Queensland Stay On Your Feet® - Step 3C: Communicate progress with stakeholders

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Step 3C: Communicate progress with stakeholders

Throughout the project/program, you will need to share ideas and information, as well as gain feedback from others in the project/program team, key stakeholders and the broader community. You will also be implementing the communication plan you developed in Phase 2.

Communicating wellWhen you are communicating:

  • identify your communication objective (what do you want the receiver to do, think and feel?) [145]
  • know your audience (what do they need to know and how do they like to receive information?) [146]
  • identify what you need to know from them [22]
  • determine what information has the greatest value to help achieve your goals and objectives [146]
  • work out how you will communicate the message with individuals, organisations and the community [22, 146].

You need to communicate on a variety of levels including:

  • intrapersonal (building your own knowledge and understanding) [143, 144]
  • interpersonal (communicating with others eg. project/program team members and stakeholders) [143, 144]
  • small groups eg. recreation, sporting and social groups
  • large groups eg. workplaces [144]
  • mass communication (communicating to the whole community or population) [144].

What is important is not what is best for you, but what is best for the audience. You need to think about who you are communicating with [22]. A lack of communication is often given as a reason why things go wrong [143, 144]. Remember to accept where people are now rather than starting from where you would like them to be.

Communicating well will help to increase and improve the project/program's:

  • reach - the number of individuals who participate [89, 90, 93]
  • adoption - the number of settings, organisations and stakeholders involved [89, 90]
  • implementation - whether implementation has been effective or ineffective [89, 93]
  • sustainability - maintaining the project/program
  • sharing of results, learnings and experiences.

Practical tools such as sample media releases are provided in Phase 3 Tools and templates.

Falls prevention in action

You have now completed Phase 3

After you have implemented your project/program for the desired length of time (months/years), you will need to gather all the information collected during Phase 1 (summarised data), Phase 2 (goals, objectives and planned strategies) and Phase 3 (action undertaken and analysed using process evaluation).

You are now ready to move to Phase 4: Review

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Last updated: 7 August 2012