Queensland Stay On Your Feet® - Toolkit Phase 4 Share and Celebrate

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Have we shared our experiences and celebrated?

Share experiencesThe evaluation of your project/program will provide valuable information about which aspects worked and which did not. Sharing project/program experiences is often overlooked and may not be automatically built into project/program plans. This information is important to share with others throughout the project/program and at its completion.

Sharing project/program experiences is greater than just providing the results of your project/program. It is about engaging others throughout to improve the project’s/program’s reach and adoption, and so key stakeholders can adapt their current activities according to results [110].

Throughout the project/program and after its evaluation:

  • disseminate project/program interim and final results
  • share both positive and negative learnings
  • add to the evidence base.

Sharing learnings and results may help to:

  • gain further support for the introduction of successful projects/programs [111]
  • provide support for new similar projects/programs
  • increase the reach, adoption and impact of the project/program and ultimately help to maintain it [111]
  • prevent the waste of finite resources on undertaking similar work in the case of unsuccessful projects/programs [111]
  • provide feedback for future planning [112]
  • boost morale of those involved with the project/program [23].

Share both your positive and negative project/program experiences with a wide range of people, including:

  • participants
  • stakeholders
  • funding bodies
  • other organisations, agencies and/or services
  • government departments
  • health professionals
  • universities and academics
  • the media [113].

Ways to share project/program results and learnings with others include:

  • distributing project/program updates
  • writing newsletter articles
  • holding a forum or public meeting
  • producing an executive summary of the results
  • conducting training or education sessions
  • publishing reports on the website
  • presenting at a conference
  • publishing an article in a peer reviewed journal [111, 113].

You may also like to consider the wide range of internet technologies including web seminars (known as webinars), video streaming, video conferences and power point presentations [110].

For more information on effective ways to communicate with others, visit:

Additional information and power point presentations can be found on the Victorian Government Health Information website.

For Queensland Stay On Your Feet Wide Bay/Burnett trial project results, executive summary and further information, visit: Queensland Stay On Your Feet Wide Bay/Burnett trial project

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Celebrate the positive aspects of the project/program and the contribution of others. Remember, "success breeds success, so when you have a win, be sure to celebrate" [24].

A celebration can be as simple as holding a morning tea to announce a significant project/program achievement and thanking the working group members and key stakeholders for their contributions [23].

The photograph below shows a celebration where Queensland Stay on Your Feet Wide Bay/Burnett Ambassadors were presented with certificates of appreciation in November 2005.

Stay On Your Feet Wide Bay Burnett Ambassadors with appreciation certificated November 2005

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Last updated: 7 August 2012