Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Toolkit
Phase 1 Purpose and outcomes
During Phase 1, you will find out about the why, when and where of falls at a local level and identify baseline data. At the end of Phase 1, you will have identified all there is to know about falls at a local level and what is already happening to prevent falls. You will have comprehensive local data on the number of falls, existing services, stakeholders, risk factors and community ideas and attitudes about falls. This is valuable for informing planning (Phase 2) and provides a basis for evaluating falls prevention strategies (Phase 4).
Phase 1 Action steps
A. Find out about falls and what is happening to prevent them
B. Identify existing stakeholders and services
C. Assess readiness to take action
Phase 1 Case studies
Read how others have investigated falls prevention in their local community.
Ready to start? Go to Step 1A: Find out about falls and what is happening to prevent them |