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Primary Clinical Care Manual 11th edition 2022
The online Primary Clinical Care Manual (PCCM) is the controlled version. Downloaded and hard copies are uncontrolled.
- Full manual (PDF 7405 kB)
- Section 1: Patient assessment and transport (PDF 2047 kB)
- Section 2: Pain, nausea and vomiting (PDF 233 kB)
- Section 3: Emergency (PDF 5379 kB)
- Section 4: General (PDF 1148 kB)
- Section 5: Mental health and alcohol withdrawal (PDF 329 kB)
- Section 6: Obstetrics and neonatal (PDF 3645 kB)
- Section 7: Sexual and reproductive health (PDF 650 kB)
- Section 8: Paediatrics (PDF 1239 kB)
- Section 9: Immunisations (PDF 181 kB)
- Section 10: Appendices (PDF 605 kB)
- Anaphylaxis flowchart (PDF 41 kB)
- Criteria for early notification of trauma for interfacility transfer (PDF 52 kB)
- Abbreviations and acronyms (PDF 161 kB)
- References (PDF 648 kB)