Falls research - Queensland Stay On Your Feet
This page contains links for health professionals to international and Australian scientific research relating to falls and falls prevention. For research on risk factors including balance, physical activity, continence, nutrition, footwear, public places and hazards in the home, please see risk factors.
International research
World Health Organisation (WHO)
- Research paper: Reviews of socio-demographic factors related to falls and environmental interventions to prevent falls amongst older people living in the community (2007)
- Research paper: Biological, medical and behavioural risk factors on falls (2007)
- Research paper: How injuries in children and older people can be prevented
- Research paper: Main risk factors for falls amongst older people and what are the most effective interventions to prevent these falls (2004)
- Discussion paper: Growing Older - Staying Well: Ageing and physical activity in everyday life
- Policy statement: Women, ageing and health (2007)
- Policy framework: Active ageing (2002).
Cochrane Collaboration (worldwide database of systematic reviews of the scientific literature)
- Interventions for preventing falls in older people in residential care facilities and hospitals (2009)
- Population-based programmes for the prevention of fall-related injuries in older people (2004)
- Progressive resistance strength training for physical function in older adults (2007)
- Community screening for visual impairment in the elderly (2008)
- More evidence is needed to show whether or not altering the physical home environment by removing potential hazards reduces injuries (2011)
Prevention of Falls Network Earth (ProFaNE)
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, Canada
- Comprehensive nursing best practice guideline for the Prevention of falls and fall injuries in the older adult
Australian research
There are a number of Australian research studies that have used representative samples and may be worth examining. These studies include the Dubbo study by Lord, the Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ALSA) study by Dolinis and the Health Status of Older People (HSOP) study by Kendig, Browning et al.
Australian Government
- National Falls Prevention for Older People Initiative - links to relevant research papers, national strategies and information about community grants and current projects
- Choose Health! - a strategic health promotion plan for veterans, including strategies for physical activity and the management of chronic conditions
- Australian Local Government Association - a website dedicated to planning for an ageing community
- An analysis of research on preventing falls and falls injury in older people: community, residential care and hospital settings (2004)
- The development of evidence based recommendations to support policy and practice, Queensland Health (2007)
- Research by Queensland Falls Injury Prevention Collaborative members
Victorian Government
- Aged Care in Victoria - a guide to relevant services, resources and information about policy, guidelines and legislation
- Seniors Online Victoria - a positive ageing program
New South Wales
- NSW North Coast Area Health Service - information about the Stay Active, Stay Independent (SASI) program, resources and list of physical activity options for seniors
- Safer Streetscapes for Older People: A qualitative falls research project in Wellington, New South Wales - a falls research project undertaken in New South Wales to examine safer public spaces and streets for older people.
South Australia
- Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) (an international collaboration involving nursing, medical and allied health researchers, clinicians, academics and quality managers across 40 countries) - includes current falls prevention research, resources and recommended links.
Western Australia
- Stay On Your Feet® Western Australia - a recognised national leader in preventing falls in older people, this website has resources, client checklists and brochures in large type.