Apply for information under the Public Health Act 2005

Find out how to apply for information held by Queensland Health or a hospital or health service for research purposes.

Before completing your application, we recommend you read information about applying.

Completing your application

Your PHA application form (DOCX 564 kB) must be filled in properly and include the correct information. It must also include the correct approvals and signatures.

This is the document the Director General or their delegate will use to decide whether or not to give you the information.

Step 1. Contact the data custodian

We recommend you contact the data custodian (PDF 216 kB) before you apply for ethics approval as they may have specific local requirements that you need to meet. These may also need to be mentioned in your research protocol.

You’ll also need to make sure:

  • the information you need is available and can be given to researchers
  • the data custodians have resources to provide the information when it’s needed
  • you know if there will be any fees that may be charged, in line with Queensland Health’s policy of reasonable costs of giving the information.

Step 2. Apply for Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) approval

Your research project must have approval from a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) before you can apply for information under the Public Health Act 2005 (the Act).

You must provide a copy of the HREC approval with your application, and approval of any subsequent amendments. HREC approval must be maintained for the length of your project.

The description of your project must be the same in both your PHA application form and your approved HREC application.

  • If you change to another HREC after you’ve submitted your PHA application, you must submit all the documents given and approved by the new HREC. This is to ensure both applications are the same.

Find out how to apply for HREC approval and which committee you should apply through.

Step 3. Get data custodian authorisation

Each data custodian must review and sign your application form before you submit it. The PHA application must be submitted within 12 months of the earliest dated data custodian signature.

Find out which data custodians (PDF 216 kB) you’ll need for your project.

Please note:

  • heads of departments aren’t necessarily data custodians
  • letters of support for site specific applications (SSA) aren’t accepted as data custodian approvals
  • all patient pathology information must be approved by the Pathology Queensland data custodian, regardless of where it comes from - for example, the integrated electronic Medical Record (ieMR).

Step 4. Submit your application

Before you submit your application, make sure it:

  • has been signed and dated by each data custodian in section 6 of your application form
  • has been signed by the coordinating principal investigator or principal investigator giving the Undertaking of Confidentiality in section 10 of your application form
  • includes evidence of HREC approval
  • any HREC amendment approvals.

Please note:

  • your applications must be typed – we don’t accept handwritten applications
  • you must define all acronyms the first time you use them.

Submit your application, along with supporting documentation to

After you’ve submitted your application

The Director General of Queensland Health or their delegate will decide whether or not to approve your application. They may also request more information before they make a decision.

If your application is granted

If your application is granted, it will include how long the approval is for. It may also include specific conditions and why these are necessary. Your application will then be entered into the PHA register.

If your application is refused

If your application is refused, you’ll be told why. You may then consider whether to amend your research project.

Next steps

If your application is approved, you must submit a progress report (DOC 457 kB) every 12 months, and a final report when your research is completed (DOC 457 kB).

Last updated: 27 June 2024