Queensland Stay On Your Feet® - Image Library


Healthy Active Ageing

thumbnail image of older women doing craft activities

thumbnail image of older women doing craft activities

thumbnail image of older women doing craft activities

thumbnail image of older women doing craft activities

thumbnail image of older woman and cat

thumbnail image of older women and nurse enjoying lunch

thumbnail image of older woman and daughter

thumbnail image of older women with walking frames

thumbnail image of older neighbours talking over the fence

thumbnail image of older disabled man and friends

thumbnail image of older people playing cards

thumbnail image of older people playing cards

thumbnail image of older man house painting

thumbnail image of older man doing minor house repairs

thumbnail image of older man pruning the garden

thumbnail image of older man sweeping in the garden

thumbnail image of older man mowing the lawn

thumbnail image of older man getting into a car

thumbnail image of older man gardening

thumbnail image of older man using a whipper snipper

thumbnail image of older man in the garden

thumbnail image of older women playing carpet

thumbnail image of older women socialising

thumbnail image of older couple enjoying a cup of tea

thumbnail image of older woman knitting

thumbnail image of older woman knitting

thumbnail image of older women doing craft activities

thumbnail image of older women doing craft activities

thumbnail image of older couple using the internet

thumbnail image of older man using the internet

thumbnail image of older woman and librarian

thumbnail image of older people using the local library

thumbnail image of older couple ballroom dancing

thumbnail image of older couple ballroom dancing

thumbnail image of older couple ballroom dancing

thumbnail image of older couple ballroom dancing

thumbnail image of older couple ballroom dancing

thumbnail image of older peoples discussion group

thumbnail image of older man gathering fruit from a tree

thumbnail image of older woman and wheelbarrow

thumbnail image of older woman at a picnic

thumbnail image of older woman at a picnic

thumbnail image of older woman at a picnic

thumbnail image of older woman at a picnic

thumbnail image of older women sharing a picnic lunch

thumbnail image of older people at a picnic

thumbnail image of older people at a picnic

thumbnail image of older people at a picnic

thumbnail image of older fisherman with a fish

thumbnail image of older man gardening

thumbnail image of grandfather mother and child

thumbnail image of grandfather mother and child

thumbnail image of mother and daughter

thumbnail image of older indigenous women

thumbnail image of older indigenous woman knitting

thumbnail image of older indigenous women knitting

thumbnail image of older man doing pottery

thumbnail image of older indigenous woman doing craft activities

thumbnail image of older indigenous woman doing craft activities

thumbnail image of older indigenous women doing pottery

thumbnail image of older indigenous woman doing painting

thumbnail image of older indigenous woman doing pottery

thumbnail image of older indigenous people and artwork

thumbnail image of older indigenous women knitting

thumbnail image of older indigenous man and woman reading

thumbnail image of older man playing darts

thumbnail image of older man and indigenous woman playing darts

thumbnail image of older indigenous woman playing darts

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How to save an image

1. Click on the thumbnail of the image you would like to obtain. This will open a larger version of the image.

2. Right click on the image and select the 'Save Picture As' option.

3. Choose your folder destination to save the image and rename the file.

4. Click on 'Save'.

Last updated: 14 July 2022