Queensland Stay On Your Feet® - Community Good Practice Model

Community Good Practice Toolkit

The Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Toolkit aims to provide anyone who works with older people with easy access to current evidence-based information about falls prevention and healthy active ageing strategies to use in their organisation and local community. The Toolkit will guide you through how to set up and implement an effective falls prevention program using evidence based practical strategies, and how to evaluate its impact and maintain momentum. Initiatives can be undertaken at a community, organisational or individual level, or a combination of all three.

Who is it for?The Toolkit can be used by anyone who works with older people including individuals, community organisations, health professionals, government departments and fitness providers. All members of the community, including individuals, organisations and government departments that work with older people have a role to play to help reduce falls and fall-related injury.

How to use the ToolkitThe Toolkit is based on an evidence-based four phase Community Good Practice Model, and provides practical tools and templates. Action steps for each Phase are listed below. You can choose to work thorugh the action steps of each Phase in order, or go back and forth between the steps.

SOYF Community Good Practice Model diagram

Phase 1: Investigate
A.    Find out about falls and what is happening to prevent them
B.    Identify existing services and stakeholders
C.    Assess readiness to take action

Phase 2: Plan
A.    Prioritise evidence based strategies
B.    Engage stakeholders
C.    Develop a plan to action, and how to measure success
D.    Decide how to communicate

Phase 3: Implement
A.    Test before you act
B.    Implement the plan and monitor progress
C.    Communicate progress

Phase 4: Review
A.    Review what was done
B.    Measure impact
C.    Measure outcomes
D.    Share and celebrate results
E.    Consider next steps

More information on how the Toolkit and Model were developed

Give us your feedback
Queensland Health welcomes your comments about the Toolkit, and the Stay On Your Feet® website in general. We would also like to hear about any falls prevention initiatives you are involved with, and how the Toolkit might have helped you. To provide your feedback, email us.

Ready to start?To start using the Toolkit, go to Phase 1

Last updated: 20 December 2023