Take action - physical activity directory
Keep yourself active - Take action |
If you want simple ways to maintain good health, increase your physical activity and Stay On Your Feet®, you can:
- participate in a healthy active ageing program for seniors
- find local physical activity providers by contacting your local council.
- find out some physical activity options for seniors by visiting other websites.
Once you start exercising and becoming more physically active, you’ll begin to see results in just a few weeks — you’ll feel stronger and more energetic. Whatever your starting point, add new physical activities, review your goals and do the activities more often but don’t push yourself too hard.
Physical activity programs
Some local governments also offer a range of sport and recreation programs and facilities specifically for older residents (usually low cost or free). Some examples include:
- Brisbane City Council's GOLD! program (Growing Old and Living Dangerously!) for people over 50 years
- Get Active Gold Coast - lists community activities for seniors
- Townsville Active and Healthy Seniors
Why not contact your local council to find out what programs they have on offer?
Physical activity links for seniors
- Active Ageing Australia - sharing information on healthy, positive ageing and helping people to make positive choices.
- Active living, National Heart Foundation – offers safe exercise programs for people with lifelong health conditions (eg. heart problems and diabetes, arthritis, lung and chest conditions) and those at risk of disease (eg. high blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight, depression)
- Gardening for seniors, Better Health Channel – information on the physical activity benefits of gardening
- Osteoporosis Australia – tips on how to prevent osteoporosis by maintaining healthy bones through physical activity
- Physical activity, Australian Department of Veterans Affairs – helps seniors achieve sufficient physical activity for good health by building exercise and activity into a daily routine
- Yoga for seniors information is available from the Brisbane City Council
- Victorian Health Department- Well for Life – a program focusing on improving physical activity, nutrition and emotional wellbeing for older people.
- Victorian Health Department – a guide to physical activity for older people and their carers.
- USA National Institute of Aging – information on healthy ageing and regular physical activity, and a detailed exercise guide for older people
- Growing Stronger – Strength Training for Older Adults, Centers for Disease Control (USA) - information about strength training for older individuals covering topics such as safety, preparation, motivation and intensity
- World Health Organization – information about older people and physical activity