Queensland Stay On Your Feet® - Image library


Physical Activity

thumbnail image of older people in a stretching class

thumbnail image of older people doing balance exercises

thumbnail image of older women doing stretching exercises

thumbnail image of older men doing stretching exercises

thumbnail image of older women doing aquarobics

thumbnail image of older women doing aquarobics

thumbnail image of older women doing aquarobics

thumbnail image of older women doing aquarobics

thumbnail image of older people doing line dancing

thumbnail image of older people doing tai chi

thumbnail image of older people doing tai chi

thumbnail image of older people doing tai chi

thumbnail image of older people playing carpet bowls

thumbnail image of older woman playing carpet bowls

thumbnail image of older man playing carpet bowls

thumbnail image of older women playing carpet bowls

thumbnail image of older people doing balance exercises

thumbnail image of older woman walking the dogs

thumbnail image of older women doing yoga

thumbnail image of older women doing yoga

thumbnail image of older women doing yoga

thumbnail image of older women doing yoga

thumbnail image of older women doing yoga

thumbnail image of older women doing yoga

thumbnail image of older man playing tennis

thumbnail image of older man and woman playing tennis

thumbnail image of older woman playing tennis

thumbnail image of older woman playing tennis

thumbnail image of older shopping mall walkers

thumbnail image of older female shopping mall walkers

thumbnail image of older male shopping mall walkers

thumbnail image of older man playing golf

thumbnail image of older man and woman out walking

thumbnail image of older women out walking

thumbnail image of older women out walking

thumbnail image of older man lawn bowling

thumbnail image of older women doing balance exercises

thumbnail image of older women doing balance exercises



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How to save an image

1. Click on the thumbnail of the image you would like to obtain. This will open a larger version of the image.

2. Right click on the image and select the 'Save Picture As' option.

3. Choose your folder destination to save the image and rename the file.

4. Click on 'Save'.

Last updated: 14 July 2022