Queensland Stay On Your Feet® - Image Library



Falls at Home and Home Hazards

thumbnail image of a fall from a ladder at home

thumbnail image of a stairway with contrast strips

thumbnail image of a fall in the garage

thumbnail image of mats as a trip hazard in the home

thumbnail image of removing mats in the home

thumbnail image of a fall in the front garden

thumbnail image of cleaning up a spill in the kitchen

thumbnail image of a fall in the kitchen

thumbnail image of a stairway clear of litter

thumbnail image of a stairway with leaf litter

thumbnail image of doing the dishes

thumbnail image of using the washing machine

thumbnail image of trip hazard in the home hallway

thumbnail image of a well organised bedroom

thumbnail image of doing the vacuuming

thumbnail image of a cluttered living room

thumbnail image of a well organised living room

thumbnail image of a fall in the living room

thumbnail image of a hobless shower

thumbnail image of a shower with a hob

thumbnail image of a dark stairway

thumbnail image of a well lit stairway

thumbnail image of using a stepladder with handrails

thumbnail image of an occupational therapist doing a home assessment

thumbnail image of an occupational therapist fitting bathing aids

thumbnail image of a well organised bedside table

thumbnail image of using proper shoes


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1. Click on the thumbnail of the image you would like to obtain. This will open a larger version of the image.

2. Right click on the image and select the 'Save Picture As' option.

3. Choose your folder destination to save the image and rename the file.

4. Click on 'Save'.

Last updated: 14 July 2022