Centralised email invoicing
Queensland Health now uses a new business, finance and logistics solution. Invoices are now electronically managed using Vendor Invoice Management (VIM). VIM enables all invoices to be received electronically (in PDF format only) and uses optical character recognition technology to read information from the invoice and make it available to the system.
Email addresses
There are now centralised email addresses for Queensland Health invoices.
The majority of invoices should be sent to QHinvoices@health.qld.gov.au, with the exception of:
- Biomedical Technology Services—please send to bts_accounts@health.qld.gov.au
- Central Pharmacy—please send to centralpharmacy_AP@health.qld.gov.au
- Pharmaceutical items and fluids not from Central Pharmacy—please send to the relevant hospital pharmacy department as referenced on the iPharmacy purchase order
- Surgery Connect—please submit invoices directly to the SCAN system
- Dental Vouchers—for more information contact the relevant Hospital and Health Service’s Oral Health Service
- Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS)—for more information visit the PTSS website.
When an invoice is submitted to Queensland Health, VIM will send an email notification to acknowledge receipt and provide vendors with important reference information.
Invoice format requirements
It is important to ensure that invoices being issued to Queensland Health are formatted in line with Submitting invoices.