Queensland Health organisational structure

The Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women has overall responsibility for Queensland’s health system through the Department of Health as well as Queensland’s 16 Hospital and Health Boards.

The Director-General manages the Department of Health’s activities.

Organisational chart for Queensland Health
Queensland Health organisational structure

Managing the health system

Public health services in Queensland are provided through 16 Hospital and Health Services (HHS). These are statutory bodies, each governed by a Hospital and Health Board. Some public health services are also provided by private providers.

The Department of Health is responsible for the overall management of the public health system in Queensland, including monitoring the performance of HHSs.

Service agreements are negotiated between the Department of Health and each HHS. The service agreement determines the services that the department will purchase from the HHS and how much it will pay for the provision of these services (i.e. the level of funding to be provided).

Read more about the funding model.

Department of Health Governance Framework

The Department of Health Governance Framework (PDF 592 kB) identifies the governance principles and practices that drive and support implementation of good public sector governance across the department.

Health system induction materials

The induction documents for Hospital and Health Service Board members contain simple explanations of some of the key workings of the Queensland health system. They provide useful information including:

  • an overview of the Australian health system
  • roles and responsibilities of Queensland Health and HHSs.


Last updated: 4 November 2024