Disclosure Log 2016-2017

The Department of Health is required to maintain a disclosure log in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009. Should you have any difficulty with downloading documents on this page or have any queries regarding the disclosure log, please contact us.

1 July 2016–30 June 2017

DOHDL number

Date of application

Scope of application Name of applicant Outcome of application
DOH-DL 16/17-001 11/07/2016

Information and/or advice about the number of roadside drug tests submitted to the Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services (QHFSS) by the Queensland Police Service that were inconclusive between 01 January 2013 and 01 January 2016.

Please include information and/or advice relating to why those tests were inconclusive and information about costs of analysing each test.

Date range:  01 January 2013 - 01 January 2016.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 16/17-002 07/07/2016

All documentation, including emails, briefs, memorandums and correspondence both incoming and outgoing that mention or discuss the name Brett Hansen and/or Brett Hansen Electricial Pty Ltd and/or BHE Commercial Electricians and any attachments to those documents.

Date range:  01 April 2014 - 30 June 2016.

Brett Hansen Electrical Pty Ltd

138 pages - full release
163 pages - partial release

Documents available upon request.

DOH-DL 16/17-003 28/07/2016

Documents relating to the JEMs process for the positions of Director HR Performance and Director Workforce Change and Development, Health Support Queensland (or however so named), as follows:

  1. Mercer job evaluation (JEMs) outcome correspondence from Mercer to the Department of Health advising of the outcome for the above positions and evaluated level under the Job Evaluation Methodology (JEMs).
  2. Email (or other correspondence) from Executive Contracts, HR Branch to Executive Director, People Performance and Excellence, HSQ advising of the Mercer job evaluation outcomes for the above positions.

Date range:  01 June 2016 - 25 July 2016.

Member of the Public 37 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-003
DOH-DL 16/17-004 28/07/2016

Documents relating to:

The total number of emergency electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments given each year.
The total number of people who received these emergency treatments, by year.

The total number of ECT treatments given each year.
The total number of people who received these treatments, by year.
The total number of those people who were involuntary detained.

The above information broken down into the following categories:
- Children aged 0-9
- Children aged 10-15
- Children aged 16-17
- Adults aged 18-65
- Adults aged 66-80
- Adults aged 81 and over.

Date range:  Financial years 2013/14 and 2014/15.

Citizens Committee on Human Rights 2 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-004
DOH-DL 16/17-005 11/07/2016

Documents relating to:

  1. The number of reported assaults by patients or their families on Queensland Health staff.
  2. Details of the assaults, outlined in a spreadsheet, with identifiable information removed.

for the following hospitals:
- Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
- Princess Alexandra Hospital
- Nambour Hospital
- Gold Coast Hospital.

Date range:  01 July 2015 - 30 June 2016.

  Decision made. The processing charges were not paid within required timeframe. Documents available upon payment of the processing charges of $460.80. Please contact Privacy and Right to Information Unit on (07) 3082 0546 or email RTI-Privacy@health.qld.gov.au if you wish to access this document.
DOH-DL 16/17-006 23/08/2016

The number of children each year having bariatric surgery, broken down by Hospital and Health Service, and then by gender and age (0-3, 3-5, 5-8, 8-11, 11-15, 15-18).

Any Director-General or Ministerial Briefing notes regarding child obesity and bariatric surgery, including attachments.

Date range:  01 July 2013 - 23 August 2016.

Seven Network 31 pages - full release
(Irrelevant information such as staff direct phone and mobile numbers has been removed).
DOH-DL 16/17-006
DOH-DL 16/17-007 29/08/2016

Documents, specifically reports, ministerial briefing notes and attachments and audits since 1 January 2016 relating to the Queensland Health payroll system, including current issues and recovery of money owing.

Date range:  01 January 2016 - 29 August 2016.

Seven Network 81 pages - full release
(Irrelevant information such as staff mobile and direct telephone numbers has been removed).
DOH-DL 16/17-007
DOH-DL 16/17-008 06/09/2016

De-identified documents since January 1, 2014 such as reports, Ministerial and/or Executive briefings and attachments, and photos relating to substantiated cases of medical negligence and/or medical error including misdiagnosis and delayed treatment.

Date range:  01 January 2014 - 06 September 2016.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 16/17-009 20/09/2016

A copy of the interim Ernst and Young report into Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service and all draft versions and all briefing notes, emails, talking points, Parliamentary Question time briefs held by the Office of the Director-General and the Minister's Office in relation to the report.

Date range:  01 March 2016 - 20 September 2016.

Office of the Leader of the Opposition Post-application documents released.
DOH-DL 16/17-009-001.1
DOH-DL 16/17-009-001.2
DOH-DL 16/17-009-002.1
DOH-DL 16/17-009-002.2
DOH-DL 16/17-009-003.1
DOH-DL 16/17-009-003.2
DOH-DL 16/17-010 19/10/2016

Documents held by the Department relating to the supply of in-patient drug treatment beds for methamphetamine users in Queensland. Please include in your search:

A. any advice, policy documents, letters or emails by Dr William Kingswell about these issues.
B. any advice, policy documents, letters or emails by Associate Professor John Allan about these issues.
C. any advice, policy documents, letters or emails by the Chief Psychiatrist about these issues.

Documents relating to the demand for in-patient drug treatment beds for methamphetamine users in Queensland. Please include in your search:

D. any advice, policy documents, letters or emails by Dr William Kingswell about these issues.
E. any advice, policy documents, letters or emails by Associate Professor John Allan about these issues.
F. any advice, policy documents, letters or emails by the Chief Psychiatrist about these issues.

Date range:  01 June 2015 - 19 October 2016.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 16/17-011 19/10/2016

Documents, specifically reports, Ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, and photos /CCTV / video footage in relation to unexpected deaths at Queensland hospitals that have been reviewed.

Date range: 01 January 2014 - 19 October 2016.

Revised scope:

Documents in relation to unexpected deaths at Queensland Hospitals that have been reviewed, specifically patient safety clinic incident report reviewed to include Hospital and Health Service details.

Date range: 01 January 2014 - 19 October 2016.

Seven Network 23 pages - full release
(personal information removed as irrelevant).
DOH-DL 16-17-011-1
DOH-DL 16-17-011-2.1
DOH-DL 16/17-011-2.2
DOH-DL 16/17-012 12/10/2016

The following information from Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services regarding the STRmix system:

  1. All case notes and associated documents of 60 affected cases; including identifying 24 cases where a new likelhood ratio was issued.
  2. All emails sent between Queensland Health / Forensic and Scientific Services and STRmix / Environmental Science and Research in New Zealand relating to the 'miscoding error' in 60 cases (from November 2015 to present).
  3. All internal emails sent between Queensland Health and Forensic and Scientific Services staff relating to the 'miscoding error' in 60 cases (from November 2015 to present).
  4. Any internal review / report conducted by Queensland Health into the 'miscoding error' in 60 cases.

Date range:  01 November 2015 - 12 October 2016

Freelance Journalist

Post-application document released.
DOH-DL 16/17-012

DOH-DL 16/17-013 26/10/2016
  1. A copy of every Hospital and Health Services Severity Assessment Code (SAC) 1 report made to Queensland Health's Patient Safety Unit in PRIME Clinical Incidents (C1)
  2. Copies of the two most recent Adverse Outcome Data reports from every licensed private health facility submitted to Queensland Health's Private Health Regulation Branch.

Date range:  01 July 2015 - 30 September 2016.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 16/17-014 28/10/2016

All emails between Department of Health and the air conditioning company relating to the air conditioning issue in O'Connell Terrace which Department of Health states does not exist.

Date range:  Unspecified.

Member of the Public

701 pages - full release
(Irrelevant information such as mobile telephone numbers, direct phone lines and direct email addresses has been removed. Other information not within the scope of the application has been removed. Also removed is reference to the applicant's health)
DOH-DL 16/17-014-001-1

DOH-DL 16/17-014-001-2

DOH-DL 16/17-014-002

DOH-DL 16/17-015 17/11/2016

The total cost/payment/budget for the Queensland Health media department for the 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 and forecast 2016-17 financial years.

Specifically, the amount of money budgeted for media and communications for Queensland Health as the department, not including individual health boards and hospital services.

Also the number of FTE staff employed for each of the financial years above.

Date range:  01 July 2013 - 17 November 2016.

The Courier-Mail 3 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-015
DOH-DL 16/17-016 17/11/2016

All documents except emails relating to the effectiveness and or performance of the Drug and Alcohol Brief Intervention Team (DABIT) in Queensland hospitals.

Date range:  01 March 2013 - 17 November 2016.

The Courier-Mail 19 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-016
DOH-DL 16/17-017 17/11/2016

All documents relating to training programs and or leadership programs and or strategy sessions and or team building exercises and or professional development opportunities and or work-related conferences specifically related to the Queensland Health media and communications department.

Date range:  30 January 2015 - 17 November 2016.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 16/17-018 22/11/2016

The most recent Patient Safety and Quality Audit of Hospital and Health Services.

Revised scope:

The most recent Patient Safety and Quality Audit of Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Services.

The Australian 21 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-018
DOH-DL 16/17-019 05/12/2016 Documents relevant to the closure or proposed closure of Carrara Health Centre, 45 Chisholm Road, Carrara, QLD 4211.

Date range: 01 July 2014 - 30 April 2016.
Norton White Lawyers No documents found.
DOH-DL 16/17-020 10/01/2017

Documents relating to preventable death cases (SAC 1 cases) at Townsville Hospital broken down to include the date of the incident (month and year), incident details and corrective actions taken or active investigations.

Date range:  01 January 2015 - 31 December 2016.

  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 16/17-021 17/01/2017

Documents since January 1, 2015, relating to:

  1. Ambulance audits - including audits of fleet and/or equipment,
  2. Reports, ministerial/departmental briefing notes and attachments, photos, CCTV/video footage in relation to faulty equipment/vehicles.

Date range:  01 January 2015 - 17 January 2017.

Seven Network 278 pages - full release
(Irrelevant information such as staff and company names has been removed).
DOH-DL 16/17-021
DOH-DL 16/17-022 17/01/2017

Any reports including investigation or incident reports, ministerial/executive briefings and attachments, and correspondence, such as letters and emails, photos/video footage, since January 1, 2015, relating to:

  1. Cancer clusters;
  2. Spates of asbestos-related illnesses.

Date range:  01 January 2015 - 17 January 2017.

Seven Network 29 pages - full release
(Irrelevant information such as minimal personal information, staff mobile and direct phone lines and emails has been removed).
DOH-DL 16/17-022
DOH-DL 16/17-023 19/01/2017

Documents since January 1, 2015, relating to:  Final investigation reports and ministerial/departmental briefing notes and attachments relating to Ambulance officer official misconduct that has been substantiated.

Date range:  01 January 2015 - 19 January 2017.

Seven Network 4 pages - full release
1 page - partial release
(identifiable information has been removed as irrelevant)
DOH-DL 16/17-023
DOH-DL 16/17-024 21/12/2016

Documents regarding the funding of a dTpa vaccine program for parents and carers of infants aged <6 months between August 2009 and June 2012.

Documents requested:

  1. All consent form templates produced for this program and distributed to, and used by hospitals and any other immunisation clinics and/or private clinics, in the administration of this vaccine program between August 2009 and June 2012.
  2. Educational material, such as information sheets or brochures, provided to parents and carers, for the purpose of obtaining their consent to vaccination under this program.
  3. Documents such as briefing papers, ministerial advice, meeting minutes, circulars, directives, memos, and correspondence, pertaining to:
    (1) the initial rationale for approval of this vaccine program prior to August 2009; and
    (2) the rationale for cancellation of this program in June 2012; and

    (3) the evaluation of this program in terms of effectiveness and safety; and includes documents authored by employees/agents of Qld Health, and by parties external to Qld Health and received by Qld Health.

External parties include, but are not limited to, parties employed by, universities, research bodies, federal government departments, agencies and committees, and government departments of other states and territories.

Federal agencies and committee include, but are not limited to, the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, the National Immunisation Committee, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, the Communicable Diseases Network of Australia, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee, the federal Department of Health, the federal Minister for Health.

Date range:  01 January 2009 - 20 December 2012.

Member of the Public 185 pages - full release
(Irrelevant information such as exempt information, plan implementation (including costings, mail out lists, briefing notes, company details and individual Hospital and Health Services specific details), staff and personal information has been removed).
DOH-DL 16/17-024
DOH-DL 16/17-025 16/01/2017

Documents since 1 January 2015, specifically reports, ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, CCTV and photos relating to irukandji incidents, sightings, management and impact.

Date range:  01 January 2015 - 16 January 2017.

Revised scope:

Reports, ministerial/executive briefing notes and attachments, CCTV and photos relating to irukandji (aka jellyfish, stingers, marine envenomations) incidents, sightings, management and impact.

Date range:  01 January 2015 - 16 January 2017.

Seven Network 4 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-025
DOH-DL 16/17-026 24/01/2017

Access to documents produced since 1 January 2015 showing information about:

(a) the number of patients who have received shock treatment and the extent of any such treatment

(b) the number of deaths arising from shock treatment

(c) any report, memo, assessment, analysis of other papers or emails produced in the last two years showing any consideration, assessment, analysis or report on the effectiveness of shock treatment or possible flaws, problems or errors associated with the treatment.

Date range:  01 January 2015 - 24 January 2017.

Seven Network 1 page - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-026
DOH-DL 16/17-027 20/01/2017

Documents, specifically briefing notes and attachments, reports, photos and CCTV relating to newborn baby mix-ups including mothers given the wrong babies for breastfeeding in Queensland hospitals.

Date range:  22 January 2016 - 20 January 2017.

Seven Network No documents found. Release notes attached.
DOH-DL 16/17-027
DOH-DL 16/17-028 25/01/2017

Information relating to hospital billings:

Emergency Department 'did not wait' billings
- How many patients were triaged in the emergency department (ED) but left before being seen by a doctor?
- How much funding did the hospitals receive for patients that were triaged in ED but left before being seen by a doctor?

'Hospital in the home' billings
- How many patients received 'Hospital in the home' services?
- How much funding did the hospitals receive for the provision of 'Hospital in the home' services?

MBS outpatient billings
- How many non-admitted patient care services, were provided in outpatient medical consultation clinics?
- How many non-admitted patient care services, were provided in outpatient medical consultation clinics, that were funded through the Medicare Benefits Schedule? - broken down by item number.
- How much funding did the hospitals receive for services provided to non-admitted patients in outpatient medical consultation clinics - funded through the Medicare Benefits Schedule?

Date range: 01 July 2015 - 30 June 2016.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 7 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-028
DOH-DL 16/17-029 09/02/2017

All documents produced between 1983 and 1990 in relation to demolition works carried out at the Cairns Ambulance Station, including but not limited to all building applications, plans, photographs, consents and any documents referring to the demolition company.

In addition, any document produced between 1983 and the present in relation to the Cairns Ambulance Station that refers to 'asbestos', 'A/C', 'fibro', 'corrugated NC', 'Super Six', 'Deep Six', 'Hardiflex', 'Duraflex', 'Hardiplank', 'Wunderplank', 'compressed A/C', 'fibro pipes' and/or 'A/C pipe', as well as any asbestos registers (if any).

Date range:  01 January 1983 - 03 February 2017.


32 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-029-001.1
DOH-DL 16/17-029-001.2

5 x A1 pages of drawings - full release

DOH-DL 16/17-029-002

DOH-DL 16/17-030 20/02/2017

Documents in relation to the Queensland Health report on the investigation into asbestos-related health concerns due to former asbestos manufacturing factories at Gaythorne and Newstead - November 2015, including:

- Consultation with Victorian Department of Health
- Laboratory reports for air monitoring and bulk sample testing.

Date range:  01 October 2014 - 31 August 2015.

Member of the Public 16 pages - full release
215 pages - partial release

Documents available upon request.
DOH-DL 16/17-031 17/02/2017
  1. Radiology Services Profile 2015-2016
  2. Radiology Services Profile 2014-2015
  3. Radiology Services Profile 2013-2014

Date range:  01 July 2013 - 30 June 2016.

Qscan 149 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-031-001
DOH-DL 16/17-031-002
DOH-DL 16/17-031-003
DOH-DL 16/17-032 24/02/2017

All reports made to the CHRISP HAI surveillance system between January 1, 2016 and January 31, 2017 for the below organisms, with patient identifying information redacted:
- Clostridium difficile
- Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- Vancomycin resistant enterococci
- Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli
- Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter species bloodstream infection.

Date range:  01 January 2016 - 31 January 2017.

The Courier-Mail No documents found.
DOH-DL 16/17-033 01/03/2017 All documents, specifically reports, ministerial briefing notes and attachments and audits, emails received and sent and letters received and sent relating to the Mental Health Review Tribunal or any of its members or staff.

Date range:  01 August 2016 - 28 February 2017.
  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 16/17-034 06/03/2017 The most recent state-wide policy document, briefing paper or similar document, and/or the most recent summary of Hospital and Health Service policies, for the practice of requesting information from patients on their insurance status and, where applicable, seeking to bill their health fund.

Revised scope:

Briefing papers for the practice of requesting information from patients on their insurance status and, where applicable, seeking to bill their health fund.

Date range: 01 January 2016 - 06 March 2017.
The Australian 8 pages - full release
8 pages - partial release
DOH-DL 16/17-034
DOH-DL 16/17-035 22/03/2017

Documents, specifically reports, ministerial/ executive briefings and attachments, photos and CCTV/ video footage, relating to women who have just had babies and have been discharged early. Please include:

1. the timeframes from when they gave birth to the time they were discharged.
2. documents where women with their babies have returned to hospital because of problems with the baby, such as jaundice, dehydration, malnourishment.
3. documents referring to any action to be taken to address issues of early discharges involving mothers who have given birth, such as a taskforce.

Date range:  01 October 2016 - 22 March 2017.

Revised scope:

1. Statistical data for all Hospital and Health Services, including a breakdown for the Metro North, Metro South, Gold Coast Hospital and Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Services, as follows:

a) Number of babies discharged within 6 hours after birth between 01/10/2016 - 31/01/2017
b) Number of babies discharged between 6-12 hours after birth between 01/10/2016 - 31/10/2017
c) Number of babies discharged between 12-24 hours after birth between 01/10/2016 - 31/01/2017
d) For items a-c, number of emergency readmissions to the same facility within 28 days of discharge for problems such as jaundice, dehydration, malnourishment between 01/10/2016 - 31/10/2016
e) For items a-c, number of emergency admissions of babies 28 days or younger to the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital for problems such as jaundice, dehydration, malnourishment 01/10/2016 - 31/01/2017.

2. Any documents, specifically reports, ministerial / executive briefings and attachments, photos and CCTV / video footage, relating to the above, including any correspondence regarding length of stay policies specific to mothers and  their babies, or any action being taken to address issues where discharge was too early, such as a taskforce.

Date range: 01 October 2016 - 22 March 2017.

Seven Network 6 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-035
DOH-DL 16/17-036 22/03/2017 The matters in connection with the failure and collapse of a water storage tank at Sunshine Coast University Hospital in October 2015.
Date range:  01 April 2014 - 28 February 2017.
  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 16/17-037 31/03/2017 Any and all reports and/investigations made to/by Queensland Health about unexpected deaths and or harm related to caesarean sections.

Date range: 01/01/2013 - 31/03/2017
  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 16/17-038 04/04/2017

All documents and correspondence related to the preparation of the report titled "Review of Water Usage Patterns for Rural and Remote Regional Facilities" dated March 2006 - including, but not limited to, documents and correspondence relating to the process of tendering for a wastewater consultant to prepare the above-mentioned report.

SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS SOUGHT - in addition to the general request above, the following specific documents are sought:

1. A copy of the finalised report titled "Review of Water Usage Patterns for Rural and Remote Regional Facilities" dated March 2006, provided to Queensland Health and/or the Minister for Health (Gordon Nuttall at that time). (See attached draft copy which is marked "Without Prejudice Draft -Strictly Confidential");

2. The memorandum dated on or about 25 July 2005 from the Minister for Health (Gordon Nuttall at that time) to the Director-General of Queensland Health (Dr Steve Bucknall at that time), requesting that the Director-General: (a) find $2.1 million within the Queensland Health budget to pay for a wastewater consultant to review wastewater usage in Queensland Health's remote regional facilities; and (b) extend the contract of employment of Mr Geoff Stevenson (then an employee of Queensland Health) by four months.

3. The letter (dated some time in 2005) from Central Queensland University to Queensland Health/the Minister for Health, outlining the reasons for a new water usage system to be implemented in Queensland's remote regional health facilities. (As to the content of that letter, see attached excerpt from the trial transcript of R v Nuttall, which refers to an earlier draft of that letter).

Jackson McDonald Solicitors 518 pages - full release
(Irrelevant information such as mobile phone numbers and personal information has been removed).

Due to the size of the documents, these are available by request.
DOH-DL 16/17-039 11/04/2017 How many pregnancy terminations were conducted involving a foetus with a gestation period of 20 or more weeks between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2016 for multiple hospitals and health facilities.

Date range:  1 January 2016 - 31 December 2016.
NSW Government Official 2 pages - partial release
DOH-DL 16/17-039
DOH-DL 16/17-040 23/05/2017

1. How many patients were admitted to public hospitals through:
a) Emergency department
b) Elective admission
categorised by:
a) Privately insured patients
b) Publicly funded patients.

2. What was the mean and median wait time for elective surgery:
a) by surgical specialty (DRG)
b) by category of elective admission (urgent, semi-urgent, routine)
categorised by:
a) All patients
b) Privately insured patiently only
c) Publicly funded patients only.

Date range: Financial years 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16.

  Decision made. The processing charges were not paid within required timeframe. Documents available upon payment of the processing charges of $360.00. Please contact Privacy and Right to Information Unit on (07) 3082 0546 or email RTI-Privacy@health.qld.gov.au if you wish to access these documents.
DOH-DL 16/17-041 18/04/2017 Office of the Minister for Health

All emails and attachments, sent and/ or received by any member of the Minister's staff and /or the Minister to a personal email account.
Date range:  16 February 2015 - 18 April 2017.

Revised scope:

All emails and attachments sent from the Minister's email account (withheld) to his ministerial account and/or his ministerial staff, between 16 February 2015 to 18 April 2017.

1. Documents subject to parliamentary privilege.
2. Staff mobile phone numbers and direct phone lines.
3. Personal email addtresses - including withheld account.
4. Personal information of the Minister.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition 20 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-041
DOH-DL 16/17-042 20/04/2017 All documents which record communications between the Queensland Department of Health and:

1. Commonwealth Department of Defence
2. Commonwealth Department of Health
3. Environmental Health Standing Committee
4. Australian Health Protection Principal Committee
5. Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council
6. New South Wales Department of Health
7. New South Wales Environment Protection Authority
8. Williamtown Expert Panel
9. National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology
10. 3M (including 3M Australia Pty Ltd)
12. ToxConsult
13. Darling Downs Public Health Unit
14, Queensland Medical Practitioners
15. Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
16. Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

in connection with or relating to the human health implication of the perfluorochemical contamination at Oakey emating from the Oakey Army Aviation Centre (including but not limited to, information for medical practitioners, internal emails, briefing documents, and memorandums created by the Queensland Department of Health in connection with the perfluorochemical contamination at Oakey but excluding any personal information).

Date range: 01 January 2012 - 19 April 2017.
Shine Lawyers772 pages - full release
(Irrelevant information such as personal information, signatures of external parties, select email addresses, and cabinet-in-confidence information has been removed)
DOH-DL 16/17-042-001
DOH-DL 16/17-042-002
DOH-DL 16/17-042-003
DOH-DL 16/17-042-004
DOH-DL 16/17-042-005
DOH-DL 16/17-042-006
DOH-DL 16/17-042-007
DOH-DL 16/17-042-008
DOH-DL 16/17-043 04/05/2017 All records relating to any Pharmacy Change of Ownership Notification Form which include (names removed for privacy reasons) that has been approved, refused or has had conditions imposed upon it, including the application, any communications or records of the Department.

Date range:  01 January 2013 - 28 April 2017.
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia 76 pages - full release
2 pages - partial release
DOH-DL 16/17-043-001
DOH-DL 16/17-043-002
DOH-DL 16/17-044 12/05/2017 The latest statewide financial policy document or similar for the provision of healthcare to foreign nationals, including overseas students (with or without private health insurance), as well as the latest summary document detailing foreign national debts by LHN.

Date range:  01 January 2016 - 12 May 2017.
The Australian

11 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-044

Complete copies of the documents can be found at:





https://www.health.qld.gov.au/system-governance/contact-us/access-info/disclosure-logs/2014-15 (DOH-DL 14/15-023)

DOH-DL 16/17-045 24/04/2017 a) All reports (both draft and final) of review conducted by forensic psychiatrist Professor Paul Mullen into mental health patient (identity removed) and his adequacy of care; and

b) The internal review report by Metro South Hospital and Health Service into its handling of (identity removed); and

c) Emails, memos and briefing notes on both reports between October 31 2016 and April 1 2017.

Date range:  1 October 2016 - 1 April 2017.
Office of the Leader of the Opposition Refused access.
DOH-DL 16/17-046 18/05/2017 A breakdown by product of the total amount spent by public hospitals (or by the Government more broadly) on prostheses in FY2016 and YTD 2017, with a breakdown of units sold and average price by product.

Date range:  01 January 2016 - 18 May 2017.
  Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 16/17-047 24/05/2017 Documents since January 1 2015, specifically briefing notes and attachments, reports, minutes of meetings, photos and internal correspondence relating to children (under 18) being treated for eating disorders and/or obesity.

Age, gender, description of their condition/ illness, hospital they presented to (or region), and year they presented, to be included.

Date range:  01 January 2015 - 24 May 2017.

Revised scope:

Documents, specifically briefing notes and attachments, reports, minutes of meetings, photos and internal correspondence relating to children (under 18) being treated for eating disorders and/or obesity for the period 01/01/2015-24/05/2017.

Please include statistical data for the period 01/07/2014-31/03/2017 broken down by age, gender, description of condition / illness, Hospital and Health Service presented to and year of presentation.
Seven Network 8 pages - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-047
DOH-DL 16/17-048 06/06/2017

Documents, specifically briefing notes and attachments, reports, minutes of meetings and internal correspondence relating to patients undergoing gender reassignment.

The information can be de-identified, but should include age, details of the gender change (i.e. from male to female or vice versa), and year they presented.

Date range:  01 January 2015 - 06 June 2017.

Revised scope:

Documents, specifically briefing notes and attachments, reports, minutes of meetings and internal correspondence relating to patients undergoing gender reassignment.

Statistical data where a patient has a principal diagnosis of  'gender disorder' and has had a procedure which seems to be related to 'gender reassignment'. Gender change details should be provided where the change can accurately be determined (i.e. from male to female or vice versa).

Date range:  01 January 2015 - 06 June 2017.

Seven Network 1 page - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-048
DOH-DL 16/17-049 13/06/2017

Information relating to the making and administration of Public Health Orders in Queensland under the Public Health Act 2005 (Qld) and any associated regulations or other powers.

Specifically, information relating to the:

(A) Public Health Orders made or applied to be made (if application is made for a Magistrate to make an Order) during the years 2004-2015 inclusive including the date made, general nature or requirements, and duration; and
(B) Enforcement activities made or undertaken during the years 2004-2015 inclusive including the number, date and general nature of those activities;
(C) The Resource Manual for Queensland local governments and Queensland Health (currently listed at this link)

Date range:  01 January 2004 - 31 December 2015.

University of Technology Sydney 74 pages - full release
1 page - partial release
DOH-DL 16/17-049
DOH-DL 16/17-049-001
DOH-DL 16/17-050 16/06/2017 Documents regarding the recent appointment of board members to the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Board.

Date range:  01 July 2016 - 16 June 2017.
 Application withdrawn.
DOH-DL 16/17-051 02/06/2017 Statistics in relation to Hamilton Island and other ambulance services in Queensland that have the same area, population and response to callouts. In particular, information as follows:

- Station hours,
- Number of officers,
- Jobs responded to last calendar/ financial year.

For example, information in relation to the above information for town centres such as, Proserpine, Bowen and other island communities in the state such as Russell Island.

Date range: 1 June 2012 - 30 June 2017.
Hamilton Island Enterprises Limited 1 page - full release
DOH-DL 16/17-051

Last updated: 6 January 2017