Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Toolkit Phase 2 - Theory and models
Theory and models
A range of theories and models can be applied to falls prevention initiatives. Key theories and models in the areas of injury prevention, health promotion and change are listed below.
Injury prevention
- E's of injury prevention (Environment, Enforcement and Education) and the Extra E's of injury prevention (Evaluation, Evidence, Engagement, Epidemiology and Economics)
- Haddon's Countermeasures
- Haddon's Matrix
- Safe Communities
Health promotion
- Age Friendly Communities Model
- Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World
- Ecological Model
- Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century
- Nairobi Declaration /Call to Action
- Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
- Social Determinants of Health
- Kotter's Eight Steps of Change
- Stages of Behaviour Change (PDF, 133kB)