Social media comment policy

Queensland Health uses social media to inform and alert the public about current and emerging health issues, and support, educate and empower Queenslanders to make healthier life choices. At this time, we maintain an official presence on the following social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and TikTok. These accounts are produced, maintained and monitored by the Queensland Health social media team.

Each of these social media platforms are controlled and operated by third parties with their own privacy policies, and the Queensland Government's Privacy Policy does not apply. Follow these links to learn more about a specific privacy policy: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and TikTok.

While the Queensland Health social media pages are an open forum, they are also family friendly ones, so please keep your comments polite. When contributing, do not post any material that contains:

  • hate speech
  • profanity, obscenity or vulgarity
  • comments that could be considered prejudicial, racist or inflammatory
  • nudity or offensive imagery in profile pictures
  • defamation to a person or people
  • name calling and/or personal attacks
  • comments whose main purpose are to sell a product
  • comments that infringe on copyrights
  • spam comments from individuals or groups, such as the same comment posted repeatedly on one or more posts on a single profile
  • personal information about you or another individuals (including identifying information, email addresses, phone numbers or private addresses)
  • false representation of another individual, organisation, government or entity
  • promotion of a product, business, company or organisation.

Queensland Health retains the right to remove any content that does not comply with the Comment Policy or that the Queensland Health social media team deems inappropriate.

Violations of the Comment Policy may cause the author to be blocked from the relevant page.

Queensland Health employees should consult Queensland Health’s guidelines on social media before posting anything on social networking sites such as Facebook. Refer to the Employee Code of Conduct on Social Media and the Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service on the department's intranet.

Last updated: 28 November 2024