Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Toolkit Phase 2

phase 2phase 1 linkphase 2phase 3

Step 2B: Engage stakeholders

You will have already begun liaising with stakeholders in your community as part of your research in Phase 1. During Phase 2 and 3, you will work with stakeholders to plan and implement your program. In Phase 4, you will evaluate your program, share results with the community and decide if the project/program will continue as it is, or whether only certain strategies will be sustained.

The stakeholders for your project/program are your target population, and the organisations, local community and government departments that represent them. You may choose to define the age group of people you are targeting eg. people aged 60 years and over or people aged 65 to 70 years. It is important to remember that older people are not an identical group, as each decade of later life brings significant life stages and changes, and these factors need to be seriously considered when selecting interventions.

Key stakeholders can take on a range of roles in your project/program such as being champions, advocates and partners.

When dealing with stakeholders, consider:

  • how to reach the target group, including those who will benefit most and those most in need [90].
  • the type of language to use (key messages)
  • the readiness of the target group to change their behaviour [26]
  • barriers to behaviour change [26]
  • the type of falls prevention or healthy active ageing activity they are likely to take part in.

Hold a 'getting started' meetingIn Phase 1, you would have identified your stakeholders through a community stocktake survey and other methods. It is now time to hold a 'getting started' meeting with your key stakeholders to start the community-based planning process. At this meeting, you will:

  • share results of the research conducted in Phase 1, latest falls prevention research, other successful falls prevention programs, and existing resources relating to falls risk factors and falls education
  • identify local resources, needs, and gaps relating to addressing the main risk factors for falls in older people. At the meetings
  • discuss the project and ask attendees to make initial decisions about priority areas for the local community.

The outcome should be to achieve group agreement about the planning process, set expectations for stakeholder involvement and determine next steps in addressing the problem of falls prevention [100].

Resources to help you plan your 'getting started' meeting, including a draft program, media release and feedback form, are available in Phase 2 Tools and templates.

Tools and templatesGetting started meetings (draft program, media release and feedback form)
Community engagement
Community engagement techniques

Ready to start?Go to Step 2C: Develop a plan of action

Go to Toptop of page

Last updated: 10 October 2012