary prevention. Registered nurses deliver this service using The COACH Program®. The program has been shown to reduce mortality, improve quality of life and reduce unplanned hospital admissions.

    Immunise Queensland

    We collaborate with the communicable diseases specialists in the department to deliver a suite of initiatives via phone, SMS, email and traditional mail services to support Queensland’s immunisation strategy.

    More about immunisation

  • Our services directly help hospitals and the health system by both ensuring patients are offered the care they need at the right time and that patients attend hospitals only when their situation requires it.

    Waitlist Management

    The Waitlist Management service supports active management of Hospital and Health Service (HHS) waiting lists for specialist outpatient services to reduce waiting lists and 'failure to attend' rates in participating clinics. The service includes appointment confirmations, administrative audits of waiting lists and coordination of patients who have been placed on a waitlist outsource program.

    Ryan’s Rule Clinical Review

    Patients, families or carers of inpatients can use this service to escalate concerns if a health condition is getting worse or not improving and they are not satisfied with local level resolution. Once the rule is enacted, a nurse or doctor will undertake a Ryan’s Rule clinical review of the patient and the treatment they are receiving.

    Ryan's Rule | Clinical Excellence Queensland ❯

    yourQH Consumer Support Service

    Assistance and information for patients and families regarding the use of the yourQH Portal. We help to manage consumer enquiries, troubleshoot and navigate the yourQH portal as well as redirect enquiries to relevant areas.

    yourQH (patient online portal)

    Health Provider access to the Viewer (HPPTV) Opt-out Service

    HPPTV provides eligible Health Practitioners (HPs) with secure online access to The Viewer. This service bridges the information gap between public hospitals and other health professionals, helping to ensure patients receive consistent, timely and better coordinated care.

    Queenslanders have the choice to opt-out so Health Providers do not have access to the information about their healthcare received in Queensland Health facilities. If they have decided to opt-out they can call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).

    Information Eligible Health Practitioners can access

    Rapid Response Campaigns

    The service ensures responsive contact with Queenslanders—even at short notice—regarding emergent health issues as required by Queensland Health.

    Contact Tracing

    We support public health units across Queensland in the process of identifying relevant contacts of a person with a confirmed diagnosis or a potential exposure to a notifiable condition. In line with the Public Health Act 2005, this service aims to ensure the case and/or the contact are aware of their diagnosis or exposure and are managed appropriately to reduce the likelihood of them passing it onto others.

    Health Alerts and general health information

    Timely and accurate information for Queenslanders regarding health topics including threats from natural disasters, food or water system issues, drugs, poisons and therapeutic goods.

Last updated: 23 July 2024