Employee records
You can apply for access to your employee records held by Queensland Health through the administrative access process. The process is the same for both current and former Queensland Health employees.
Applications for access to your employee record are to be made in writing to:
- Department of Health employees: applications are sent to the Chief Human Resources Officer, Human Resource Branch.
- Hospital and Health Services (HHS) employees: applications are sent to the local human resources unit within your HHS.
- Queensland Ambulance Services (QAS) employees: QAS HR Services
Sometimes record requests cannot be processed via administrative means, and they need to be applied for under the formal Right to Information legislation. The types of records that may be subject to the formal legislation include, but are not limited to:
- medical reports, where disclosure may be prejudicial to the employee's mental or physical health or well-being.
- Documents about an employee that are subject to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 document.
- document about the employee concerning suspected corrupt conduct/suspected criminal offence or its investigation.
- Complaint documents about the employee.
- Recruitment information including panel member notes and referee reports.
- documents to which legal professional privilege applies.
Contact the HHS or Department of Health RTI contact point before applying to access documents that may be subject to a formal process, and they will be able to guide you as to the best way forward.