Contact our research office
How you contact us depends on the type of enquiry you have.
General enquiries
If you have general enquiries about research, email
You can also contact us at the following address:
GPO Box 48
Brisbane Qld 4001
Research Ethics and Governance
If you have questions about research ethics and governance, email or call 07 3082 0629.
Ethical Review Manager (ERM)
If you need support using Ethical Review Manager (ERM), email or call 07 3082 0629.
You can also check out the ERM help and frequently asked questions on the QLD ERM website.
Clinical Trials
If you have questions about clinical trials, email or call 07 3708 5087.
If you’d like to find out about doing a clinical trial with a particular hospital and health service (HHS), you should contact the HHS directly. Find out about our HHSs.
Read our Clinical Trials Strategic Action Plan (PDF 278 kB).
If you have questions about using telehealth for your research project or want to set up a primary or satellite site in Queensland, contact Queensland Regional Clinical Trial Coordinating Centre (QRCCC) at or call 07 4433 5411.
If you have questions about the Australian Teletrial Program or have general queries about teletrials, email or call 07 3708 5031.
If you have questions about the feasibility of your proposed research, email or call 07 3708 5087.
Fellowships and grants
If you have questions about research fellowships and grants, email or call 07 3708 5088.
Intellectual property
If you have questions about intellectual property in relation to research, email or call 07 3708 5069.
Public Health Act 2005
If you have questions about the Public Health Act 2005 in relation to research, email or call 07 3708 5073.
International Engagement and Collaboration
If you’re an international researcher and have questions about engagement and collaboration, email or call 07 3708 5080.