Special topics
This page includes a range of visualisations on special topics. They may contain new information or more detailed information that expands on findings presented elsewhere. It will be updated as new visualisations are developed. The following visualisations are available:
Physical activity of Queensland children 2017
In 2017, parents from 2,518 randomly selected households participated in a telephone survey conducted by Queensland Health about how physically active their child was at school, in organised sport, using active transport and in their free time. This information was used to calculate average hours per week (AHPW) of physical activity and the percentage of children participating in each activity for each setting.
Results are available for total activity by setting, organised sport (club and school), and active transport. Information is available by characteristics such as age, socioeconomic status, and remoteness.
Weight loss and obesity 2014
Overall, 55% of Queensland adults believe they would be healthier if they lost weight. Among adults that are overweight or obese, this increases to over 75%. Most adults (70%) want to lose 10 kg or less. Eleven per cent of Queensland adult would like to lose more than 20 kg.
Losing weight, and keeping it off, can be challenging. But, even losing smaller amounts of weight can have significant benefits—both for individuals and for the wider health system.
This visualisation demonstrates how small steps toward weight loss goals can lead to important health improvements across the entire population. Use the ‘Percentage of desired weight loss’ to see how the number of obese Queenslanders decreases when those who want to lose weight achieve 10%, 20% or up to 100% of their desired goal.
See page 80 of the 2016 Report of the Chief Health Officer for more information.
How to use
Use the slider to select the percentage of people who achieve their weight loss goals. You can filter the population group by all persons, male or female:
- vertical axis: The percentage of the population with a BMI from the horizontal axis
- horizontal axis: Body Mass Index (BMI)
- distribution: The blue area represents the current BMI distribution of the population (no weight is lost). The green area represents the BMI distribution that would result if people achieved that weight loss.
The Methods for reporting health status report provides definitions and further information on data sources and analysis.