Disclosure Log 2019-2020

The Department of Health is required to maintain a disclosure log in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009. Should you have any difficulty with downloading documents on this page or have any queries regarding the disclosure log, please contact us.

1 July 2019–30 June 2020

DOHDL number Date of application Scope of application Name of applicant Outcome of application
DOH-DL 19/20-00111/07/2019Recommendation Report of "42-bed residential drug rehabilitation and treatment facility in Rockhampton" that outlines the site options and final decision to locate it in Parkhurst.

Date range: 01 January 2018 - 11 July 2019
Member of the public37 pages - Full release
DOH-DL 19/20-001
DOH-DL 19/20-00216/07/2019Documents provided to or created by Ashdale Integrity Solutions or Livingstones Australia since March 2017 relating to investigations.These may include copies of investigation reports or similar style documents or communications about these case.

Date range: 01 March 2017 - 16 July 2019
 Application withdrawn
DOH-DL 19/20-00319/07/2019Office of the Minister for Health

Emails to and from the Member for Gaven, Meaghan Scanlon MP in relation to the Earle Haven Retirement Village with the Minister's official and/ or private email accounts; including but not limited to miles.steven@gmail.com and steven.miles@qldlabor.com.au.

 Date range: 01 January 2019 - 19 July 2019
DOH-DL 19/20-00423/07/2019Documents, specifically reports, ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, audits, receipts, invoices, regarding the revenue raised from soft drink sales in Queensland Health facilities for the past two financial years.

Date range: 01 July 2017 - 30 June 2019 
Seven NetworkNo documents found.
DOH-DL 19/20-00523/07/20191. Information around positions classified as Medical Officer Credentialed Practice determined by the Queensland Health State Credentials Committee and State Recognised Practice Committee.

2. Where Queensland Health had determined the service requirement for non-specialist qualifications by the appropriate salary range for a Medical Officer in credentialed practice with specific recognised non-specialist qualifications.

3. Where Queensland Health has classified a position as Medical Officer Credentialed Practice where the job description specifies that a non-specialist qualification is required or preferred.

Date range: 31 August 2005 - 23 July 2019 
DOH-DL 19/20-00625/07/2019Documents under the Right To Information Act, namely:
1. Any studies conducted into the use and/or effects and/or harmful impacts of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

2. The number of complaints to Queensland Health and copies of those complaints regarding the use of ECT and responses to those complaints (with identifying information redacted)

3. A yearly breakdown of the number of treatments of ECT in Queensland between 2014 and the latest available year, broken down into voluntary and involuntary

4. A yearly breakdown of the number of children (people under 18) who have been treated with ECT between 2014 and the latest available year.
Date range: 01 January 2014 - 24 July 2019
DOH-DL 19/20-00725/07/2019Any documents and/or correspondence relating to any concerns raised with the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist about the monitoring and/or oversight and/or implementation of the Queensland guidelines relating to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in Queensland. This request also seeks access to any responses from the Chief Psychiatrist and/or his staff.

Date range: 01 January 2015 - 25 July 2019 
DOH-DL 19/20-00825/07/2019

Any documents and/or correspondence relating to concerns raised with the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist about electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in the involuntary mental health system in Queensland. This includes treating minors with ECT. This request also seeks access to any responses from the Chief Psychiatrist and/or his staff.

Date range: 01 January 2015 - 25 July 2019

Revised scope:

Any documents and/or correspondence relating to concerns raised with the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist about electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in the involuntary mental health system in Queensland and the monitoring and/or oversight and/or implementation of the Queensland guidelines relating to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in Queensland.

Date range: 01 January 2015 - 25 July 2019

ABC Network

99 pages - Full release
(The applicant agreed to remove:
Patient names, Date of Birth
Day and date of treatment / event, year remains
Treating doctors
In one case, details of the health facility)

Charges for this application have been paid, however the applicant has not yet accessed the documents.  They are therefore not published at this time.

DOH-DL 19/20-00929/7/2019The latest business case on the integrated electronic medical record, prepared from late 2018 to early 2019 for government.

Date range: 01 December 2018 - 31 July 2019
Brisbane TimesDeemed access decision
DOH-DL 19/20-01012/08/2019All briefings, memos, documentation and emails to the Minister's Office regarding the Financial System Renewal (FSR) project and S/4HANA.

Date range: 01 October 2018 - 12 August 2019
News Corp

162 pages - Refused access (Cabinet)

OIC varied decision:
134 pages - exempt (cabinet), 1 page - partial release (cabinet), 27 pages -irrelevant
DOH-DL 19/20-010

DOH-DL 19/20-01104/09/2019(1) Summary report, review and any drafts thereof, produced by the Queensland Emergency Department Strategic Advisory Panel (QEDSAP);
(2) any briefing notes (to the DG and / or the Minister's office about QEDSAP and the report/ review); and
(3) Any correspondence to or from the QEDSAP about the summary report.

Date range: 01 January 2019 - 04 September 2019
 Application withdrawn
DOH-DL 19/20-01219/07/2019Information from the 2018-2019 Financial year for Metro North LASN:
- Average meal overtime hours worked
- Average number of broken meals
- Average length of shift overruns

Date Range: 01 July 2018 - 30 June 2019
Mr Daniel York2 pages - Full release
DOH-DL 19 / 20-012  
DOH-DL 19/20-01309/09/2019Any emails, letters, documents, assessments and reports including any NPV analysis, relating to the assessment,consideration and response both internally and externally of the [removed] proposal to Queensland Health.

Date range:  01 January 2018 - 01 September 2019
DOH-DL 19/20-01409/09/2019Mental Health Community Support Services documents as follows:
Individual Recovery Support program
Group Based Peer Recovery Support Program
Individual at Risk of Homelessness Program
Individual Recovery Support - Transition from Correctional Facilities Program
Information may include: literature reviews, surveys, focus group reports, consultation briefs and reports, policy analysis briefs, program design reports, data reports, geographic modelling, financial modelling, and other analysis and research

Date range:  01 September 2017 - 30 September 2018
 Application withdrawn
DOH-DL 19/20-01509/09/2019The criteria devised, and documents relating to the criteria devised to assess the open market tender process of the in-community mental health support programs;
Individual recovery support program;
Group based recovery support program;
Individual at risk of homelessness program;
Individual recovery support transition from correctional facilities program.
The final ranking of applications divided into HSS catchments.The criteria devised, and the documents relating to the criteria devised to deliver $18.09 million dollars to in-community mental health providers in a confined market approach.

Date range:  01 January 2019 - 31 August 2019
 Application withdrawn
DOH-DL 19/20-01610/09/2019Documents relating to:
1. The qualifications of medical officers who have been appointed to the C1-1 to C1-5 pay scale excluding medical officers who hold FRACGP / FACRRM / FARGP qualification(s); and
2. Instances where the State Recognised Practice Committee (SRPC) has appointed a medical officer to the C1-1 to C1-5 pay scale where the medical officer does not hold FRACGP / FACRRM / FARGP qualification(s).

Date range:  31 August 2005 - 10 September 2019
The Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation Queensland (ASMOFQ)No  documents
DOH-DL 19/20-01711/09/2019Documents, specifically; reports, ministerial notes and attachments relating to delays in surgery.

Date range: 01 August 2019 - 11 September 2019

Revised scope:
Documents, specifically reports, ministerial notes and attachments, since 1 August, 2019, to the date of this application relating to delays in surgery due to operating surgery cancellations.
Date range: 01 August 2019 - 11 September 2019
Seven Network2 pages - Full release
DOH-DL 19/20-017
DOH-DL 19/20-01804/10/2019Documents relating to;
a) the cost of producing podcasts over the last 12 months including but not limited to;
b)  the expected reach and target audience of the podcasts; and
c) why it was decided it was necessary.

Date range: October 2018 - October 2019
 Application withdrawn
DOH-DL 19/20-01913/09/2019A spreadsheet showing the number of Wrong Blood In Tubes incidents to date, for the past five years, for all Queensland Health hospitals, broken down by years and then by HHS and facility

Date range: January 2015 - September 2019
Brisbane Times2 pages - Full acces
(Explanatory notes - 1  page additional)
DOH-DL 19/20-021
DOH-DL 19/20-02026/09/2019Documents, specifically ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, reviews, audits regarding Right to Information, for the past two years:
1. How many applications were processed within the 30 day time-frame;
2. How many went to review;
3. Of those reviewed, how many upheld the original decision and how many didn't.

Date range: 01 July 2017 - 30 June 2018
Seven Network6 pages - Full release
(2 pages - Release notes)
DOH-DL 19 20-020
DOH-DL 19/20-020 release notes
DOH-DL 19/20-02123/10/2019Any report / inquiry / audit / system documentation / Other documents
relating to the amended HR Policy 64 (Dated July 2014) as referenced on Page 4 of the document, specifically the December 2010 Amendment.
Information and documentation specifically sought regarding the union consultation and system re-configurations referenced.

Revised Scope:

Concurrent and Aggregate HR Policy C47 and the Union consultation that led to it
Date Range: 01 March 2010 to 31 January 2011 
Nurses Professional Association of Queensland43 pages - Full release
DOH-DL 19/20-021
DOH-DL 19/20-02204/11/2019Any briefing notes and minutes for the Ministerial meeting with Cerner

Date range: 01 October 2019 - 31 October 2019
Office of the Leader of the Opposition2 pages - Partial release
(Irrelevant information such as mobile phone numbers have been removed).
DOH-DL 19/20-022 
DOH-DL 19/20-02304/11/2019A copy of the Deloitte report referred to in this article: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-04/digital-hospitals-blow-out-auditor-general-scathing-report/10581322
Date range: unknown
Office of the Leader of the Opposition4 pages - Full release
8 pages - Partial release
DOH-DL 19/20-023
DOH-DL 19/20-02404/11/2019Emails to or from Nichole Aird, Stephen Savage and John Borchi in relation to Parliamentary sitting weeks.

Date range: 01 October 2019 - 31 October 2019
Office of the Leader of the Opposition55 pages - Full release
(The applicant agreed to remove mobile phone numbers and direct lines as irrelevant)
DOH-DL 19/20-024
DOH-DL 19/20-02514/11/2019Documents produced in the last 2 years containing advice and/or analysis and/or briefings or other information relating to the social and/or health costs associated with gambling. The most recent substantive document may well fulfill the scope of my request.

Date range: 01 November 2017 - 14 November 2019
DOH-DL 19/20-02612/12/2019Any information, written or unwritten, relating to the removal of advocacy information about vaping.

Date range: 01 July 2019 - 12 December 2019
DOH-DL 19/20-02720/11/2019Documents, specifically ministerial/executive briefings and attachments, reviews, audits, reports and executive meeting minutes relating to patient records going missing or being lost.

Date range: 01 July 2018 - 20 November 2019 
Seven NetworkNo documents
DOH-DL 19/20-02806/02/2020Subject matter of the documents the applicant is seeking:
Documents, specifically ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, audits, reviews, and correspondence relating to hospital maternity services.
Please limit searches to the Department Director-General only.

Date range: 01 January 2019 – 06 February 2020
Seven Network

54 pages - Full release
(The applicant agreed to remove personal information, mobile phone numbers, direct lines, non-government external email addresses, contact details and signatures, external reference numbers on a letter)
DOH-DL 19/20-028 

DOH-DL 19/20-02906/02/2020Correspondence between Jack McKay, Courier Mail and the Queensland Health media team, and any other emails, briefing notes or correspondence about the costs of social media accounts, including advertising.
Date range: 01 January 2019 – 06 February 2020

Office of the Leader of the Opposition

No Documents
DOH-DL 19/20-03011/02/2020Planning documents for the 2020 Queensland Parliament estimates process, prepared by Mary Weaver/ the Estimates Team, Office of the Director-General. Correspondence with advice to HHS and other QH units about what information to prepare, how to prepare information, resourcing of preparation teams within HHSs and any other issue in preparation for 2020 Estimates process. Instructions to Mary Weaver and the Estimates Team from the DG or Minister about the Estimates process.

Documents about resourcing of the Estimates Team, including departmental staff normally allocated to the team, any staff seconded to the team, any contractors brought in to assist the team and any other resources allocated to the team.
(To be clear: I am not seeking the proposed information to be released during the Estimates process, as that information would likely be subject to the Parliamentary privilege exemption. I am seeking planning documents and communication about the operation of the Estimates Team itself and should be considered separate and distinct to the work-output of the Estimates team.)

Date range: 01 January 2020 - 11 February 2020

Office of the Leader of the Opposition

308 pages - Full release
(1 page - Explanatory note provided)
DOH-DL 19/20-030-Expalnatory note
DOH-DL 19/20-030-001
DOH-DL 19/20-030-002
DOH-DL 19/20-030-003
DOH-DL 19/20-030-004
DOH-DL 19/20-030-005
DOH-DL 19/20-030-006
DOH-DL 19/20-030-007
DOH-DL 19/20-03121/02/20201. The number of people detained under Mental Health Act 2016 since 2017 (broken down by year).
2. The number of people released on the same day, how many of them were detained for 1 day and how many of them detained for more than one day.

Date range: 01 January 2017 - 21 February 2020
Member of the public1 page - Full release
(No documents – post-application document provided)
DOH-DL 19/20-031
DOH-DL 19/20-03224/01/2020a.On 30 June 2018 the known number of the Department of Health, Queensland Health (QH) and all Hospital and Health Services employees who held an accredited Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)?  
b.On 30 June 2018 the number of the above staff who were working in a clinical setting: Hospitals, Community Based Health Service, Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs, Rural, Sexual Assault Service, other?
Please including those working in a clinical setting but not having regular direct clinical contact or providing services directly to patients; i.e. Operational roles, Administration, Research, Management, Executive, Projects, Policy, IT, Patient Safety Unit, Liaison, etc?  
c.On 30 June 2018 the number of the above staff (a. & b. separately please) who held a current Blue Card Notice (BCN) issued under the “Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000” (the Act)?
d.The “Department of Health Annual Report 2017 to 2018” page 156, advises that: “Queensland Health employed 87,819 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff at the end of 2017–18” (30 June 218); how many QH staff held a BCN on that date?
e.The “Department of Health Annual Report 2017 to 2018” page 157, Figure 2: “Department of Health workforce profile–employment stream 2017-2018”, advises that Queensland Health employed 4684 Managerial and Clerical staff; of the 4684 staff how many were “Managerial” (including Executives) on the 30 June 218?
f.In relation to the number identified in responding to Question e. how many Managerial and Executives staff held a current BCN on the 30 June 218?
g.On 30 June 2018 across all QHs Hospital and Health Services how many Board members existed and, of that number, how many held a BCN?
h.Is “Attachment One” of the “Department of Health, Human Resource Policy - B40 (QH-POL-122) – December 2016”, still current and/or if since amended, is the following statement, in regards to permanent employees, still correct:
“Criminal History Checking Requirements”: “Working With Children Checks (Blue Card”) - “Persons engaged, other than registered health practitioners, who will provide health, counselling or support services only or mainly to children, or who will provide services to children for the minimum frequency”?
Member of the public2 pages - Full release
(No documents - post application document created)
DOH-DL 19/20-032
DOH-DL 19/20-03313/01/2020

A document generated and circulated to senior Departmental leaders late 2019 (likely September or October) relating to money paid in 2018-19 to suspended staff.

Revised scope::

A document generated and circulated to senior Departmental leaders late 2019 (likely September or October) relating to money paid in 2018-19 to suspended staff.
Seven Network8 pages - Full release
DOH-DL 19/20-033
DOH-DL 19/20-03424/03/2020

All correspondence and all documents from 28 March 2019 onwards relating to the Queensland Health Clinical Costing Solution contract and the procurement process relating to that contract, as well as all correspondence and all documents from 1 January 2018 onwards relating to the Queensland Health vendor survey that was performed by Gartner as the precursor to the development of the shortlisted Clinical Costing Solution vendors.

Date range:  01 January 2018 - 24 March 2020
 Deemed access application
DOH-DL 19/20-03525/03/2020

1. All minutes and briefing notes held by Queensland Health that relate to covid 19/coronavirus response planning in aged care facilities including nursing homes and retirement villages created since 1 February 2020.

2. All minutes and briefing notes held by Queensland Health that relate to covid 19/coronavirus scenario planning in aged care facilities including nursing homes and retirement villages if a positive case is found with a resident, staff member or relative created since 1 February 2020.

3. All minutes and briefing notes held by Queensland Health that relate to scenario planning for the impact of covid 19/coronavirus on the health of the hospital medical workforce including doctors and nursing staff created since 1 February 2020.  Please include in your search estimates of the possible expected infection rate/numbers among hospital medical staff.

4. All minutes and briefing notes held by Queensland Health that relate to scenario planning for the impact of covid 19/coronavirus on the hospital resources including emergency and intensive care departments at Metro North, Metro South, the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Darling Downs created since 1 March 2020.  Please include in your search estimates of the impact on hospital beds and availability of ventilators.

For all 4 points please include Please include in your search any briefings, emails and meeting minutes for the Health Minister Steven Miles and his office.  Please also include Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young and her office.

Date range:  01 February 2020 - 25 March 2020

Revised scope:
1. All briefing notes held by Queensland Health that relate to scenario planning for the impact of covid 19/coronavirus on the health of the hospital medical workforce including doctors and nursing staff created since 1 March 2020.  Please include in your search briefing notes filed in the Electronic Document and Record Management System (eDRMS) for key words such as Covid 19, coronavirus, scenario planning, medical and/or healthcare workforce and medical and/or healthcare workforce infection rate.  

2. All briefing notes held by Queensland Health that relate to scenario planning for the impact of covid 19/coronavirus on the hospital resources including emergency and intensive care departments at Metro North, Metro South, the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Darling Downs created since 1 March 2020.  Please include in your search briefing notes filed in the Electronic Document and Record Management System (eDRMS) for key words such as covid 19 hospital resources, coronavirus hospital resources, scenario planning, covid 19 hospital beds, coronavirus hospital beds, covid 19 intensive care beds, coronavirus intensive care beds, covid 19 ventilators, coronavirus ventilators and Ruby Princess.  

3. All briefing notes held by Queensland Health via the Prevention Division and/or the Strategy, policy and planning division to Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young and her office since 1 March 2020. Please include in your search briefing notes filed in the Electronic Document and Record Management System (eDRMS) for key words such as Covid 19, coronavirus, scenario planning, surge planning, covid 19 and/or coronavirus infection rate and/or covid 19 and/or coronavirus death rate, Ruby Princess.  

4. All briefing notes held by the Director-General Dr John Wakefield and his office since 1 March 2020. Please include in your search briefing notes filed in the Electronic Document and Record Management System (eDRMS) for key words such as Covid 19, coronavirus, scenario planning, surge planning, covid 19 and/or coronavirus infection rate and/or covid 19 and/or coronavirus death rate, Ruby Princess. 

Date range:  01 February 2020 - 25 March 2020 
ABC Network52 pages - Full release
DOH-DL 19/20-035
DOH-DL 19/20-03625/03/2020

Office of the Minister for Health

1. All minutes and briefing notes held by the Health Minister and his office that relate to scenario planning for the impact of covid 19/coronavirus on the health of the hospital medical workforce including doctors and nursing staff created since 1 March 2020.  Please include in your search estimates of the possible expected infection rate/numbers among hospital medical staff.

2. All minutes and briefing notes held by Health Minister and his office that relate to the potential impact of covid 19/coronavirus on  hospital resources including emergency and intensive care departments at Metro North, Metro South, the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Darling Downs created since 1 March 2020.  Please include in your search estimates of the impact on hospital beds and availability of ventilators and other essential equipment.

Date range: 01 March 2020 - 25 March 2020

ABC NetworkNo Documents
DOH-DL 19/20-03709/04/2020

Documents, specifically ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, audits, reviews, and correspondence relating to COVID-19 false positives or false negatives. Eg. Test results which recorded positive which turned out to be negative an vice versa.

Please limit searches to the Director-General.

Date range: 01 March 2020 – 09 April 2020

Seven Network2 pages - Full release
(1 page explanatory notes)
DOH-DL 19/20-037
DOH-DL 19/20-038 10/12/2019All records relating to any Pharmacy Change of Ownership Notification Form, ('Application'), or any change of ownership, which include any of the names Ramsay Health Care Limited, Ramsay Pharmacy Retail Services Pty Ltd, BCPharma Pty Ltd, or Wendy Lea Dare, lodged in relation to the Ramsay Pharmacy Taylor Centre, at 40 Annerley Road, Woollongabba, QLD, 4105 that has been approved, refused or has had conditions imposed upon it, from January 2019, including:
(a) The Application;
(b) Any communications or records of the Department to determine the Application;
(c) Any communications with the applicant regarding the Application including notice of the Department's decision.

Date range:  01 January 2019 - 10 December 2019
Pharmacy Guild
19 pages - Full release
14 pages - Partial release
234 pages - Access refused
DOH-DL 19/20-038 
DOH-DL 19/20-03931/03/2020Triple Zero call placed on February 18, 2017 from Hinchinbrook Island on behalf of a shark attack victim.

Date range: 18 February 2017
Hit+Run CreativeFull release - 3 Audio files (available on request by emailing rti-privacy@health.qld.gov.au)
DOH-DL 19/20-04024/04/2020Application is in relation to the Chief Health Officer's approval for about 80 people to attend a funeral held in Mackay on or about 9 April 2020.
* Documents containing the exemption for the additional people granted by the CHO and the basis on which the exemption would be granted including any required measures.
* Documents containing the basis of the request and any emails into the SHECC requesting or supporting the request for the exemption.
* Documents containing advice to the Mackay HHS, QPS, QAS, or any other body about the funeral.

Date range: Unspecified
Office of the Leader of the Opposition

27 pages - Full release
(The applicant agreed to remove mobile phone numbers, direct lines and email address of QH staff, personal information)
DOH-DL 19/20-040 

DOH-DL 19/20-04113/01/2020

1. Documents showing the legal costs relating to the case of Stephen Ayre, such as invoices for legal costs, and details of the law firms involved.
2. Documents showing the amount paid to Stephen Ayre between May 31 and his end date to sit at home awaiting the QIRC verdict including what that date was.

Date range:  31 May 2019 - 13 January 2020

Revised Scope:

1. Documents showing the legal costs relating to the case of Stephen Ayre, such as invoices for legal costs, and details of the law firms involved.
2. Documents showing the amount paid to Stephen Ayre between May 31 and his end date to sit at home awaiting the QIRC verdict including what that date was.

Date range:  31 May 2019 - 13 January 2020

Seven Network

2 pages - Full release
(Irrelevant information removed:  tax invoice numbers, reference numbers, names, external email addresses)
DOH-DL 19/20-041 

DOH-DL 19/20-04211/03/2020All correspondence from the QNMU to any member of the Department's executive leadership team.
Date range:  01 September 2019 - 11 March 2020
Office of the Leader of the Opposition88 pages - Full release
40 pages - Partial release
19 pages - Refused access
DOH-DL 19/20-042 
DOH-DL 19/20-04329/04/2020Instructions sent to hospitals to cancel surgeries due to COVID-19 on or around 23 March 2020.

Date range:  March 2020
Member of the publicNo Documents
DOH-DL 19/20-04407/07/2020For Pathology Queensland Documents, specifically ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, audits, reviews, and correspondence including emails. relating to COVID-19 false positives or false negatives.
e.g. Test results which recorded positive which turned out to be negative and vice versa.
I would expect documents to capture the number of patients who had test reversions, how many varying results, amount of time in quarantine and any details as to why the test results had varied.
Please limit searches for correspondence to the Chief Executive, or head of agency.
Date range: 01 February 2020 – 07 May 2020
Seven Network1 page - Full release
DOH-DL 19/20-044
DOH-DL 19/20-04508/05/2020Copies of any documents relating to an incident involving a patient being tied to a chair at QEII Hospital last year.
Last year, a patient with dementia was possibly tied to a chair during a rapid offload process from an ambulance, according to Metro South Health Service documents.
The request aims for any documents about the incident or discussions such as in the media unit about Seven News investigating it and receiving documents under RTI from Metro South.

Date range:  Unspecified
DOH-DL 19/20-04614/05/2020Two phone call recordings - QAS and 13HEALTH in 2014. Personal details removed.

Date range: 2014 
ABC NetworkAccess denied
DOH-DL 19/20-04721/05/2020Written direction / guideline from the Chief Health Officer (CHO), to the Commissioner of Police (COP), where the CHO may have issued a direction / guideline stating that "male Police officers DO NOT NEED to shave their beards" due to COVID-19 response.

Date range: 01 February 2020 - 30 April 2020
Member of the publicNo documents
DOH-DL 19/20-04828/05/2020Documents, specifically reports, statistics, correspondence, executive briefings and attachments, executive minutes and related AV material such as CCTV/body worn camera footage, relating to Ryan’s Rule being called/invoked.
In relation to correspondence, please limit to the

Date range: Unspecified
Seven Network42 pages - Full release
(4 pages - Explanatory note provided)
DOH-DL 19/20-048
DOH-DL 19/20-04927/05/20201. All documents and information providing proof of a reduction in overall hospitalisation following the receipt of the Influenza Vaccines currently approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for administration in Australia (FluQuadri, Vaxigrip Tetra, Fluad Quad, Fluarix Tetra, Influvac Tetra, Afluria Quad) that Dr Jeannette Young, Chief Health Officer for Queensland, relied upon when issuing the direction that a person must not enter or remain on the premises of a residential aged care facility in the State of Queensland if the person “does not have an up to date vaccination against influenza” as detailed in the Aged Care Direction (No. 4) issued on the 21st of May 2020
2. The document, instrument or certificate stipulating the powers relied upon by Dr Jeannette Young, Chief Health Officer for Queensland, to make directions pertaining to the subject matter of mandatory influenza vaccinations as stated in the Aged Care Direction (No. 4) on the 21st of May 2020
3. All documents and information identifying a risk of increased overall hospitalisation when contracting Coronavirus and Influenza concurrently, which were relied upon by Dr Jeannette Young, Chief Health Officer for Queensland, when issuing the direction that a person must not enter or remain on the premises of a residential aged care facility in the State of Queensland if the person “does not have an up to date vaccination against "influenza” as detailed in the Aged Care Direction (No. 4) issued on the 21st of May 2020
4. All documents and information identifying a risk of increased overall hospitalisation when contracting COVID-19 and Influenza concurrently, which were relied upon by Dr Jeannette Young, Chief Health Officer for Queensland, when issuing the direction that a person must not enter or remain on the premises of a residential aged care facility in the State of Queensland if the person “does not have an up to date vaccination against influenza” as detailed in the Aged Care Direction (No. 4) issued on the 21st of May 2020

Revised scope:

a) Information/evidence relied upon by the CHO, other than the Commonwealth recommendation, to support the Aged Care Directions regarding vaccinations (showing a reduction in overall hospitalization post flu shot)

b) The document which states that the CHO has the power to make such directions (in relation to vaccinations)
Melissa Bruce63 pages - Full release
(1 page - Explanatory note provided)
DOH-DL 19/20-049 
DOH-DL 19/20-05029/05/2020Documents about the new Kirwan Ambulance Station, including: any briefing notes about the site and plans held by the Department; and any correspondence from the Member for Thuringowa about the project.

Date range: 01 July 2019 - 29 May 2020
Office of the Leader of the OppositionWithdrawn
DOH-DL 19/20-05129/05/2020All correspondence to Brittany Lauga MP, Member for Keppel about contact tracing and the Nurse involved in the North Rockhampton aged care Covid-19 infection scare.

Date Range: 31 January /2020 to 29 May 2020
Office of the Leader of the OppositionExempt – Stated Class of document
DOH-DL 19/20-05229/05/2020Documents from the Office of DDG Prevention Division or Chief Health Officer on the closure or restriction of firearms dealers.

Date range: 01 March 2020 - 29 May 2020
DOH-DL 19/20-05309/06/2020All documents that the Chief Health Officer considered in making her decisions to:
(a) issue Border restrictions Direction (No 5); and
(b) not revoke or vary Border restrictions Direction (No 5).

Date range: Unspecified 
DOH-DL 19/20-05409/06/2020Any documents/notes of the Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young relating to the meeting of the Australian Protection Principals Committee on 01 February 2020. Withdrawn
DOH-DL 19/20-05511/06/2020Ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, reports and correspondence such as emails and text messages relating to one or both of the following:
- Health concerns regarding public protests;
- Health concerns regarding state borders being reopened.
Please limit searches to the Chief Medical Officer and the Director-General.

Date range: 25 May 2020 - 11 June 2020
Seven Network8 pages - Full release
(Irrelevant information and mobile numbers removed)
DOH-DL  19/20-055
DOH-DL 19/20-05612/06/2020Any correspondence - i.e email, letter, fax or text message - between May 27. 2020 and June 1, 2020 - that identify when Queensland Health was made aware of an autopsy detailing a negative test result for COVID-19. The autopsy was on a man, aged 30, who lived in Blackwater. Can I request:
a) All documents - and the detail in those documents - within the dates mentioned, which show how and when Queensland Health was notified of the negative COVID-19 test result in the autopsy.
b) All documents - and the detail - within the dates mentioned, showing how and when Queensland Health notified the Queensland Police Service about the negative COVID-19 autopsy results.
c) Any other documentation showing the other Government departments Queensland Health notified, within the time-frame provided above.

Date range: 27 May 2020 - 01 June 2020
Nine Network28 Pages - Full release
(Irrelevant information and mobile numbers removed)
DOH-DL 19/20-056
DOH-DL 19/20-05724/06/2020Data request for Queensland Ambulance Service regarding the number of qualified and graduate paramedics recruited, broken down by year from 2012 to 2020.

Date range: 2012 - 2020
Member of the public3 pages - Full release
DOH-DL 19/20-057

Last updated: 27 March 2023