Queensland Stay On Your Feet® - Step 4A: Review what was done
Step 4A: Review what was done
Reviewing what was done, or process evaluation, examines what is being delivered, how it is being delivered and whether the project/program is being delivered as intended [17, 21, 22, 89, 90]. Reviewing the implementation of your project/program identifies whether it has been effective or ineffective, so you can decide whether the project/program (or parts of it) could be repeated or taken up by others [23, 89, 90, 93]. This can be analysed with individuals, organisations and the community [89, 93].
During your project, you should have collected process information such as:
- the number of meetings held and who attended
- the number and quality of project/program materials [23]
- the use of project/program resources by organisations and communities, compared with their intended use [90]
- the delivery of any training/education packages developed, compared to expected delivery [90]
- the number and type of services delivered to the community by the project/program
- the cost of implementation [91]
- monitoring of the type, quantity and content of media coverage gained eg. press coverage measured in square centimetres, number of aired radio and television advertisements and media news interviews, coverage of transmission (local or statewide)
- the delivery of the project/program within specified timeframes and budgets
- the quality of staff delivery of the project/program [23]
- issues raised throughout the delivery of the project/program
- delivery of all project/program elements and activities as planned [17, 21, 89].
Who knows about the program?
Reach measures the success of your communication strategies by focusing on whether the target group was aware, involved with and retained by your project/program [89]. Reach also measures the number and proportion of individual participants involved in your project/program [89, 90, 93] and may determine if your group is similar to the general population. Information that can quantify your project/program’s reach includes the:
- number of resources distributed [90]
- number of participants who said they received resources [90]
- number of people who participated in the project/program [90]
- reach to those most in need [90]
- percentage of the population reached [93]
- use of the project/program resources by individuals, compared with their intended use [90]
- characteristics of participants and non-participants [89]
- representativeness of the participants in your project/program, compared with demographic profiles of participants of the broader community [90]
- satisfaction of participants and stakeholders [90]
- accessibility and affordability of the project/program and its resources [91]
- identification of what helped people to be involved (enablers) [90]
- identification of what discouraged people from being involved (barriers) [90].
Ready for the next step?Go to Step 4B: Measure impact |