Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Toolkit - Nairobi Declaration/Call to Action

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Nairobi Declaration/Call to Action

The World Health Organisation's 7th Global Conference on Health Promotion was held in Nairobi during October 2009. The conference was titled Promoting Health and Development: Closing the implementation gap. The conference acknowledged that there were unprecedented challenges such as financial crisis, climate change and security threats. The outcome of the conference was a Call To Action that identified key strategies and commitments urgently required to close the implementation gap in health and development through health promotion. Six key areas were identified to address:

  1. Health literacy and health promotion
  2. Community empowerment
  3. Health-promoting health systems
  4. Moving forward to equity in health
  5. Building capacity
  6. A primer for mainstreaming health promotion
  7. Mainstreaming health promotion - A practical toolkit

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Last updated: 7 August 2012