Charters Towers Health Service
A recently completed $3 million upgrade to infrastructure is providing enhanced clinical services to the Charters Towers community. | |
An acute primary care clinic providing outpatient services and ambulatory care to the community. | |
Cardiology and orthopaedic outreach services have commenced to reduce patient travel requirements. | |
Visiting outreach services include endoscopy, respiratory medicine and paediatrics. | |
Community-based staff provide school based health support as well as child health, mental health, community antenatal and postnatal midwifery services. | |
Telehealth services are available, via video-conference, linking patients with specialist services, reducing the need for patient travel. | |
The Charters Towers Health Service can provide financial assistance through the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme to eligible patients who need to travel away to other health services for procedures and tests not available locally. | |
Dental services are available on-site, including school dental services. |
137 - 139 Gill Street
Charters Towers Qld 4820
PO Box 63, Charters Towers QLD 4820
+61 7 4787 0333
+61 7 4787 3255
Office hours
Charters Towers Health Service
Distance to main referring hospital
Townsville University Hospital 134km
Hospital services
24/7 Emergency care
General medical services
Paediatric Services
Allied Health Services
Medical Imaging (X-Ray only)
Speech Pathology
Social Work
Occupational therapy
Audiology (Australian Hearing)
Outreach Services
Cardiac support group
Diabetic education and support group
Community mental health team
A midwifery group practice providing continuity of individualised antenatal and post-natal care by a known midwife to the women of the Charters Towers region
Home and Community Care services (HACC)
Home and Community Care - home help
Visiting specialist services
General surgery
Respiratory medicine
Primary Health and Community Services
Well women's clinic
Mobile breast screen
Child Health
School-based youth health
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
Community and Primary health
Midwifery group practice (antenatal and postnatal)