FIPC publications - Queensland Stay On Your Feet®

This section provides information on journal articles, conference presentations, conference posters and other relevant published works by the Falls Injury Prevention Collaborative.

Journal articles

2017Understanding and managing the risk of "head impact" from in-hospital falls: A cross-sectional analysis of data from 166 public hospitalsJournal of Healthcare Risk ManagementSatyan R Chari MSc, Paul Varghese MBBS, FRACP, Rebecca A R Bell PhD, Kate Smith MSc, Terry P Haines PhD
2012Physical activity improves strength, balance and endurance in adults aged 40-65 years: a systematic reviewJournal of PhysiotherapyFerreira ML, Sherrington C, Smith K, Carswell P, Bell R, Bell M, Nascimento DP, Máximo Pereira LS, Vardon P
2010Evaluation of a health service delivery intervention to promote falls prevention in older people across the care continuumJournal of Evaluation in Clinical PracticePeel N, Travers C, Bell R & Smith K
2010Pragmatic, cluster randomized trial of a policy to introduce low-low beds to hospital wards for the prevention of falls and fall injuriesJournal of the American Geriatrics SocietyHaines TP, Bell R & Varghese P
2009Are non-slip socks really 'non-slip'? An analysis of slip resistanceBMC GeriatricsChari S, Haines T, Varghese P & Economidis A
2009System factors and patient falls in emergency departmentsJournal of Emerging NursingChari S & Prentice D
2009Inconsistency in classification and reporting of in-hospital fallsJournal of the American Geriatrics SocietyHaines T, Massey B,  Varghese P, Fleming J & Gray L
2009A break-even analysis of a community rehabilitation falls prevention serviceAustralia New Zealand Journal of Public HealthComans T, Brauer S & Haines T
2009Evaluation of the effect of patient education on rates of falls in older hospital patients: Description of a randomised controlled trialBMC GeriatricsHill A-M, Hill K, Brauer S, Oliver D, Hoffmann T, Beer C, McPhail S & Haines T
2008Documentation of in-hospital falls on incident reports: qualitative investigation of an imperfect processBMC Health Services ResearchHaines T, Cornwell P, Fleming J, Varghese P & Gray L
2007Healthy aging as an intervention to minimize injury from falls among older peopleAnnals of the New York Academy of SciencesPeel N, Bartlett H & McClure R
2006Health-protective behaviours and risk of fall-related hip fractures: a population-based case-control studyAge AgeingPeel N, McClure R & Hendrikz J

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Conference presentations

21 June 2011Promoting Active, Healthy Living and Preventing Falls with the Stay On Your Feet® Initiative2nd Biennial National Falls Prevention Summit Effective and sustainable falls preventionK.Smith
14 - 15 October 2010Preventing Falls and Harm from Falls in Older People: Best Practice Guidelines for Australian Hospitals, Residential Aged Care Facilities and Community Care 2009Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency - Better Practice Conference, Brisbane, AustraliaK.Smith
2 July 2010Queensland Stay On Your Feet® in hospital, aged care and community - progressing healthy active ageing in QueenslandAustralian Catholic University's Research Symposium - Connections in Aged and Community CareK.Smith
30 May -2 June 2010Developing a Healthy Active Ageing Resource for Older Queenslanders19th Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA) National Conference Walking the Talk Together - Partnerships for Health PromotionK. Smith
D. Armstrong
P, Carswell
D, O'Sullivan
2009Evaluation of a Statewide Area Falls Safety Officer Pilot Project9th National Injury Prevention Conference, Melbourne, AustraliaN. Peel
K. Smith
2009Queensland Stay on Your Feet in the community - producing a suite of falls prevention resources9th National Injury Prevention Conference, Melbourne, AustraliaK. Smith
P. Vardon
P. Carswell
July 2009Translate pilot projects into programmatic responses9th National Conference on Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion - Applying the Science: An Integrated ApproachK. Smith
2008Health promotion and population based approaches to falls prevention3rd Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference,  Melbourne, AustraliaR. Bell
P. Vardon
K. Smith
2008Low-low beds for prevention of falls amongst hospital inpatients: a cluster randomised controlled trial with policy research partnership3rd Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference,  Melbourne, AustraliaR. Bell
P. Varghese
T. Haines
A. Barker
2008Evaluation of a Queensland Statewide Falls Safety Officer Pilot Project3rd Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference,  Melbourne, AustraliaN. Peel
T. Travers
L. Gray
P. Cesare
2008Are non-slip socks really non-slip?: An analysis of slip resistanceFalls Injury Prevention Program Annual Falls Forum, Brisbane, Australia.S.Chari

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Conference posters

21-23 November 2010
  • Change falls culture through transformative learning
4th Australian & New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference, Dunedin, New ZealandK.Smith
D. Sachse
 Trial and evaluation of falls tools across the continuum H. Atkins
K. Smith
S. Brauer
K. O'Dwyer
 Building Competent Falls Prevention Teams in Hospital - The Falls Specialist Officer Project A. Black
S. Brauer
R. Bell
T. Haines
 Cross-Continuum Falls and Injury Data: Piecing the Puzzle Together in Queensland A. Black
S. Brauer
R. Bell
July 2009Queensland Stay On Your Feet® in the community - producing a suite of falls prevention resources 9th National Conference on Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion - Applying the Science: An Integrated ApproachK.Smith
P. Vardon
M. Tilse

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Last updated: 18 June 2022